Moving forward (at last!)...
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Everyone is posting pictures, I'll give it a try. I am still in male mode, but this is week 3 of HRT for me. Changes from the current photo include new studs (time to train my ears don't you know) and I am mostly wearing womans jeans now, like anyone but me can tell the difference.
They finally decided to give us Christmas vacation at work, after telling us repeatedly it wasn't happening. Good enough, I needed the down time.
This is me and my boy around 2004, he is the only reason I am still here.
This is me currently, at 180 pounds. Only 15 or so to go!
I have pictures of me en fem, but I will wait for transition day to post those. With luck it will be 4 - 6 months away. I have been very patient I think, but I am starting to get anxious.
My old name is Bill, I'm thinking Wendy Jean (I didn't have a middle name before).
The depression I was going through has well and truly broken. I still notice slight vestiges, and there are some thought patterns I need to purge from my head, but life is good. I just wish Wren was here to share it.
I have made many friends here on BCTS, some closer than others. I don't see that changing. The only problem I still have is the dang reading block, but it is slowly fading. The mind is a strange thing, at least mine is. I often tell my GT I don't understand myself very well, but the self loathing is fading. I am coming to accept myself for who I am.
My sense of humor is coming back too, it has been somewhat in hiding. Only a trans would find getting their manhood removed a reward for a job well done (loosing weight). I have been known to phrase that cruder, but then I'm also trying to clean up my language (as well as practice the voice), I want to be ladylike after all.