Adventures in BC Chat Gaming: RISUS Ghostbusters Part 2

Adventures in BC Chat Gaming
RISUS Ghostbusters: Part 2 of ?

GMed by Melanie E., with the gameplay talents of Doc (Greeneggs667,) Stardraigh, Fiona, 0xNaomi, and Dorothy Colleen

After the lukewarm reception of our last game log I considered not sharing this one, but then I thought what the hey. So, more RISUS Ghostbusters adventures!

This time around the menagerie includes magenta ferrets, ex chihuahuas, and even secret agent frogs! What could our noble (or at least generally well-meaning) ghostbust-ettes be in for now?!


The cast:

Doc is Raging_Cajun:
Paranormal Investigation 2
pilot 3
french trained chef 2

Stardraigh is Sappho Mimay:
Paranormal Investigator: 3
Bottlecap Collector: 2
Looking Good: 2

Fiona (previously miscredited) is Serena_Gear_Solid:
Paranormal Investigator 2
Sword Swallowing 3
Swimming 2

Naomi is Mimi
Para Investigatorying 2
Well-Timed Speaking 2
Disappearing Into Background 3

And Dorothy is Mary Sue
Paranormal investigator 2
Fashion consultant 2
Therapist 3

And I am bosslady, the GM deciding what goes on.

RISUS is a d6 based, very simple RPG designed mostly so that people who want to play games and get drunk at the same time can do so without complicated rules getting in the way. For us, it simply amounted to one heckuva good time. Typos, ramblings, and other weirdness left in for posteriority, as it were.


[18:06] Ghanna> that "ghostbusters thing sounded fun
[18:06] Agra> Well, like I said, I got Ideas. Sas? You wanna try something?
[18:06] Star> We can do another flashback
[18:06] Star> Or Risus.
[18:06] Agra> I'd do Ghostbusters for y'all. Or a flashback.
[18:07] Star> Although I've got nothing for a flashback type thing. I'd need a few hours to come up with something.
[18:07] Ghanna> yay! I aint afraid of no ghosts!
[18:07] Ghanna> giggles
[18:07] Agra> Either/or.
[18:07] Agra> I've got a flashback concept. Or we could add another Ghostbuster.
[18:07] Sas> I really NEED Saph to do my thing in this universe
[18:08] Agra> So that would be a "Ghostbuster" vote then.
[18:08] Sas> I vote for Ghostbusters.
[18:08] Agra> You okay with me, umm... taking your thread again, Star? *blushes*
[18:08] Star> Ghostbuster is Risus right?
[18:09] Star> I'm totally okay with it
[18:09] Agra> Yep!
[18:09] Agra> Okay, then, Ghostbusters is what it looks like!
[18:09] == Star has changed nick to Sappho
[18:09] Agra> (link for the character log document, removed for safety)
[18:10] Agra> There's the characters from last time.
[18:10] Sappho> Can we change our skills from last time... mainly because I don't remember what mine were
[18:10] Ghanna> you'll have to make a character for me
[18:10] OxNaomi> If it's not a dnd where I can murder everyone, can I (try to) hop in?
[18:10] Agra> Quick rundown for the newcomers! RISUS is a d6 based system. Your character can be anything you want whatsoever, though let's assume human for the sake of being Ghostbusters.
[18:10] Ghanna> but otherwise I'm in
[18:10] == Sas has changed nick to RC
[18:10] Ghanna> giggles
[18:11] Agra> Absolutely, Mimi! Both you and Ghanna can create characters, it's a snap!
[18:11] == OxNaomi has changed nick to Mimi
[18:11] == Agra has changed nick to bosslady
[18:11] == Ghanna has changed nick to Mary_Sue
[18:11] bosslady> Your character has three skills. One of them is paranormal investigator: the other two are whatever the heck you want 'em to be.
[18:11] Mary_Sue> lol
[18:12] bosslady> And you have 7 points to distribute between those 3 skills, however you wat.
[18:12] * RC zooms the quadcoppter over head
[18:12] Mimi> That it?
[18:12] bosslady> Whenever you make a skill check, you roll a number of 6-sided die equal to your score in that skill and add 'em together.
[18:12] Sappho> I wish to change one of my skills
[18:12] bosslady> That's it.
[18:12] RC> It lands & does a whooop whooop sound
[18:12] bosslady> 'Kay, Star. Do it.
[18:13] bosslady> Any other skill adjustments? RC? Serena?
[18:13] Saphira_work> Sorry guys for letting you dow again :( I really really hate to, but...
[18:13] Saphira_work> *sigh*
[18:13] bosslady> Mimi, add your character to the list too. RISUS isn't about seriousness: it's about fun.
[18:13] Mary_Sue> huggles, Saphira
[18:13] Mimi> Already on it
[18:14] bosslady> 'Zokay Saphira. We'll miss you though!
[18:14] Serena> Genetic Manipulation and Cybernetics.
[18:14] * RC huggles Saphira
[18:14] bosslady> I'll post the Ghostbusters log to BC like last time: you can see what we were up to then :P
[18:14] Mary_Sue> So paranormal investigator, fashion consultant, and therapist
[18:14] Mary_Sue> grins
[18:14] * Sappho still loves Saphira_work. Huggles
[18:14] bosslady> Love the skills Mimi!
[18:15] * Saphira_work eyes the chocolate pudding and decides to eat some after work is done
[18:15] bosslady> Mary Mary Sue, where are you?
[18:15] Mimi> Paranormal Investagatorying, Well-Timed Speaking and Disappearing into the Background. For all your Ghost Surveillance and Convincing needs!
[18:15] Mary_Sue> I am here!
[18:15] bosslady> Add yerself to the character list then!
[18:15] Mary_Sue> how do I do that?
[18:15] bosslady> What kinda Ghostbuster will YOU be?
[18:15] bosslady> Type words
[18:15] bosslady> And numbers
[18:16] bosslady> The link I posted earlier has the other chars listed as well as lots of random items they thought were important to keep track of
[18:16] bosslady> Just click it and add a character!
[18:16] Mary_Sue> dont see the link please repost
[18:17] bosslady> (second link to character sheet log, also removed)
[18:17] Mimi> Make sure to remove public edit links from logs =P
[18:18] bosslady> OOooh, fancy!
[18:18] Mary_Sue> giggles
[18:18] bosslady> This part won't be shared, promise!
[18:18] bosslady> Alright! Now, where are my dice...
[18:18] Mimi> I'm a lazy person, is open
[18:19] bosslady> Mary, since you're a fashion consultant, it's up to YOU to redesign the uniforms!
[18:19] * Mimi cowers in fear
[18:19] Mary_Sue> pink!
[18:19] * RC needs more gas for the El Co
[18:19] bosslady> Anyone have a problem with pink jumpsuits?
[18:20] Mimi> I would, but then again I'm not here because I have any other job...
[18:20] bosslady> Alright! This game is getting started in 3....
[18:20] bosslady> 2....
[18:20] * RC tosses hot pink lippy & nail polish to the girls
[18:20] Mary_Sue> grins
[18:20] Mary_Sue> yay!
[18:20] bosslady> 1....
[18:21] bosslady> Welcome, yet again, to a brand-spanking-new session of RISUS Ghostbusters!
[18:21] Saphira_work> yay!
[18:21] Serena> yay!
[18:21] * Mimi is already questioning their job choice
[18:21] * RC Whooops
[18:21] bosslady> When we last left our intrepid heroines, they had just defeated the evil carnivorous toilet of Harriet the Harried Harridan and acquired 3 thousand dollars and a cooler full of coronas!
[18:22] RC> (um That was 300$, I thhnik)
[18:22] Mimi> (List says $300 check)
[18:22] bosslady> That was a week ago! The beer, naturally, attracted hangers-on, two of which have inexplicably never left. Girls! Introduce yerselves!
[18:22] bosslady> 300, 3k, whatever.
[18:22] bosslady> *shrug*
[18:22] bosslady> The bank was bad at math. You got 3k.
[18:22] Mary_Sue> hi hi!
[18:23] Mary_Sue> I'm Mary Sue!
[18:23] * Mary_Sue giggles
[18:23] Mimi> I show up and the pay is already tenfold? Sweet!
[18:23] Mimi> Hai, I'm Mimikins. Mimi for convenience.
[18:23] bosslady> Mimi, roll your disappearing into background skill
[18:24] Mimi> 5+6+4=15
[18:24] Mimi> (Is there a set value for success/fail?)
[18:24] bosslady> You were there the first time 'round too, just nobody noticed ya.
[18:24] bosslady> The success/fail value is whatever I arbitrarily decide it is.
[18:25] * RC flies the quadcoper around the garage, swooping here & there
[18:25] bosslady> SInce that first call, work hasn't exactly been pouring in.
[18:25] * Sappho practices her kung fu with her ghost catching wand.
[18:25] Sappho> On top of her desk
[18:26] bosslady> In fact, you've been downright bored! Even the new jumpsuits haven't served to take away the post-success funk, thought hey did help with another kind: the old ones were getting just a TAD stale.
[18:26] bosslady> That's all about to change....
[18:26] bosslady> *RINGRINGRING*
[18:26] bosslady> *RINGRINGRING*
[18:26] * Mimi immediately picks up the phone, being already next to it
