Fuck. My. Life.

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Fuck this shit. Fuck it all up. Fuck it out of the park, out of my life, into deepest darkest space beyond the reach of telescopes. Fuck it into the past, fuck it out of all recognition, break it, twist it, mangle it until there is no resemblance to its original state. Fuck it past its original state, into the primordial pre-fuckery that spawned it.

I am fed up. I just want someone to sort me out, because it is becoming painfully obvious I am incapable of doing it myself.


If I just be myself, I will just let opportunities float past without doing enough - sometimes not anything. If I try and impose myself on those opportunities, I feel that not only am I imposing, but I am lying to people, including myself.

I have tried hard to avoid lying - to anyone. But not lying is not the same as telling the truth. My truth scares me a little, so I keep it to myself, afraid that it will scare others a lot. Or be misunderstood.

Rant over. Sigh. Back to work...

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