karin bishop's blog

Kindle News for Authors and Readers

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This concerns revisions and downloads. I just discovered that the copy of Reclamation that was offered in a 5-day free promotion is an older version. I updated all of my books in June of this year; all of the "Look Inside!" previews reflected that--yet the older version was sent out. Amazon is looking into it with me (several emails back and forth), because they're potentially liable if the book downloaded is not the book previewed!

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Free Books by Karin Bishop

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Last week I announced that two of my Kindle eBooks will be available for free downloads; they're available tomorrow, Friday and Saturday! Many of you have been kind and purchased these already, but newcomers may find them a free introduction to my writing, as well as my stories here on BCTS.

Role of a Lifetime is about a middle-school boy who is cast in a TV pilot, where he must play the son of a family on the run, but disguised as a girl. And things happen ...

It will be available for free Friday and Saturday, September 13-14.

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New Story, Free Books

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I've just poked my head out of the ground to start a new multi-part story, Pirates. I've been concentrating on writing novels (not always with TG themes) and other matters. I'd like to announce that two of my Kindle eBooks will be available for free downloads next week. Many of you have been kind and purchased these already, but newcomers may find them an introduction to my writing.

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No Different Flesh

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I’m saddened by how few people know the writing of Zenna Henderson. Her books and stories were a combination of non-technical sci-fi, psychic powers like magic, deep spirituality and strong emotional resonance. Although she did not write TG fiction, she wrote often of what it feels like to be the outsider, to be miserably alone and then to find a community of people like yourself. For that reason she may be of interest to BCTS readers.

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Plea for Reviews, Please!

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Now that many of you have new Kindles and Nooks, ereaders, tablets, and other goodies, please support your BCTS authors. Tanya Allan, Nancy Cole, K.T. Leone, and others have very fine ebooks available. Some have been on BCTS but others are great stories only available in the ebook edition.

By support, I mean review. Give stars (lots of 'em!). If you enjoyed the writing, let the author and the world know; it'll take two minutes and we'll all be grateful for your response. Amazon has an arcane algorithm for tracking books and every four-and-five star review helps the author.

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Karin Bishop interview finally posted!

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Last week I posted that "Bending the Bookshelf" (http://bibrary.blogspot.com) would feature an interview of sorts, a "Guest Post", culled from some correspondence back and forth between the editors and myself. It has appeared today, Wednesday the 19th. It's a compilation of some Q&A from my emails and is followed by a brief listing of my current books, with little explanations. Some of them should be familiar to BCTS readers. I only hope that I don't sound like an egotistical goof or pompous windbag–or no more than usual!

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Karin Bishop interview on Bending the Bookshelf

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My book "Fool Moon" received a review from "Bending the Bookshelf" (http://bibrary.blogspot.com/2012/06/review-fool-moon-by-kari...) in June. There was some correspondence back and forth and apparently this Monday, September 17th, I'm having an interview, of sorts, to be posted on the main site (http://bibrary.blogspot.com/). It's a compilation of some Q&A from my emails and I can only hope I don't sound like an egotistical goof.

Well, no more than usual ...


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Intersex and A.I.S. documentary for non-Australians

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The documentary blogged below, "Orchids: My Intersex Adventure" is not available for streaming outside of Australia, as many have found out. The US cable channel Showtime will be showing it September 17th and 30th, according to their site:


And go to the filmmaker's website for full information about the movie and a trailer that does play outside of Down Under:



Hmm ... "Outside of Down Under" ...story title?

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How Girls and Women Really Speak (with link, below)

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Like many BCTS authors, I work hardest at making my characters' dialogue sound real and unique to each character. Sometimes readers call me on the carpet, the usual complaint being that "real people don't talk that way". I believe they do; I constantly eavesdrop --especially at malls and schools--and listen critically to the word-choice and sentence structure and the general flow of real people speaking.

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New Karin Bishop ebook!

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Solutions is my new ebook, available at Amazon for Kindle (they should have it ready to go in a few hours), and at Smashwords for all formats. Here’s the information:

Charlie has a problem–he’s trying to be like his father Chuck, a sexist cheat.
Charlie’s father has a problem–he can’t wait to dump the kid so he can take off with his new honey.
Charlie’s mother, Carol, has a problem–her husband Chuck.
Charlie’s grandmother, Gram, has a problem–Chuck has dumped Charlie on her farm for the summer.

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Lulu sale on books until Friday the 13th

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Lulu.com has a site-wide sale--18% off until Friday the 13th. Strange percentage, but what the heck--just a chance to save on BCTS authors' books!


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New Karin Bishop ebooks

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Desperate Measures should be available the 4th of July at Amazon in a Kindle version, and is available now at Smashwords in all formats. And will be trickling out to Barnes & Noble, iBookstore, Kobo, Sony Reader.

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Karin Bishop BCTS stories as ebooks

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Some readers of my stories on BCTS have asked that they be converted to ebook formats for Kindle, iPads, and so on. I'm touched that they like the stories so much that they want permanent copies on their ereaders!

My plan was to price them at the minimum, 99 cents, since you've read them already. However, Amazon will only the minimum price to be $2.99, but all

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"Fool Moon" Reviewed and Revised

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My ebook "Fool Moon" has just been reviewed at Bibrary.com as well as three 5-star reviews at Amazon! Coincidentally, at the same time it was reviewed, I was already doing a fine-tuning on the book that answered some readers' questions, and the New and Improved is now available, as all my ebooks are, at Amazon, Lulu, and Smashwords, as well as mostly available at Barnes Noble and iBookstore.

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"You're Too Young To Know ..."

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Last night on TV, Dancing With The Stars featured a young ballerina. Born in dire circumstances in Sierra Leone, West Africa, she was adopted and arrived in the US, diseased and scarred by her young life. But she wanted to become a dancer, her mother said. The girl has trained all of her life and eventually received a scholarship to the American Ballet Theatre and there she was, dancing on national television.

Did her parents tell her, “You’re too young to know that you want to be a dancer”?

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Karin Bishop's "Role Of A Lifetime" on Kindle

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My new book, "Role Of A Lifetime", should be available at Amazon in the next few hours. They've assured me the glitches I saw in the preview aren't there, so I have to trust them.

And trust you! For those of you who commented and wrote me that you prefer Kindle versions, please let me know if your copy is okay. If you've read my other books, you have them for comparison, for formatting, table of contents, and so on. The general look of the thing. If there's anything amiss, I'll fix it.

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New Karin Bishop Book! Role Of A Lifetime

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There is a new Karin Bishop book: "Role Of A Lifetime"

It's available now in all formats at Smashwords here (some folks have complained about Smashwords being tough to navigate):

Having a little difficulty with the Amazon Kindle version, but should have things ironed out there in a day or two. In the meanwhile, Kindle versions are available at Smashwords, as well as EPUB, PDF, and other formats. And it's only $4.99!

Here's the synopsis:

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Karin Bishop Book Sale

For the month of April, all of my books are at Smashwords.com, in most ereader formats including EPUB, Kindle, Nook, iPad, and others. And they're reduced! The "On The Road-Again" series is $2.99 per book, and the other books are $4.99. While it lasts!

You'll have to turn off the "Adult Filter", or search by title:
Fashion Class
Fool Moon
I Should Have Known
The Haight
The XY Axis
On The Road-Again: Parts One through Four

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Free Karin Bishop Book!

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My book, "The Haight" will be available for free downloads (for Kindle) starting tomorrow, Tuesday the 27th, through Saturday the 31st.

Here's the Amazon blurb:

San Francisco’s famous Haight-Ashbury, 1967: Grace Mackenzie, RN, deals with the flood of patients brought to the Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic during The Summer of Love. She’s a veteran of life in the Haight, living with several women and FreeBear, their landlord and lover, until that life is shaken by a bleeding young boy appearing in the clinic.

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Reclamation now on Lulu!

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My book "Reclamation" is now available as an EPUB on Lulu! For the last few months it's been in Amazon's "Kindle Select" program and therefore exclusive to Amazon. It's sold well and gotten 4.5 stars so far (fingers crossed) and now it's part of the Lulu distribution so will be at the iBookstore for Apple folks, Barnes Noble for Nook folks, and Lulu for everyone else.


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Lulu Sale: Buy 3, get the 4th book free through March 15th!

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Lulu is having a sale--the headline says it all. Through March 15th--that's this Thursday!--buy three books and get a fourth free. The code is "FOURLEAF".

This is also a shameless plug for my "On the Road-Again" series of, ahem, four books ...


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Free Karin Bishop Book

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My eBook, "Reclamation", is available only on Amazon as part of their "Kindle Select" program. I am going to try a free promotion--excuse me: FREE promotion!!!--and so "Reclamation" will be available to download for free (Kindle only!) from March 7th through 10th. That's THIS Wednesday through Saturday.

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You Must Remember This: "Forceful" and Memories

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For anybody interested in the nature of memory, and especially for those with traumatic memories, there is an amazing article in the March 2012 issue of Wired magazine. Entitled, “The Forgetting Pill Erases Painful Memories Forever”, it tells of research into a memory-specific eraser, of sorts. But even more fascinating are recent discoveries in memory research: That any memory–even those associated with trauma resulting in PTSD–is not fixed and immutable. Memories are not solid, unchangeable fact.

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About my story "Our State Fair"

Folks who've read my recent story "Our State Fair" may be interested in some of the background information that I, uh, fictionalized. As one commenter on my story has noted, a uterine transplant was apparently performed in Turkey last year. The medical communities of several countries are, in fact, vying to be the first to perform viable uterine transplants; I thought I'd make it easy on them by having the transplant occur between siblings. But now let's talk about food ...

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