[18:26] RC> Poping her bubblemint as she does so.
[18:26] bosslady> *RINGRINGRING*
[18:27] Mimi> Gah, phone, why are you still ringing?
[18:27] bosslady> Good. But who's gonna answer the doorbell?
[18:27] Mimi> Hello, magical ringing?
[18:27] bosslady> *RINGRINGRING*
[18:27] Mimi> It's the DOOR?
[18:27] bosslady> :D
[18:27] Mary_Sue> giggles
[18:27] * Mimi is stuck in confusion
[18:27] bosslady> *RINGRINGRING*
[18:27] RC> I open the door!
[18:27] * Sappho slips on the table and gracefully falls to the ground, landing on her feet, all the while looking good
[18:27] Sappho> I meant to do that
[18:27] * RC pokes her head out looking around
[18:28] bosslady> Through the door stumbles an unkept young man with thinning, sandy blonde hair and a rumpled business suit.
[18:28] bosslady> Once inside he looks around the room, wide-eyed and frantic, before looking behind himself, then breathing a small sigh of relief.
[18:28] RC> Oh, you again, No we don't need life insurance!
[18:28] bosslady> "What?"
[18:29] Mary_Sue> giggles
[18:29] * Sappho comes up to RC. No that was the guy in the rumpled suit. This guys different
[18:29] bosslady> He looks at the pink jumpsuits, seemingly unsure of himself. "Are you the ghostbusters?"
[18:29] Mary_Sue> hello young man!
[18:29] * Mimi recovers in time to respond
[18:29] Mimi> Yes we are...
[18:29] bosslady> "...Hi?"
[18:29] Mary_Sue> dont you think our new uniforms are divine?
[18:29] Mary_Sue> grins
[18:29] bosslady> "Who said that?"
[18:29] RC> You're the insurance sales dude that's been around, I know it!
[18:30] bosslady> "Umm..." He flops to the floor in confusion.
[18:30] Mimi> You think the ghostbusters don't have a few... ghosts of their own in employment?
[18:30] bosslady> "Just... are you the friggin' Ghostbusters or not?!"
[18:30] * Mimi enjoys being confusing to the poor man
[18:30] RC> We ARE! RC ROARS!
[18:30] bosslady> Good point! Mimi! You're officially a ghost now.
[18:30] Mary_Sue> yes!
[18:30] bosslady> But nobody realizes it.
[18:31] bosslady> Anywho.
[18:31] bosslady> "Good! I... I need your help! My girlfriend... she won't leave me alone!'
[18:31] Mary_Sue> umm, is your girlfriend a ghost?
[18:31] bosslady> "Day in, day out, she follows me everywhere I go. It's... I can't stand it any more!"
[18:31] * Sappho pokes RC. "Inside Voice"
[18:31] Mimi> Hey, I'm not the girlfriend!
[18:32] bosslady> The young man looks at Mary Sue like she's stupid.
[18:32] * RC looks him over, umm you don't look that hot.
[18:32] bosslady> "No. She's a talking ferret."
[18:32] Sappho> Did someone say Ferret
[18:32] Mary_Sue> well, we aren't ferret busters
[18:32] Mary_Sue> giggles
[18:32] bosslady> Just then, a ferret bounds through the door.
[18:32] Sappho> I am a subject matter expert in all things Ferret related
[18:32] Mary_Sue> lol
[18:32] * Sappho poses in thought
[18:32] * Mimi questions who left the door open
[18:32] bosslady> "Hey! I wouldn't have to follow you around if you'd just do what you said you would!"
[18:33] * RC pokes Sappho in her butt, What? I didn't hear you?
[18:33] * Sappho rush to the ferret, and pick her up.
[18:33] Mary_Sue> giggles
[18:33] * Sappho squees with delight
[18:33] * Serena inches.
[18:33] bosslady> The ferret rests its paws on its hips and looks at the group. "Since he's too much of a pansy to ask... I need you girls' help to get rid of a nasty witch's curse."
[18:33] Mimi> Witches aren't quite ghosts, madam.
[18:34] bosslady> EEEEEEE! The ferret squeals as it is swung around the room
[18:34] * Serena turns the ferret into a stoat.
[18:34] RC> OK, how much Dough, Coins, moolah, bank you got?
[18:34] Mimi> Oi, we can't talk to something that's squeeing!
[18:34] bosslady> "So? Who ELSE am I gonna call?"
[18:34] Mimi> You didn't call, you ran in the door.
[18:34] * Sappho takes delight that she is holding a real ferret.
[18:34] bosslady> Serena, roll your PI skill
[18:34] Serena> 17
[18:35] bosslady> "Semantics," the ferret says in its squeaky voice fro Sapph's arms.
[18:35] Mary_Sue> well, we should try and help, shouldn't we?
[18:35] Mary_Sue> I mean, its the right thing to do!
[18:35] bosslady> Serena, you lack the mystic knowledge for that kind of transformation. You do turn her fur a beautiful shade of magenta, though.
[18:35] * Sappho squees some more
[18:36] Mimi> (Do I get bonus knowledge of paranormal for being paranormal?)
[18:36] bosslady> Meanwhile, while you've been preoccupied with the talking now-magenta ferret, the young man has disappeared.
[18:36] Mimi> Someone REALLY needs to shut that door.
[18:36] * Mimi does so
[18:36] bosslady> No. But you can fly through walls and disappear.
[18:36] Mimi> (Eh, that'll work.)
[18:37] Mary_Sue> giggles
[18:37] Mimi> So, Ms. Magenta Ferret. Any other details?
[18:37] bosslady> "So, are you gonna help me or not?!" The ferret demands impatiently, though the force of her words is tempered by an almost-purr at being petted.
[18:38] Mary_Sue> I think we should
[18:38] * Sappho shouts. Of course we will, cute adorable ferret lady
[18:38] bosslady> "Yes. She was THAT no good sack-of-lard's ex. Well, his ex before ME," she says, turning her pointed nose into the air.
[18:38] * Sappho squees some more
[18:38] Mary_Sue> besides, I'm sure its just a misunderstanding
[18:38] * RC is ok with that but how much cash you gotz pretty foots?
[18:38] Mimi> Who thought it was a good idea to date a witch?
[18:39] bosslady> "Can you PLEASE not do that right in my ear?" She demands, then lightly scratches Sapph's arm.
[18:40] bosslady> "I can pay you once I get back to normal and can get back in my apartment; whatever it takes. Just GET. THIS. FIXED!"
[18:40] Sappho> Isn't she so adorable when she talks
[18:40] * Sappho squees even more than you thought she could before
[18:40] * Mimi wonders if she'll remain purple if we fix her
[18:41] Mimi> I'm up for helping.
[18:41] RC> So where is this WITCH!
[18:41] bosslady> Sapph, roll for Looking Good
[18:41] Sappho> How does one roll again?
[18:41] bosslady> "She's hanging out at the Cauldron Club. Duh!"
[18:42] Mimi> d6 * points in skill
[18:42] bosslady> Roll d6 equal to your skill. Add together.
[18:42] Sappho> 4
[18:42] bosslady> Ferret lady bites your hand, and you drop her
[18:43] Mimi> So... how do we break a witch's curse?
[18:43] bosslady> You now have a debuff to looking good of 1 point due to Angry Ferret bite marks
[18:43] * Sappho looks distraught... but... but... ughhh, and she starts crying.
[18:43] RC> I know where that is, it's over off Westside hwy
[18:43] bosslady> "How the heck should I know?!" Ferret-lady asks from her floorbound viewpoint.
[18:44] Mimi> Well, I'd rather we not resort to burning things at stakes again...
[18:44] Mimi> Not that it worked before.
[18:44] bosslady> Ferret-lady looks at Sapph, and cringes. "Sorry 'bout the bite, girl, but seriously."
[18:45] * Sappho is just kneeling on the floor, crying, looking at the ferret lady as if she did something horrible.
