I wanted to thank everyone who responded to my request for a GG lesbian willing to talk about sexual attraction. Everything I learned re-assured me that there isnt any significant difference between how they feel and how I do. That's a relief, because I was worried about it.
Who you are...
Who YOU are, and who you are attracted two are (per a lot of research) not linked, except through social factors...
IMO - don't let your attractions impact who you think you are. That said, based on what a number of others have said over the years... Don't assume that who you're attracted to today will remain the same as you go down your path. I've heard of many whose orientation apparently flip flopped.
From personal experience - so far... My orientation toward my WIFE has not changed significantly. How we interact has. Who I prefer to "look" at and what attributes they may have doesn't seem to have changed. That said - I got a shock a few months ago - when watching Queen on YouTube... I had a different appreciation of Freddy than I'd ever had before. I was quite surprised by this. But, it doesn't seem to have changed whether I'm attracted to women or men. But, it gave me a "hint" of why some people might be attracted to men. I know they are... But, that was at an intellectual level - not an emotional one. Sorta like a gay friend's comment that the accepted trans women and got - intellectually - their need to have their bodies fit their minds, but he couldn't "get" in his gut their desire to change their genitals.
Good Luck. Thinking about all this IS important. Thinking a LOT. Think not only with your head, but with your heart. Think about WHY you are doing it. Make sure it's REALLY the right thing to do.
Best wishes,
You want a real laugh?
Who I am attracted to goes from one polar opposite to the other depending on wether I am awake or asleep.
Glad you found out
This is one of those things where some of us could have told you, but it's better you found out for yourself.
There is no link between sexuality and preference, though the 'common knowledge' wants to dispute that. It's much easier for them to put MtF TGs into the 'gay' box. It's easier for them to understand, however wrong it is.
It was difficult for my Mom to deal with my being TG. It was a lot harder that after all the trauma of transition and surgery, that I ended up marrying another woman.
Glad you found what you were looking for.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
I am a woman
I respond to things as a woman does. What's to discover?
You are what you are, Dot.
It was a learning experience for me too! = )
More realization than learning though. When I told you what I told you, I also realized that my MegaTomboyness is NOT dependent on my testosterone! ^_^ Now I can't WAIT to have my balls cut off! =D
*HuggleSnugglePurr* <3
- - -
BCTS's resident Extravagant Honorable Trans-Cat-MegaTomboy! ;D ...But I do like cuddles from soft but strong arms... ^_^