Moving forward (at last!)...

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Everyone is posting pictures, I'll give it a try. I am still in male mode, but this is week 3 of HRT for me. Changes from the current photo include new studs (time to train my ears don't you know) and I am mostly wearing womans jeans now, like anyone but me can tell the difference.

They finally decided to give us Christmas vacation at work, after telling us repeatedly it wasn't happening. Good enough, I needed the down time.

This is me and my boy around 2004, he is the only reason I am still here.

Prediabetes 2004

This is me currently, at 180 pounds. Only 15 or so to go!

121218 at 180 pounds

I have pictures of me en fem, but I will wait for transition day to post those. With luck it will be 4 - 6 months away. I have been very patient I think, but I am starting to get anxious.

My old name is Bill, I'm thinking Wendy Jean (I didn't have a middle name before).

The depression I was going through has well and truly broken. I still notice slight vestiges, and there are some thought patterns I need to purge from my head, but life is good. I just wish Wren was here to share it.

I have made many friends here on BCTS, some closer than others. I don't see that changing. The only problem I still have is the dang reading block, but it is slowly fading. The mind is a strange thing, at least mine is. I often tell my GT I don't understand myself very well, but the self loathing is fading. I am coming to accept myself for who I am.

My sense of humor is coming back too, it has been somewhat in hiding. Only a trans would find getting their manhood removed a reward for a job well done (loosing weight). I have been known to phrase that cruder, but then I'm also trying to clean up my language (as well as practice the voice), I want to be ladylike after all.


Thanks for your courage

To share them with us, however your pictures did not upload, or I am having difficulty.

Mega Hugs

People say, "You don't know what you had until it's gone." Very true, but also equally true is, "You don't know what you've been missing until is arrives."

Me either...

Ah well.

It's good to hear things going well for you, Wendy. Me, I'm still plodding along. I do have an appointment with a laser doc for my face this Saturday though! And I'm working on trying to get on disability because of my "combination of mental disorders" (hah!). I just need the medical.

Abigail Drew.

Local hosting?

Wendy Jean's picture

If there is local hosting for BCTS I'll relink them. I'm using my other home at the moment for hosting, but I'm not picky about it. Baring that, I will put it into a photobucket account.


OK, I have relinked it to an old photobucket account. If anyone is still having trouble let me know.

Better still, if there is local hosting I would like to know about that too.


You go Wendy! I've been cheering you on for awhile and I can see the difference. I am so very happy for you. Smiles, Jenn.

I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair

that is such great news

HRT is truly amazing. It has given me a life I never had before.

keep in contact,
Cassie Ellen

One minor fly in the ointment though...

Wendy Jean's picture

I just got through with a dinner at a local restaurant with my nephew in law and a niece I raised. The in law expressed his real opinion, which is that if I had asked God for help I would have been cured, this with a very uncomfortable girl sitting next to him. Apparently he has me pegged as a Godless sort. I am not willing to give her up, so I will have to settle for him being civil (if he can). Why is religion such an issue for us? He claims he is not a member of an organized religion. God save me from bigots.

My GT has been telling me to expect something like this. It won't be the first, it won't be the last I'm sure.

Asking God for help

But you do ask God for help, and He says "Yes, I will help cure you." Then he gives you the opportunity to go on hormones and eventually (If it is His will) gender reassignment surgery. So next time your in law says ask God for help tell him the Lord is already providing a way.

I had something similar but my take is this, I am a female trapped in a masculine body, the cure is to be a female in a female body. It is much easier to change the packaging than to change the core. God made them male and female in his image. Does that mean God is intersexed? No! It means that how we reflect the image of God is by our actions not by our bodies or clothing.

I'm happy that you've started your journey. There will be many joys and many tears, but I for one am here for you (and, according to some, I'm a completely different person than I was a week or two ago).

Katie Leone (

Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life

Way to go!

Who's walking down the streets of the city?
Smiling at everybody she sees?
Everyone knows its... Wendy

Words may be false and full of art;
Sighs are the natural language of the heart.
-Thomas Shadwell