[18:45] bosslady> Ferret-lady sits on the floor and looks around expectantly.
[18:45] * RC hammerspaces a Cream Puff, Hungry Missy Ferret?
[18:45] Mimi> Can I attempt to cheer up Sappho?
[18:45] bosslady> Ferret-lady grins and reaches for the cream puff.
[18:45] bosslady> Yes, you can Mimi.
[18:45] * Mary_Sue huggles Sappho
[18:46] Mimi> You could wear those matching pink gloves! (3+3 = 6)
[18:46] Sappho> She bit me Mary... She bit me... She's a meanie The ferret is a meanie
[18:46] bosslady> They do, indeed, match the uniform. It would remove your debuff.
[18:47] bosslady> Ferret-lady ignores you, munching on a Cream Puff as big as her torso.
[18:47] * Sappho sniffles... okay. I'l wear gloves
[18:47] Mary_Sue> well, lets get going
[18:47] Mary_Sue> does anybody know where this Cauldron club is?
[18:48] Mimi> No idea.
[18:48] RC> ?me gets into the drivers seat & starts the El Co, the LT1 rumbles into very LOUD life
[18:48] bosslady> RC knows.
[18:48] * Sappho goes to her locker. Grabs her gloves, and her utility belt which has a few pouches full of things, and hooks her ghost catching net to the belt, and puts on her fluffy cat ears which is also a walkie talkie
[18:48] * Mimi floats into a spot in the car
[18:48] RC> I said I did, it's over there (she waves) Off westside Hwy.
[18:48] bosslady> Ferret-lady follows RC out and sits on the dash.
[18:49] bosslady> There's room for 2 more on the bench seat. Who's riding in the back?
[18:49] * Sappho climbs into the back of the El Camino. She doesn't feel like being with the meanie ferret
[18:49] * RC hits the Garage Opener
[18:49] bosslady> Mimi, you don't get a seat, but nobody notices you not climbing in anyway.
[18:50] bosslady> Oh-kay! VROOOOMMMMM!!!
[18:50] bosslady> *intermission*
[18:50] bosslady> B-room break, peeps. Back in a bit!
[18:50] * RC hits the gas and w/a bit of tire smoke we're OFF!
[18:51] Mimi> The real question is how well my ghosty floating works.
[18:51] * Sappho does a quick inventory of the back of the El camino
[18:51] Mimi> You're inventorying WHILE DRIVING? Madness!
[18:51] RC> I'm driving
[18:52] Mimi> Yeah, but the car ain't safe =P
[18:52] RC> Sure it is, I just don't like seat belts
[18:52] * Mimi holds doubts as to that being the true reason
[18:53] RC> More POWER, More SAFE! Everyone in Houma knows that!
[18:53] * Sappho finds the half eaten candy necklace, an old air freshener that has lost it's scent(looks like a pine tree), a rusted bolt, the roll of duct tape that's almost gone.
[18:53] Mary_Sue> giggles
[18:53] Mimi> But hey, I'm not *in* the car, so it's not my problem.
[18:53] * Sappho constructs a necklace out of it all
[18:53] Mary_Sue> wheee!
[18:54] Sappho> no more duct tape... We'll need to get more soon
[18:54] * Sappho then uses her lighter to melt wax from one of the candles into the shape of a pentagram on the tree air freshener part of the necklace
[18:54] Mary_Sue> I'm sure we'll be able to talk this witch into turning this poor girl back
[18:54] * Sappho now has a magic necklace of protection against magic
[18:55] Mary_Sue> it was probably just a misunderstanding
[18:55] * RC drifts the El Co up on the ramp @ a very Fast Speed!
[18:56] * Mimi is very glad to not be in the car
[18:56] * RC is a very good driver. I missed that guardrail by at least a 1/2 inch!
[18:57] * Mimi is not reassured
[18:57] Mary_Sue> laughs in the back seat
[18:57] bosslady> Baack!
[18:57] Mary_Sue> now, this is fun!
[18:57] RC> (only a bench in a El Co Mary)
[18:57] bosslady> Sapph, the necklace, when worn, gives the wearer a +1 to their PI skill.
[18:58] bosslady> Yeah, mary, you're up front, Serena in the middle.
[18:58] Mimi> Really though, I'm not in the car, so am I with it or left behind?
[18:58] bosslady> "Cruisin' down the highway (duh duh dadehdaDEH) lookin' for ADVENTURE! (duh duh dadeahdaDEH!)"
[18:59] bosslady> You can fly well enough to keep up.
[18:59] Mary_Sue> giggles
[18:59] Mimi> Okay, so this walkie talkie from the house should be functional. Cool.
[18:59] bosslady> Or hang out in the back with Sapph if you REALLY want. Or one, then the other.
[18:59] Mimi> Nah, I'm just flying on the car feeling like a badass
[18:59] bosslady> Indeed. Who all has walkie talkies?
[18:59] Sappho> Mimi You have a ghost walkie talkie
[18:59] Mimi> There's the cat ears and this one I picked up secretly. Unsure about others
[19:00] Sappho> I have the cat ears
[19:00] bosslady> RC doubtless has a flight headset built into her baseball cap.
[19:00] bosslady> Mary? What you got? Walkie talkie barrettes?
[19:00] RC> I have a walki & I can get Hoboken flight tower too
[19:00] bosslady> Serena probably swallowed one weeks ago.
[19:01] Mimi> Nobody would suspect a communication device in the hair
[19:01] RC> (Mary El Co pics)
[19:01] bosslady> Ferret Lady screams as your group careens down the highway and she slides back and forth o the dash, the occasional grip on the defrost vents her only safety assurance
[19:01] bosslady> BRB
[19:02] Mimi> I was wondering what that ferret was doing
[19:02] * Sappho thinks, I could have held her all safe, but she's a meanie, serves her right
[19:02] * Mimi wonders if she'll last long enough to use as proof to RC about their driving
[19:03] Sappho> Is Mary in the back with me or in the passenger seat?
[19:03] Mimi> According to RC there is no back
[19:04] * RC pops her gum. What? I'm safe I tell you
[19:04] Sappho> Also I'm so used to RC's driving that I instinctively adapt to know how to brace and position myself so I have no problem. Me and RC, we've been together for quite a while now.
[19:04] RC> There is a bed w/a camper shell on it Mimi
[19:04] Mimi> So that's why the rest of you have walkie talkies
[19:04] Sappho> By back, I mean the bed with the camper shell
[19:05] Mary_Sue> giggles
[19:05] bosslady> Mary's in the front passenger seat
[19:05] bosslady> Sorry, folks showed up with groceries, had to help 'em carry 'em in
[19:05] RC> Dinner?
[19:05] Mimi> The curse of omnipotence
[19:06] Mary_Sue> lol
[19:07] bosslady> Anywho. With RC's incredible driving prowess (learned, no doubt, while making moonshine runs listening to Steve Earle) you get to the Cauldron Cafe in record time, and with almost no loss of body fluids.
[19:07] RC> We're coming up to the Cauldren Club exit, we need anything before stopping there?
[19:07] RC> (oops!)
[19:07] bosslady> Now's the last chance before ya get there, peeps. Anything you wanna call having?
[19:07] Mimi> We need a lot of things, like help, but when does that ever stop us
[19:07] bosslady> Nah. We'll go your route RC :P
[19:08] bosslady> You DO have a therapist on-staff now, Mims
[19:08] Sappho> I could use a can of soda pop
[19:08] RC> You use up all my magic Gorrila duct Tape Sappho?
[19:08] Sappho> Doesn't matter which kind.
[19:08] Sappho> I did RC. We need more
[19:09] RC> ?me sqeals to a stop before a lil bodega
