Well, I was going to share about my trip to the endo doc in a skirt, but I made the mistake on my way home of turning on the radio in time to hear the sentence for Graham James for raping two kids while their hockey coach. Two years. Two years for destroying two lives. Two years for humiliating two teen boys into being his sex toys. I'm going to scream and cry into a pillow now.
Look on the bright side.
Not too long until we have an opportunity to ...administer more appropriate punishments.
If there's any justice then they'll
run into some nice guys in the system who'll watch out for kids in the was convicts only can.
There's a happy thought.
*Great BIG Angel Hugs*
Bailey...A Very Proud Supporter of Team Dorothy:)
Bailey Summers
...sadly, too often the adult survivor of sexual abuse as a child is perceived as an adult victim even if the act was committed against them when he or she was a minor. And how a man who has been convicted of multiple offenses as a sexual predator could have received a pardon is beyond the pale, especially since the government didn't find out from the parole board until 2010...three years after the pardon was issued.
His dispassionate 'apology' demonstrates to me that he is unrepentant, and will likely re-offend if given the chance, regardless of the restrictions placed on him subsequent to his eventual release. And ecause of how his sentence is structured under law, he could be released from prison as early as this fall. Unfortunately, sentences like this will continue to be handed out in various jurisdictions in Canada and the United States until laws are changed.
Love, Andrea Lena
No Justice, No Bright Side
The man that molested and sexually abused me and seven other kids (and we weren't teens, we were six, seven, eight years old) served less than six years of a twenty year sentence. That's right, less than a year for each one of us! Got time off for good behavior plus early parole for being a "non-violent" criminal. He got through prison just fine. And he had the audacity to show up at my home after being released from prison. I could rant for a page or more, but it wouldn't change anything.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb