Purchase of servers and progress on rescue plan

Just spent $2300 for purchase of four servers to be new homes for BigCloset, Stardust, Fictioneer, Sapphire's Place, TGFiction.net, TG LIbrary, Tuckerspawn, Storysite and at least a dozen more sites. These servers will be the new homes for the next few years of these sites and will also be a lilypad for as many of Bob's sites as we can get moved before Lani has to shut down Bob's internet accounts.

As we can, we'll be transferring some of the sites to people who are outside of our community and who will probably want to move their sites to servers they can control. Others of Bob's sites will stay with us. We'll also be looking at Bob's servers and buying the ones we think we can use in the future, and possibly transferring my current servers and some of Pipers to the new colo. In COLOrado. :) That still tickles me.

We spent more than absolutely necessary so that the new servers will be upgrades on current service and since they will be located next to each other and hooked directly to each other we can do some cluster optimization on the sites. This should make everything run faster with less downtime. Pick up one foot and hope, hope, hope. :)

But this $2300 isn't all for the rescue project, about half ($1150) is for BC upgrades and more than half of the rest for the hosting service Piper and I want to start ($645). So that's about $505 to provide the lilypad for the rescue effort.

We figure there is still about 900 dollars to spend on continuing the rescue, on top of the 650 in direct expenses already paid and the $505 for the lilypad server.

There's still some money in the pipeline for the Hatbox and if anyone wants to contribute to the cost of the new BC servers, it would be welcome.


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