[19:09] bosslady> Roll for bottle cap collecting Sapph
[19:09] * Mimi continues on toward the Club/Cafe
[19:09] Mimi> I'm going on, the signs say it's just over there. See ya in a few
[19:09] RC> OK last chance & I want a whoopi pie too.
[19:09] Sappho> I got 3
[19:09] bosslady> The club/cafe/whatever-I-called-it is only a couple of blocks down.
[19:09] bosslady> Club. Club sounds better
[19:10] RC> (We going in?)
[19:10] bosslady> Okies. Nothin' special then Sapph.
[19:10] Mimi> Can I scout the location before we interrupt the witches?
[19:10] Mary_Sue> giggles
[19:10] bosslady> You're at the rest stop first, remember?
[19:10] bosslady> Sure, Mimi.
[19:10] Sappho> Do I get a glass bottle pop then? With a generic bottlecap?
[19:10] bosslady> Roll for disappearing into the background
[19:11] * Mary_Sue powders her nose in the rest-stop bathroom
[19:11] bosslady> Yep, Sapph.
[19:11] Mimi> 5+3=9 for Investigation, 4+1+2=7 for Hidden
[19:11] Mary_Sue> I have never met a witch before, I want to look my best!
[19:11] Sappho> Still works. I don't open the pop and instead attach it to my utility belt.
[19:12] Mimi> It's a club of witches, I'd want to investigate the paranormal there!
[19:12] bosslady> The Cauldron Club is darkly lit, with plenty of blacklights around to make the pasty skin of its inhabitants shine more brightly. Skrillex blares from the DJ booth. All in all, it's your typical gothy pseudo-supernatural hidey hole.
[19:12] Mimi> What else would I look at, their drinks?
[19:12] RC> I get my whoppi pie & a cola in the bottle. Looking at it I see it's NY normal only 7 yrs old.
[19:13] Mary_Sue> Smiles and waves at everyone
[19:13] bosslady> You don't notice any magical residue or anything about the place, and no more than the usual mix of other ghosts about.
[19:13] Mimi> Well, this place is mundane.
[19:13] Mimi> Is our ferret sure of this place?
[19:14] Mimi> Or, conscious at all for that matter?
[19:14] Mary_Sue> which Witch is which?
[19:14] Mary_Sue> giggles
[19:14] bosslady> She's back in the car, where everyone left her, still recovering from her ride
[19:14] bosslady> The rest of y'all ready to head to the club
[19:14] bosslady> ?
[19:14] Mary_Sue> now that I am as pretty as possible, yes!
[19:14] Mary_Sue> grins
[19:15] Sappho> I'm ready.
[19:15] * RC looks around and sees more Gorrila duct tapr! Score! & pays for all her loot!
[19:16] RC> Getting into the ElCo I look at the ferrit. What? I didn't scare you did I?
[19:16] bosslady> It costs you eighteen dollars for everyone's stuff.
[19:16] Mimi> I'm chilling in the entrance waiting.
[19:16] bosslady> The ferret-lady says nothing, but glares at you in efervescent mauve rage.
[19:16] * RC Pops the Gum.
[19:17] RC> I drive over & park as close as I can.
[19:17] bosslady> Once everyone is back in the car, you make short work of the trip the rest of the way to the club. "That's the place!" The lil' ferret-lady says, wobbling as she stands on the dash and points.
[19:17] Mimi> Okay, she is sure. Good. I was worried.
[19:18] Sappho> I have the magical necklace of protection against magic around my neck but underneath my jumpsuit
[19:19] bosslady> You all pull up at the club, and there stands Mimi, waiting on you.
[19:19] * Mary_Sue gets out of the car
[19:19] bosslady> That's the idea! *applauds Mary Sue*
[19:20] Mimi> That must be a really comfy car.
[19:20] * Sappho gets out and scans the area
[19:20] bosslady> Roll PI Sapph
[19:20] Sappho> 14
[19:21] Sappho> 15... I have the necklace
[19:21] bosslady> That include the bonus from the necklace?
[19:21] bosslady> There ya go.
[19:21] Mary_Sue> giggles
[19:22] bosslady> There is a vague sense of magic about the place, though not as much as you'd expect from a club for witches and the like. It seems that a good portion of those who come here are just mundanes, but there are a few who smell of magic.
[19:22] Mary_Sue> lets go in
[19:22] Mimi> Way ahead of ya
[19:22] * RC gets her Chef on and checks her knives in hammerspace
[19:22] * Mimi opens the door
[19:23] * Mimi laughs at all the poor, confused customers
[19:23] * Sappho pats her utility belt down to make sure it's all there.
[19:23] bosslady> The magenta ferret-lady dashes past you all, dives across the counter, and tackles the bartender.
[19:24] Mary_Sue> waves at all the customers
[19:24] * Mimi goes up to and looks at the tackled bartender
[19:25] bosslady> The bartender is a guy, and he's laughing.
[19:25] Mimi> Ferrets aren't that great at tackling, huh.
[19:26] * Sappho takes a seat at the bar.
[19:26] RC> (brb)
[19:27] bosslady> "Easy, sis!" He says, pushing her away and standing up. "I guess she finally found someone to help her, huh?" He points at a brunette at the far end of the counter, sipping on something green. "She's the one," he says, casually grabbing his sister-ferret and holding her while she screams in tinny anger.
[19:27] Mimi> What, did RC fall asleep at the wheel AFTER parking?
[19:27] Mimi> Swear, that guy's so unreliable... *grumbles*
[19:27] Mary_Sue> giggles
[19:28] * Sappho turns to look at the witch in question. Turns back to the bartender, eyeing him. Then takes the bar seat with her and moves over to the witch
[19:28] bosslady> *psst, mims: RC's a girl.)
[19:28] * Sappho thinks... my barseat now
[19:28] * Mimi is too angry to determine pronouns
[19:28] Mary_Sue> giggles
[19:29] * Sappho puts the barstool or seat or whatever chair device it is, near the witch and asks her if she changed a person into that ferret
[19:29] bosslady> The witch in question is one of the few people in the bar with any kind of magic you can detect, far more than the rest of the place combined. A few members of the congregation wear the scent of magic like a perfume: she reeks of it like a cat lady with an incontinent housemate.
[19:29] * Mimi gets close to the others and ovserves
[19:29] * Sappho points at the magent ferret in question.
[19:30] bosslady> "What, her?" The dark-haired witch asks, and when she sees where you're pointing, she snorts. "Yeah. So?"
[19:30] Mimi> So... why'd you do it?
[19:30] Sappho> Also I'm not sitting in the barchair I have acquired. I just didn't want to carry it the whole time
[19:30] Mary_Sue> giggles
[19:30] bosslady> "She stole my guy," she says.
[19:30] Sappho> Could you please tell me why?
[19:30] Mary_Sue> so whuy didn't you turn HIM into a ferret?
[19:31] Sappho> Not that. Why a ferret. Why not something else like a platypus
[19:31] bosslady> The witch shrugs. "Well, she already looked a bit like one, so it made sense. And why would I turn HIM into a ferret when it was so had to make him a human to begin with?"
[19:32] * Sappho giggles, and what was he before you changed him to a man
[19:32] bosslady> The ferret-girl finally breaks from her brother's grasp and rushes up. "Hey! You stole him from ME first! My sweet little bubsy didn't ask for that!"
[19:33] bosslady> The witch looks at you and grins. "A chihuahua."
[19:33] Mimi> She was dating a cuihuahua?
[19:33] * Mimi looks at the ferret, worried
[19:33] bosslady> "All guys are dogs anyway," the witch says with a yawn. "So what's the difference?"
[19:33] Sappho> The ferret lady owned the chihuahua before she was a ferret and he was a chihuahua
[19:34] Mimi> That'd explain why he ran off...
[19:34] Sappho> What will it take to have you change them back?
[19:34] bosslady> "I was just taking my bubsy back from you! He was such a sweet puppy, and you turned him into... that?!"
[19:34] bosslady> "Huh? Oh! Tired of being a ferret, Babs?"
[19:35] bosslady> The witch directs that line to the ferret, who glares at her.
[19:35] * Mary_Sue is totally confused
[19:35] * Mimi bores of the drabble, and quesions if the back room of a club would have any interesting ingredients
[19:35] bosslady> "Well, I DO have this lil' problem. Fix it for me... and I'll change her back," the witch says.
[19:36] RC> Back
[19:36] bosslady> The bartender tells you there's some dehydrated Eye of Newt in one of the coolers, and half a toadstool under the sink.
[19:36] Sappho> What is this lil' problem that needs fixing?
[19:37] bosslady> The witch glares at ferret-lady-slash-Babs again. "Well, I transformed her little yapper 'cause I needed a plus one for an event tonight. Know anyone who'd fill in?"
[19:37] Sappho> What type of event?
[19:38] bosslady> "Oh, nothing big. Just a little get together 'round a bonfire. Me, a few sisters. Only a LITTLE blood."
[19:38] Mimi> Does it need to be a man? I mean, if a dog is enough we could hand over RC *is still mad*
[19:39] * Sappho perks up. I take it a mans blood is needed, or will anyone's do?
[19:39] bosslady> "Man not required. Living, yes," she says, giving Mimi a significant look. "Though that might not be permanent."
[19:40] Mimi> Dang, we need our driver at least alive.
[19:40] RC> What? Waht? What are you bitching about now MIMI?
[19:40] Sappho> And what are you going to do that might make living less so?
[19:41] Mimi> You knocked out the ferret with your driving then fell asleep once you parked!
[19:41] bosslady> "Just a lil' sacrifice to the dark gods of black magic, death, and suffering. You know, the usual," she says, tossing her hair and winking.
[19:41] RC> Did Not! Just resting my eyes a bit, that's all...
[19:41] Mary_Sue> oh dear that does not sound nice at all!
[19:41] Mimi> Is revival after the fact possible?
[19:42] bosslady> She shrugs. "Does zombification or possession count?"
[19:43] bosslady> Ferret-lady-Babs squeaks "My poor little bubsy!"
[19:43] Mimi> It's probably just as effective with RC but I have a feeling she wouldn't like it.
[19:44] * RC glares at MIMI, Bitch!
[19:44] Mary_Sue> we cant agree to this girls. there has to be something less lethal we can do
[19:44] Mimi> My only other thought is burning at the stake, but that could leave them stuck forever
[19:44] Mimi> Besides, the bartender probably doesn't like the smell of burnt witch...
[19:45] * Sappho gets all shy... So um, how does one join in with these festivities Oneesan... Is your.... *coughs* coven open to new membership?
[19:45] bosslady> "Not really," he agrees, having been listening in the entire time.
[19:45] RC> Well we can sprinkle some grisgris & feli then ask Mama Legba to help.
[19:45] Mimi> At least one of us isn't boring!
[19:45] * Mimi praises Sappho
[19:45] bosslady> The witch looks Sappho over and shakes her head. "Sorry, but none of you have the talent for my little group."
[19:46] * Mimi questions if they're counted toward that
[19:46] Sappho> But Oneesan... how will I get such talent if no-one takes me under their wing to guide me.
[19:46] * Sappho gives the witch the best puppy dog eyes she can
[19:47] bosslady> Mimi, you have no innate magical talent outside your skills as a ghost. True magic is beyond spirits: they have their own abilities.
[19:47] Sappho> should I roll for looking good?
[19:47] bosslady> Yes.
[19:47] Mimi> Dang.
[19:47] Sappho> I got 11
[19:47] bosslady> Oh, come on, Mimi! You can fly, walk through doors, disappear... you can't exactly complain, can you?
[19:48] bosslady> The witch gives you a once over, Sapph, and winks. "Well, I can't let you into the group or anything. But there might be... other arrangements? I
[19:48] Mimi> Not really, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to
[19:48] bosslady> The witch gives you a once over, Sapph, and winks. "Well, I can't let you into the group or anything. But there might be... other arrangements?"
[19:49] bosslady> Back in a moment; sorry for the delays peeps.
[19:49] Mary_Sue> I'm sorry guys I may have to bow out
[19:49] Mary_Sue> all of a sudden I am very tired
[19:49] Mimi> The bed's open
[19:49] Mimi> I bet you can sleep through RC's driving
[19:49] Mary_Sue> sorry
[19:50] == Mary_Sue has changed nick to Dottie_AFK
[19:50] Sappho> Get rested Dottie_AFK
[19:50] Mimi> ^
[19:50] RC> Bye Dot, get some sleep
[19:53] bosslady> Mary Sue has a headache from the fumes in the club, so she's going beddie-bye in the car.
[19:54] RC> There is a comfy air bed back there
[19:54] Sappho> And what other arrangements would those be Oneesan?
[19:54] Mimi> Air bed? Explains how you can survive back ther.
[19:54] bosslady> The witch looks at Sapph calculatingly. "Tell ya what. Give me a date, and bring me a toad, and I'll change miss ferret back. And her little dog too!" Then she laughs.
[19:55] Sappho> I can do that
[19:56] Sappho> Yes Oneesan. I'll go on a date with you. Any particular frog?
[19:56] * RC thinks hard. Toad, toad, I know I saw one somewhere... I know over at Ace's pets and lawn Service!
[19:56] bosslady> I'll point out the witch is quite decent looking, even if she does kind of wear her harsh personality on her sleeve like a badge of pride.
[19:56] bosslady> Indeed! They're seven for a dollar for magic-grade toads.
[19:57] RC> This time of day, umm Westside is out, I think Far Rockaway will be best!
[19:57] bosslady> "Great!" The witch says happily. "I'll wait here for the toad. Bring it to me, and give me your number, and then I'll change her back. I'll change back the pup after the date."
[19:58] Sappho> Well oneesan, we'll get you your toads. Here's my number. I write it down
[19:58] RC> (42?)
[19:58] Sappho> It's too my cell phone with the rhinestone covered skull hello kitty cover on it
[19:58] RC> OK, LAdies lets us go!
[19:58] bosslady> Sapph, as you hand her your number she quickly pricks your hand with a needle. "Just a precaution," she says, and grins.
[19:58] Mimi> Okay, if it was for that rotarty phone I'd have to hurt you
[19:59] Sappho> Where are we going on a date?
[19:59] bosslady> "We'll decide that tomorrow. Just get me my toad for bonfire night."
[19:59] * Sappho thinks to herself. Thank goodness I'm wearing gloves so she only thinks she pricked my finger
[20:00] * Sappho layers it on thick. Alright Oneesan. We'll be back shortly.
