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Hey folks,

Now that our performances are over and I've been told sternly to stay off my feet until my ankle heals again I have had time to set up the new lapop and get back to writing. I have posted a qquick chapter of I Wish and have chapters of Twice Removed, Alex in Wonderland, and Winter's Child all well on the awy to being finished this week. Once I have those updated I will finish work on the last of the introductory stories for the Hyperverse, after which I will begin the next run of stories, starting with the next story of Moonchilde from Glitch!

So I'm back at it and hopefully I'll be pumping out the stories again starting this week :)

*hugs to you all and thanks for your patience*



Yah... Been going back

gpoetx's picture

Yah... Been going back rereading all the hyperverse again this week and I'm almost finished again

You are dancer ???

Please tell me more about this?

I used to Belly Dance and people encouraged us to do it more. I wish I had now.


I never thought of myelf as one before now

Amethyst's picture

For this choreography we did a fast stepping Celtic dance in a circle with a lot of turns, complex footwork, and synchronized movements to Moon Trance by Lindsey Stirling. It was meant to represent a magic ritual and each of us represented one of the four elements, I was fire. I'm a beginner, this was an advanced choreography, my first performance in front of large audiences, and I was dancing on a sprained ankle. I did very well from what Martin and Francine said, an Francine isn't much for giving praise. I got a lot of praise from other choreographers and dancers as well so I guess I can be called a dancer now.




Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3