An incident happened this morning. Those involved know what happened. I got angry and shut the site down to cool off so that I did not say things I would regret or ban anyone.
The rule here is friendly. If the comment, blog or forum post you want to make is not friendly ... don't make it. Next time, I think I will have to ban a few people. I don't want to do that so please don't test me on it.
If there is someone here you have a problem with, avoid them. Don't go looking for their posts so you can comment and be snide, condescending, vicious or otherwise unfriendly. Talk to me if you think it is a serious problem that something needs to be done about. I listen.
Remember the sig I use on emails: Give the benefit of the doubt. Just because you think you know what is going on doesn't mean you know the whole story and you can't read other people's minds to determine their motives.
This post will float at the top of the blogs for a couple of days, I do that by fudging the date.
Hugs to all and I do mean all,
It might be better if you just banned the people who made you angry, rather than let them spoil your whole day. Taking the site offline just amplified whatever effect the original comments had. I read the site quite a lot, and I never saw those, or was even aware that something was wrong. Of course, I don't read all the stories, but only ones from certain authors, or episodic stories I'm already following. I'll bet most readers like me are in a similar position. We were unaware that anyone was being unfriendly until you took the site down and announced the reason. This gives the unfriendly people much more power than they deserve, imho.
You do a wonderful thing in providing this site to the community. I'm very grateful. My wish is that you should enjoy it more and suffer less from these slights and irritations.
This is my favorite TG story site, and even though I'm mostly a reader, someday I'll put my struggling hand to writing some more for it.
Taking the site down
Taking the site down was for me. It let me put the problem aside until I had cooled off. You have to understand, I didn't want to ban people, I wanted to drive to LA and bring the servers home. Shutting the site down for a few hours was for my mental health.
It might have been drastic but it was less drastic than my initial impulse. If I can't run this as a friendly site, then I don't want to have all the trouble it causes at all.
You say that it gives the troublemakers too much power. Well, sometimes that's why people cause trouble, looking for a little power in their lives. I can live with a bit of that but I have to have the space to get control of my Irish-Cherokee temper.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I'm sorry they caused you such stress
it shouldn't happen, and I hope the people involved take a hard look at themselves. I dont want to lose this site, but your mental health has to come first.
In a lot of ways the general friendliness on this site and the
In a lot of ways the general friendliness on this site and the community situated here is a bit of a rarity. The internet is a very unkind place, the lack of all the normal social cues people have in real life don't exist. so it very easy for people to slip into hater territory, as per John Gabriels's great internet Fuckwad theory.
Anyways I would chalk most people's idiotic/hurtful comments to simply a neurological hiccup of sorts. But none the less in the future you might want to think about implementing some kind of feed back system. Like private temp bans for people who cause issues, or something in that vain.
Just my thoughts anyways.
We have met the F*ckwad and He is Us
That cartoon brilliantly illustrates something I've noticed about the internet. 90% of the time when things go wildfire it isn't some bratty punk with a rotten additude who hates the concept of community ("Stupid phonies, bluh bluh..."), never has anything nice to comment, loves to piss people off because it's soooooooooo easy, and SAFE to do this on the internet; like shouting insults at pedestrians from a car passing by at 40 mph. Those sorts of people get banished from here pretty quickly.
In a lot of cases it's not that the culprits don't appreciate this site and what we have here, it's their very love of BCTS that motivates them to act stupid. They see a threat to the online community, or to the site's artistic standards ("We get too many more pieces like THIS one and this once magnificent story site will descend into hopeless barbarism!") and they naturally want to do something about it. Now, things like this are subjective, where one person sees a problem others might not agree, and those who are alarmed by the matter see the more complacent ones as not fully understanding the gravity of the situation, or being victims of some APATHY that they need to be roused out of, and that's when the fun starts.
Things get increasingly loud and shrill, hysteria leads to unwise and hurtful phrasing; and they wind up hurting the people and the site they love; wrecking Erin's day and making her doubt if it's even worth it to put up with this sort of thing, to put so much of her time, money and effort into this monkey house only to step in here all unsuspecting one fine morning and be smacked in the face by ape shit.
Now they're scared---WHAT HAVE I DONE?---but it's too late, the site's down and might never come back; ah the sobering effects of fear and culpibility; it puts their priorities in focus---that knowing you're RIGHT about that thing you were so riled up about can turn out to be a big fat booby prize---and they will think before they post, like they mostly do, and intended to do this time before they lost it.
~~hugs, Veronica
It's also okay to think after you post, but I don't think I'll be PLEASE DELETE-ing this one.
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Then again
You keep giving a child matches and he WILL burn the village down.
Visit my Caption Blog: Dawn's Girly Site
Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs
That's funny.
My reply to Pippa's remarks, mostly agreeing with her, seem to have disappeared.
I got pulled a couple of months ago mainly for going off on an anti-relgious rant and Erin explained why she pulled me, (She was mostly right of course.)
I hope I haven't offended Erin again with my previous reply to Pippa or it may have been the 9 0'clock thing cutting me off.
Cheers y'all.
Growing old disgracefully.
