Thank you!!!
This is a thank you note to all the fans that have been enjoying my stories for the past several years. I have had many words of support over that time but a lot in the last few weeks.
I have always put my contact information at the end of my stories in case anyone had words of wisdom for me. Yes, many folks have responded but the most in these past few weeks. This is why I am writing this note of thanks.
I have written over 50 short stories and I am on part 16 now of my newest series; Call you mommy, are you serious honey? Many fans have asked me to continue a bunch of my stories that I have written over the years and I am going to take a time out, as I would say in my stories.
The time out is only for ‘Call you mommy, are you serious honey?’ I will continue several of the older stories. What I would like from all of you readers is to respond to this note and leave a message here, and or email me with what stories you would like to see continued.
I am not saying I will continue all of them that I get responses for; it is all on you readers to give me your thoughts. I cannot take credit for this idea a friend of mine named ‘Tammie’ who I role-play with has given me a lot of great thoughts, also Linda who has started to edit my stories has put tons of input.
Also if you think I am out of my mind and I should just finish ‘Call you mommy, are you serious honey?’, and then do other things respond with those thoughts.
I may not be a great writer but I am still learning and I truly enjoy writing and roleplaying (NOT cyber-sex). I also would like to put a special thanks to all the folks that have role-played with me in the past and for people that might want to role-play in the future. I get many of my ideas after role-playing. Your input is greatly apprescated.
Hugs to all the folks that are supporting me and I hope and pray everyone has a great day and continues to enjoy my stories.
Hugs and kisses,
Princess Pantyboy
Email: [email protected]
Yahoo Instant Messenger: Princess_pantyboy
Call you mommy, are you serious honey
I would love for you to finish this one but if your heart is not totally into it don't. I would rather you had time to refresh yourself and give it your best than to hurry to get done.