[20:00] * Sappho winks at the witch.
[20:00] * RC walk out and starts the El Co, I do it carefuly as not to wake Mary
[20:01] * Sappho goes to the car as well
[20:01] bosslady> You can hear her snoring in the back. When she's like this, you couldn't wake her with a tank round going off over her head.
[20:01] RC> OK, every one can fit up fron & someone lap the Ferret
[20:02] Mimi> The ferret's with her brother, no?
[20:02] bosslady> The ferret's staying with her brother to keep an eye on the witch.
[20:02] bosslady> Serena? You there?
[20:02] RC> OK,
[20:02] * Mimi stays at the club to make sure the ferret and witch behave
[20:02] Mimi> Is the store close enough for comms to stay up?
[20:02] RC> (Don't split the PARTYY!!!!!!!)
[20:03] bosslady> Sure, why not.
[20:03] Mimi> COMMS GIRL
[20:03] Mimi> I can't go to a store, they'll think I'm thieving (if they see me)!
[20:03] bosslady> Disclosure: we're almost done for the night, Cola. Nothin' 'll happen while you're gone.
[20:03] * RC looks in the rearview making sure her lippy is set & the guns it!
[20:04] * Sappho is riding shotgun
[20:04] bosslady> VROOOOOMMMMM!
[20:04] bosslady> Serena is sleeping with mary, apparently. Not THAT way! You know what I mean.
[20:04] Sappho> So RC. The witch. She's going down. I don't like the ferret, but I like the witch even less.
[20:04] RC> Hubba Hubba
[20:04] bosslady> It takes you five minutes to reach the pet store.
[20:04] RC> We go in?
[20:05] Mimi> What, do you plan on learning the magic, getting her to transform them back, *then* burn her at the stake?
[20:05] bosslady> Do you?
[20:06] * RC Goes in. Hi there Gus, we need 5 witch grade toads please!
[20:06] Sappho> We go in.
[20:06] Sappho> Hold on. We need 5 witch grade frogs, not toads
[20:06] Mimi> Nah, toad
[20:06] RC> Nope we need toads Sap
[20:06] Mimi> Heck, it's just a toad
[20:07] Sappho> I know the witch needs toads, but we need frogs
[20:07] Mimi> But additional can't hurt for practicing on if Sappho can learn anything
[20:07] RC> Get both?
[20:07] bosslady> Frogs are cheaper: 10 for a buck.
[20:07] Sappho> Are they trained?
[20:07] RC> I pull out 2$
[20:08] bosslady> No training on either. Then again, what would you train an amphibian to do anyway?
[20:08] RC> This work Gus?
[20:08] Sappho> I need some specially trained frogs
[20:08] Mimi> What do you need frogs for?
[20:08] Sappho> For some wetwork...
[20:09] Dottie_AFK> hi
[20:09] Sappho> Also they're smaller.
[20:09] == Dottie_AFK has changed nick to Mary_Sue
[20:09] Mary_Sue> sorry
[20:09] Sappho> I smile at Gus. I need some special Frogs... not any Frog will do.
[20:09] bosslady> No prob! You're asleep.
[20:10] bosslady> "Well..." Gus spits in the worm barrel next to him. "I's gots dese frogs here, great fer fryin'..."
[20:10] bosslady> "Or I's gots dese here," he points to his other side, "great fer lickin'. Take yer pick."
[20:11] Sappho> No. I need super-frogs...
[20:11] bosslady> "My nephew left this here," he says, and hands you a copy of Superfrog for Amiga.
[20:12] Sappho> I reach over the counter and pull him down to my height. Now listen here gus. I know you sold that special platypi to my friend Dorris last month. You know, the one that served with that secret 3 letter organization in Austrlia
[20:12] Sappho> I need some frogs that share a similar skill-set.
[20:12] Sappho> Got that.
[20:13] Sappho> Do I need to make a looking good roll for intimidating?
[20:13] bosslady> Nah. Roll for bottle-cap collecting.
[20:13] bosslady> A surprisingly useful skill.
[20:13] Sappho> 7
[20:13] * RC looks at Sappho in amazement! (Wow! So Butch!
[20:14] bosslady> Gus is a fellow collector you've traded with before. You recall a rare 1922 Grapette he's been coveting.
[20:15] Sappho> Is that a cap I have?
[20:15] bosslady> You happen to keep a spare one in your purse at all times, as leverage. Or as a bribe.
[20:16] * Sappho pulls gus even closer. What's it going to take boyo,.... What. I switch eyes by turning my face a bit so I stare at him with my other eye. I know you're looking for that 1922 Grapette cap. I've got one.
[20:17] bosslady> What crazy happy convenience! Almost like the GM likes the party or something!
[20:17] bosslady> He starts to sweat. "Really? Well... I may have something in the back...."
[20:17] Mimi> I'd hope so, I don't want to test my talking in a meta environment
[20:17] * RC puts the sap back into hammerspace
[20:17] * Mimi notes that the witch is drinking and the ferret is talking to her brother. This is rather boring
[20:18] RC> All good Cajun ladies know how to use one, you know.
[20:18] bosslady> Indeed.
[20:18] bosslady> Sapph, he can't go in back 'til you let him go.
[20:19] Sappho> I let go. Go check Gus. If you have what I need, I got what you want.
[20:19] bosslady> He runs in the back, and comes back with a tree frog. It's wearing a monacle and a bowler hat.
[20:20] Sappho> What skill set does this frog have? I look pointedly at Gus, then at the frog
[20:21] Sappho> It seems I've taken over the game with my idea. Don't worry girls. It's going to be worth it.
[20:21] bosslady> "Espeenage, covert infil-somethin', and explosives," Gus says. The frog croaks in confirmation.
[20:21] Mary_Sue> okay , who put a sleeping spell on me?
[20:21] Mary_Sue> giggles
[20:21] bosslady> Possibly the same person who spelled Serena.
[20:22] Sappho> Excellent. I'll take him. I take out the cap and put it on the counter between Gus and I
[20:22] RC> That, That Witch!
[20:22] bosslady> The cap disappears, and the frog hops to your shoulder, well away from RC's iguana.
[20:22] RC> I pull out anotherdollar for this frog...
[20:23] Sappho> I thank Gus for his service. Much appreciated. I turn to RC. This is the plan
[20:23] bosslady> Gus is nowhere to be seen. Your toads and frogs are laying on the table waiting to be retrieved.
[20:23] RC> Ace's the Best for pets alright
[20:24] Mary_Sue> pets?
[20:24] Sappho> Big Hoppa(that's the frog) will disguise himself as a toad for the ritual. He will wait until the right moment when the witches think they are about to sacrifice him and he will then strike with surprise, while we strike from all around.
[20:24] RC> I'm sorry Dear, this is the best pet store in Hoboken you know.
[20:25] bosslady> Sapph, Hoppa begins to croak into your ear, quietly...
[20:25] * Sappho listens to Big Hoppa, what wise words does he have for me to hear?
[20:26] bosslady> *whispers*
[20:27] * RC gives Mony a grape & picks up the loot
[20:27] RC> Moony
[20:27] bosslady> Soon, Big Hoppa stops croaking, and in a blink looks like a toad. The monacle is almost completely invisible.
[20:28] Sappho> New plan. Big hoppa disguises himself as a toad. We hand him over to the witch. Then she changes the ferret back and then we strike.
[20:28] bosslady> ('tis a silly game, no?)
[20:28] * RC cracks her knuckles, OK.
[20:28] Mary_Sue> sounds good!
[20:28] Sappho> Si senorita bosslady
[20:28] Mimi> Yeah, I'm pretty sure the witch wants to make the toad human before sacrifice, anyway
[20:29] Mimi> She'd notice pretty fast if you tried the first plan
[20:29] bosslady> "Ribbit," says Hoppa in agreement.
[20:29] * Sappho goes to the car with Big Hoppa
[20:30] * Mimi goes to the witch
[20:30] bosslady> You follow RC?
[20:30] * RC goes out to the ElCo to check on Serena & drops the bags off in the back
[20:30] bosslady> Everyone ready to head back to the club?
[20:30] Mimi> "The party's returning with a toad. You change the ferret back, you get the toad. Kapeesh?"
[20:30] RC> We ready ladies?
[20:30] Mimi> (At the witch)
[20:31] Sappho> I am ready
[20:31] RC> The big LT1 rumbles into life...
[20:31] Sappho> Oneesan, we have brought a toad. Please change the ferret back to what she was before.
[20:31] RC> & off we go
[20:32] Mimi> My walkie talkie is loud enough the witch can hear this...?
[20:32] Sappho> No. It's a ghost walkie talkie. Only ghosts can hear it\
[20:32] bosslady> In no time at all you return to the club. The witch is still sat there, drinking her green concoction while Mimi floats over her shoulder, watching her like a hawk. Meanwhile ferret-lady is neck-deep in a mimosa.
[20:32] Mimi> Dang girl's been unresponsive since you left.
[20:33] Mimi> Watching is boring
[20:33] bosslady> That it is.
[20:33] RC> We go in carrying the bags of amphibs
[20:33] bosslady> "Got my toad, huh?" The witch asks in a superior tone.
[20:33] Sappho> Oneesan, we have brought a toad. Please change the ferret back to what she was before.
[20:34] RC> Hey Tender I'll have another of what your sis is having!
[20:34] bosslady> THe bartender slides you a round cup filled with blue wonderfulness.
[20:34] bosslady> "Toad first," the witch says, holding out her hand.
[20:34] Sappho> I hand over Big Hoppa
[20:35] bosslady> As soon as he's in her hand she snaps her fingers, and the magenta ferret begins to grow.
[20:35] RC> (ras a mimosa is OJ & Champagne)
[20:36] bosslady> Soon a young lady is sitting on the counter. Well, you THINK she's a young lady. She still looks kinda-ferrety though, and her hair's magenta too.
[20:36] bosslady> (RC: really don't care. It's blue anyway.)
[20:36] Sappho> Thank you Oneesan, I smile.
[20:36] RC> (lol, ok)
[20:36] * Mimi is visually happy the magents stayed
[20:36] Mary_Sue> smiles
[20:37] bosslady> And she IS fully dressed. Just wanted to point that out.
[20:37] * Sappho then takes an item from a pouch on her utility belt. What is it... what could it be. It's an air horn
[20:37] RC> OK, Lady lets go to your apt, we take cash, visa & amex
[20:37] bosslady> The magenta haired girl looks down, grins, then collapses backwards into her brother's arms. People fall asleep suddenly 'round here a lot, though the alcohol no doubt helped.
[20:37] * Sappho uses the Air horn, really close to the witch.
[20:38] * Sappho acts all excited... . That was great Oneesan. Your magic is truly awesome
[20:38] bosslady> BOOM! Where Hoppa had been there's a flash of smoke!
[20:39] bosslady> BOOM! Another flash across the room! Smoke is everywhere!
[20:39] * Sappho uses the air horn a second time, right up near the witches ear
[20:39] * Mimi retreats to a minimum safe distance
[20:39] bosslady> Sapph, you hear a "ribbit" of confirmation in your ear. It's time to rock! The witch screams as she collapses!
[20:39] * Sappho yells Yayyyyyy for magic.... She then punches the witch.
[20:39] RC> ?me saps the Witch too!
[20:39] bosslady> Aaaaaaand SHE'S OUT!
[20:40] Mary_Sue> yay!
[20:40] Mimi> For being a witch, she wasn't very good at noticing.
[20:40] Sappho> Is the bartender asleep as well?
[20:40] Mary_Sue> giggles
[20:40] Mimi> He probably will be with someone in his arms.
[20:40] bosslady> Nope! He's awake, though coughing 'cause of the now-dissipating smoke
[20:41] * Sappho gets Hoppa. You're the best Big Hoppa. I do a high five in a way that he can high five back.
[20:41] RC> I sling the sister over my petite shoulder, Where's her apt Bro? asking for keys too.
[20:41] Sappho> I then go over to the ferret lady, and jostle her awake.
[20:41] bosslady> He croaks happily and hops on your shoulder.
[20:41] Sappho> I even splash water on her face to wake her up
[20:42] bosslady> "Hey! Leave my sister alone! How 'bout I pay you instead?" Her brother offers.
[20:42] Sappho> Does the ferret lady wake up?
[20:42] * RC looks at her friends, OK?
[20:42] bosslady> "Just let 'er sleep. How's..." he shuffles through his register. "500 bucks sound?"
[20:42] * Sappho looks at RC. Get the payment
[20:42] RC> $750, we got expenses
[20:43] * Sappho still attempts to wake the sister up
[20:43] Mary_Sue> yay
[20:43] * Mimi is surprised we got a client who can actually pay something
[20:43] bosslady> He glares at you, RC. "600, and free drinks for the night."
[20:43] bosslady> Sapph, she bites you again.
[20:43] Sappho> I say, 650, the barstool, and free drinks.
[20:43] Mary_Sue> yay!
[20:43] RC> Tomorrow on the drinks, we need to go before witchy poo wakes up
[20:44] Sappho> I punch the sister, go and get the barstool and walk out to the car.
[20:44] RC> I agree Sap
[20:44] bosslady> "550, barstool, free drinks, and you stop tormenting her," he says and steps between the party and his sister.
[20:44] Sappho> When I punch her, I say, that's for bitting me not once, but twice
[20:45] Mimi> There was a second bite?
[20:45] bosslady> Hey!" THe brother glares at Sapph this time. "No free drinks for you!"
[20:45] * RC gets the cash the throws a kiss at the tender, Cya Suggahhh & shashies out
[20:45] bosslady> Mimi, any last actions?
[20:45] bosslady> Mary Sue?
[20:45] * Sappho harumphs... like I'm ever coming to this Dive again... Just wait till I leave a review on yelp
[20:46] Mimi> I have nothing else to do, so I just float back to the house on my own to confront a certain phone
[20:46] Mimi> The witch is out, the hair is purple, all is well.
[20:46] bosslady> Indeed.
[20:46] Sappho> Yay, got a new chair for my desk.
[20:46] bosslady> Dun duh DAAAAAAH! Congrats on another job well done peeps!
[20:47] Mary_Sue> yay!
[20:47] RC> We drive back, I do leave a lot of tire smoke in the clubs entrance too.
[20:47] * Mary_Sue does a happy dance
[20:47] bosslady> THe world is safe for one more day from a completely non-ghost-related-but-still-paranormal-ish evil!
[20:47] bosslady> Aaaand as a reward, everyone who's still here gets A FREE SKILL POINT!
[20:47] Mary_Sue> yay!
[20:47] RC> Yeah!
[20:47] Mimi> Yay



Okay, I know this kinda thing isn't everyone's cup of tea, but it's been a lot of fun to play so far! As any tabletop gamer will tell you, coming up with a game off the top of your head can be tough work, but it's been fun playing with everyone. So, be sure to let all our players know what ya think of the job they've done!

Any poor story choices and/or plot holes are mine.

Melanie E.

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