Never saw your comments
Probably some connection thing. Posts made at exactly 5 or 35 after the hour are vulnerable to the reset gremlin which is needed to keep the site from getting bogged down on the server due to unexpired sessions, cookies, and Drupal's memory leak.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Friendly...or else!
As one who has felt her wrath before, I'd rather Erin do what she did than ban anybody.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Ah Gee,
I missed it again.
FYI folks, it wasn't me. Not this time anyway.
But I do understand Erin's need to step aside and collect her wits. Me, I usually throw things in order to restore my mental health. That explains the reason my Mac computer is bolted to my desk.
"You may be what you resolve to be."
T.J. Jackson
Think I Know
I won't directly address that issue, not my place. I've said this before, and I'll suggest it again: if somebody's writing bothers you so much that you feel the need to lash out at them, then click "Ignore User" instead. What you don't read you won't feel the need to comment on. Done wonders for me!
* * *
"Girls are like pianos, when they're not upright they're grand!" Benny Hill
Karen J.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
You have every right!
This has always been a great place to go. eah, I missed reading for a while, but I understand. Them's the rules, and I don't see why anyone would have a problem. I willing to listen to critics, and I like to think learn from them. Just be nice about it!
Thank you for allowing us to continue reading and posting
Erin, all I can say is thank you for bringing the site back up. I wish people would realize that there is a wonderful thing about text responses, and that is YOU have the option to REREAD and be 100% that you really want to post something before you actually hit the post comment button.
Too bad some people cannot seem to take advantage of this ability.
Jayme Ann
The answers to all of life's questions can be found in the face of a true friend
The answers to all of life's questions can be found in the face of a true friend
With hindsight I should have made a comment or two to defuse....
things before they escalated.
If this is what I think it is about there were legitimate concerns about a story posting but they should have been handled as a series of PMs.
PM's are the way to go if something might be controversial or upset people. What is the old adage about not airing dirty laundry in public?
Okay that may not be the best phrase but is sort of applies.
People make mistakes but in correcting them we should attempt to point out the mistake without it seeming to be an attack on the person involved. At least until we have all the facts and then that is a matter for Admin AKA Erin and her elves.
BC is known for its civility compared to many other sites and we need to nurture that. Politically correct/thought police we don't need but we do need common courtesy.
I have probably said this a couple dozen times over the six plus years I've been registered here -- and I lurked for a few before that -- email is an imperfect form of communication.
Experts say something like 80 percent or more of communication is in tone, facial expressions and body language, none of which we have on the web.
Plus once you post here it is impossible to take it back. Something on the web is almost immortal. And then it is so easy to reply and so quickly too. And that makes things worse.
So take a step back and think twice before sending off that missive. Remember the carpenters *rule* of measure twice cut once. Applies equally well on the web.
Nuf said.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Erin, if a *timeout* is what you need to cool down and maybe help us to cool down as well, go for it! Am constantly amazed herding the bunch of cats that is BC doesn't drive you bonkers.
John in Wauwatosa
Understanding and Relief
I didn't read what angered you enough to take down the site, but I understand needing to remove the temptation of seeking vengeance while you calmed down. However I was scared that you might not put the sight back up. I'm relieved that it is back up because I would miss it. I will say that I wanted to know the details at first so I could seek vengeance on the culprits, but realized that would defeat your actions to have cooler heads prevail.
Thank you Erin for providing this site.
tough spot
I really don't envy you at times. I know I'd struggle and I'm pretty even tempered... mostly. I missed it but I think I know where it started. What's that thing about knowing what you can and can't change and the wisdom to recognise the differences? Whatever, some things are not worth stressing over. Hey you could be a Vancouver Ice Hockey fan, apparently that's serious.
I don't know anything at all about the incident which set Erin off, but I was on-line replying to a story comment when the site... disappeared.
I felt as though I had been stabbed.
I hadn't really appreciated just how much this site has come to mean to me, and, I suspect, so many of us. I spent the evening almost in mourning, trying hard not to think about what I'd do if the site never came back again.
Aah, damn. Erin, there has to be a better way of managing these things, if only for the mental health of all involved. I'm not sure how much I can personally contribute, being both many thousands of miles away and just struggling currently to get chapters out, but I'm sure there must be a way that you can let others take up some of the load.
Perhaps there needs to be a conversation. Not necessarily in public. Just remember that there are far more here who stand with you than stand against you.
I don't know anything either
but I also felt as if I was cutoff from one of the few places of the web that is a real pleasure. It says something about the people on this site that this was an isolated incident and that it has caused such a strong reaction. It tells me that the majority of people on this sight are kind, loving human beings with a deep care for their fellow users of this site.
I know I tend to lurk a bit on this sight and don't often venture an opinion on stories but this place means a great deal to me. I don't know Drupal very well but is there not some way to add a moderation system and appoint moderators that people can report abusive behavior to? This could also remove some of the stress from your shoulders, Erin, and will not necessarily have to result in bans for people.
For my part.
I was one of the people who crossed the line. I had not intended to be insulting with my comment, but I became so and I am sorry. I apologize to the writer I insulted and to Erin for being inappropriate.
