Non responsive Diabetes.

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Well, just found out why I have been feeling so awful for a couple years. I have a type of Diabetes that does not respond to Insulin.

They are putting me in a study group to figure this out. One of the main side effects is muscle wasting and loss of control. I hope this moves pretty fast. The idea of laying around and getting bed sores is repulsive.

Cheers people.

And, I got my lappy back.



Get control of your diet.

There is still the chance you can control you blood sugar with diet alone, by what you eat and drink.

This just means there is no margin for error.

You have to be fanatical about this, and check you blood sugar a lot. Also, writing down what you eat and drink, along with you blood sugar levels to find that that proper dietary balance.

Diabetes Diet

Well, I don't eat sugar but sparingly, cakes, pies, or carbonated beverages. There is a lot of work to do though

You also should not drink wine or... Vodka is OK, BTW. But in reasonable amounts.
I've know one guy with similar health problem. His was aggravated by appearing when he was around 15 years old. Yes, extremely strict diet is annoying, but it is better than bed sores.
Good luck! And hope your health will improve!
And I'm counting on reading your new stories for the next 30 years at the least! Don't disappoint your readers!

It is not just sugar.

It is not just being careful what sugar you eat, it is all the foods and drinks you consume.

Some foods will naturally break down sugar to a degree. But, you have figure out what works for you.

You have to find a balanced diet, that you can eat and drink, that can be used to control your blood sugar.

It can be done. Though, it is just difficult.

You just have to stay on top of it.

Cooking Scratch

There are no processed foods in my diet. I do struggle to get enough green leafy vegetables. I seldom eat Potatoes, and almost never eat fast food. Never pork, beef sparingly, and some chicken. I drink mostly water. Sometimes high pulp Orange juice. One cup of weak coffee daily to help clear my Agent Orange lungs.

Undoubtedly, the clinic will educate me on diet. I wonder if I will need the blood sugar analysis machine?

I've been such an energetic person, and it would be easier to die now than to continue if improvement can not be made. I loved hiking, biking, sailing and other things.

That is a good start.

Undoubtedly, the clinic will educate me on diet. I wonder if I will need the blood sugar analysis machine?

What you are doing is a great start. But, you need that blood sugar analysis machine, so you can know what works, and what doesn't, hour by hour. And they are no that exspensive.

There is also pen shaped pricking needle tools, that will prick you fingers, with you barely feeling it.

Just prick you fingers on their sides, and use the blood test-strips.

I was a size 6-8

In my working life, I was around 145lbs. Now I have ballooned to 185lbs and just hate it. It would be nice to get down to <150 again.

I wonder how much my XXY non-Kleinfelters has to do with this?

Don't worry about your weight.

A 185 pounds is still a manageable weight. If you can keep it there, then you are likely doing better than you realize.

Blood test

If you have an Agent Orange disability through the VA, 100% of your medical should be covered. Mine gave me a CPAP machine for free. I'm not diabetic but, if I were, the testing device and test strips would be provided free, too. Just check with your Primary Care Physician and s/he should be able to just submit a request and you'll get it.

My primary disability is Ischemic Heart Disease but my secondary COPD and Sleep Apnea meant they had to give me the CPAP. Minimum Agent Orange disability is 60% and anything over 50% gives you 100% medical coverage, including medications.

That blood tester should be used at least three times per day. In your case, they'll probably say four to five times per day until you have your diet under control. Control your sugar intake, keep carbs to a minimum and check often until the sugar count levels off where the doctors want it to be.


Interconnected Health issues.

In talking to the folk doing this study group, reading the replies of some of the posters, and looking at my own medical history, it is clear that some of the treatment borders on pure neglect. I hope that this study will improve things.

It seems that the Auto-immune disease, Psoriasis, Depression, weakness and exhaustion, and the loss of balance and coordination, are treatable and hopefully reversible.

In the summer of 2012 I hiked with some difficulty at 8,000 feet, for several miles. Sunday last, I hiked about 300 yards at 4000 feet and had to stop to rest several times. So this loss of physical ability is shocking to me. I hope that the Doctors can guide me to a remedy.