I hate to sound like a Catholic Nun or something. Several of you from BCTS are my friends on Facebook and everyone has respected my caveat about being too open about T stuff there until now.
I do my own brand of activism, and it works for me. I just don't directly talk about T or G or L stuff on facebook. I may make oblique references at times, but in real life, right here in river city, many people know of my status but we are all very discreet. Change is brought to our culture a spoon full at a time and done so lovingly, not by dumping a bucket on someones head.
It will hurt me and perhaps you but if anyone gets too out in the open on my Facebook in a way that makes me uncomfortable ...
Mom has spoken.
More than Respect
It's love for you as a person. Thanks you for allowing us into your life. And I agree with your approach, but it would not natter if I thought otherwise you alone have the right to set limits on how people treat you. I respect that and my love for your spirit and your art keeps me cool.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
People say things like this to me ...
For a person, like many, who never heard I love you, or good girl her whole life ... Well, you know.
Thank you so much.
Hopefully Mom wasn't too upset. I understand completely how being different can be a metaphorical pain in the arse at times.
The answers to all of life's questions can be found in the face of a true friend
As you know Gwen.
We've discussed Facebook before and we both respect your wishes/position. Consequently we agreed I was too flamboyant and 'in-one's-face' to befriend you there as my profile piccies might expose too much.
Anyway, we do absolutely fine by Skyping each other.
Stay safe.
See you if and when you come to UK Hugs. You know the situation.
This astonishing new development!
Yes, well Bev, I cast no judgement on what you do. In fact years ago, I did a bit of that also, trying to exercise my potential for debauchery. As it happened, I was far to faint of heart to do it in full form.
Now with this new situation having come up, I am completely flumoxed. That someone would contact me right out of the blue and that the relationship should bloom and we would consider a life long bond is completely off the tracks !!!
This could be the ultimate real life Cinderella story or something from the crypt. At any rate, I intend to pursue it. If he is genuine, I shall attempt to love him in the best way possible. If he kills me, I hope he does it swiftly.
Just Say "No" to Facebook
This is the reason that I am NOT on Facebook, Twitter or any of the other social networks.