OK, ten demerits to whoever
Made us all miss Bike yesterday!
I do not think everybody realizes how therapeutic this web site is for many folks.
Some find community, some blog, some work it out through what they read, some through writing, others a friendly ear and then the many sympathetic and helpful friends.
Its a lot more than a friendly story site.
Joni Mitchell
- over forty years ago, summed it up for me: "You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone"
And I did not, but when TopShelf was accurately if temporarily described as "gone", I was forced to confront that. I know a little better now. I have better understanding how important the site is to me and what its total loss would mean to me. And I fear, for I feel powerless to do anything to reduce the risk of that loss.
My experience and mental scars of what I do in another life informs me how fast these things can go downhill, and how the feeling of "screw the lot of them" can arise.
If there's one silver lining here, it is that it has made an opportunity to tell Erin again how much I value what she does, and how much I appreciate her for it. (And vice-versa.) And a reminder also for me that I should find a way of again making that support concrete - or more usefully 'liquid'.
Xi (H319)
Joni Mitchell, Big Yellow Taxi, 1970 - but you all knew that, didn't you?
I still have my vinyl copy of Ladies of the Canyon on which I first heard the track.
I'll Say It Again
This is a sight of fantasy , make believe, fiction you get what I mean and if you don't like something CHANGE THE CHANNEL or USE THE DELETE BUTTON but done ruin it for everybody else , ALSO you can write your own story the way you want it to be BUT please done have the sight shut down. ERIN can probable find lost of other things to do than baby sit this site. THANK YOU ERIN for all your time and effort for our pleasure HUGS EVERYBODY---RICHIE2
Banning peeps
I'm just glad it wasn't me this time. Mind you, it's been a while since I lit any torches under anyone's butts.
I wouldn't like to be in your shoes, Erin.
I don't just look it, I'm totally against all these argumentalists, but I do like making up words...
I'll help you, Nick
I am rightly acused of letting my inner 13 year old out WAY to often.
So if you want to have some fun, Nick... PARTY TIME! Open the kegs, get drunk, make crank calls then let's smash the old lady's windows. You know, the one where boys go in her house and never are seen again but there sure are a lot more cute girls in the neighborhood than a few years ago...
Oh, right we are trying to cool things down around here.
Soory I'll be good and if Nick keeps posting the fine stories he does I'll vouch for him.
But if anyone sees that strange old lady... tell her I think she's a nasty, ugly old witch and I tripple-dog-dare her to turn me into ... oh a copy of Cindy Crawford at 14. Or any of the Kardassian sisters at the same age.
Hey if your are going to bait a witch go for the gusto I say.
LOVE your avatar, Nick, though she is a tad on the flat side. But then most 'toons are two dimentional.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Figured we needed a little silly after yesterdays trouble but please do THINK and THINK TWICE before posting or commenting. It saves a lot of embarasment and hurt feelings. Plus as others have said here if you don't like something or someone use the ignor button. Quick, easy and painless.
Got to go, there is a pissed off witch at the door I need to *talk with*. ... Ooooh, we have THAT many raw eggs in the 'fridge! Comming you old bat!
John in Wauwatosa
All help gratefully received, John IW
I can't stop my inner 13 year old. It's running the show right now. It's the fifty year old which should be, but isn't.
I can remember a number of flame wars I was involved in and if I didn't start them I was instrumental in fanning the flames. I even threw all my toys out of my pram a few times too.
As for the fine stories I write, I'm mid way through yet another that I don't know if I'll be able to finish. I've lost count how many that makes, but by the laws of averages and probability, I should get to the end of at least one (ref: all the monkeys and all the word processors and something about the complete works of Shakespeare - or something like that) - eventually.
Any-who, if I do ever get done, I could really use an editor, so if anyone feels lucky, give me a shout :)
I don't just look it, I'm totally trying to write something. It's been ages and I just can't seem to get my head round things. It's the PTSD and short-term memory loss taking hold... Now what was I talking about?
Early Teens
I think you have story there. About preteeners and early teeners, that enter haunted homes never to be seen again. But showing up as beautiful young ladies several years later at the door steps of their parents home.
Kaptin Nibbles
Frankly I am in the kick them out camp
If they do not have the self restraint or be so childish to 'win at any cost' or arrogant to believe they are right and I will not back down if I am right well they really do not belong as a civilized part of a public forum. I do not know what happened but we should enforce behavior standards that do not sink to 12 year olds. So kick em out.
I now make it a habit of making sure if it even hints of going down hill from a discussion that I immediately go the 'agree to disagree' route and end it right there. Life's too short to waste on arguing with virtual people anyway.
OTOH, I refuse to be dictated to like a child by other people telling me what is or is not appropriate to bring up in a comment either. My view is is that if it strays away from the story in a fashion that it is not even derivative of the story content then it is not a suitable subject for a comment. Of course rude comments about the writer's abilities is not right.
My oppinion is: If somebody
My oppinion is: If somebody chooses to be an asshole, just let him feel the consequences. - I'd kick those aggressors simply out right away.
"Die Gedanken sind frei / