I was already to have an editor take a look at Desert Princess 3 this week and when I went looking for it, it was gone! I simply can not understand what happened to it, though there may be some chance of getting it back when I go back to Portland and hook up to my external Hard Drive.
Looking back, I feel real embarrassment at having done this because I have seldom ever had anything like this happen and when it has happened to a few of the other authors on this site, my replies have been relatively blithe and not that sympathetic. It wasn't that I did not feel bad for them, but that I had not actually felt the depth of loss yet.
So, I am feeling much humbled and contrite. If I ever fail to fully accnowlege the pain of another on this site again...um, well, I will try not to do that.
Many blessings
So your dog
Didn't actually eat your homework at all, did it?
There is probably a corner of space where a plethora of works by all sorts of people resides. No-one knows where it is and if they did, no-one would know how to get there...
I had a similar thing happen to me when I was at college, so you have my sympathies, Gwen.
In those days, hard drives were measured in megs not gigs and I was proud to say that my Dell 486 DX was the biggest.
"127 meg. Wow! That's huge," said a friend and generally everyone agreed that there was no way I could fill all that up.
However, fill it I did and someone else suggested doublespace.
This was a program that compressed the contents of the hard drive, which, following precise instructions, I installed. It zipped everything up and made it completely inaccessible to anyone or anything.
I spent the next day feeding over 100 floppy disks into my PC, backing up from a friends PC.
Somewhere in space and time, your work has gone to join the rather meagre contents of my old hard drive and the latest story by Joanne Barbarella...
I don't just look it, I really AM that bad...
some undisclosed place in space...
Now you have me worried...
Sorry about your "homework" Gwen... Been there done that. Never did find it...
Nick, I'm not certain now if I would WANT to find that place where everyone's stuff goes...
First it would be a real mess (cosmic junkpile) to sort through;
and Second... How do I get back once I'm there???
God Bless You All...
Have Sympathy Gwen
Having lost more than 6000 words recently I can sympathise with you too. Reconstructing them is a real bummer,
Have Sympathy Gwen
Having lost more than 6000 words recently I can sympathise with you too. Reconstructing them is a real bummer,
Is that the reason ...
... you double posted, Joanne? LOL. I suppose it is a possible technique to avoid loss of data :)
Gwen, is there a chance you saved it under a different name? Have you tried using the 'search' function on your PC? You could also have inadvertently saved it in an unusual directory. Just a couple of thoughts.
Double Or Nothing
Seems to be the way things go for me lately, Geoff. I hope I didn't leave any apostrophes out, or (gasp) commas,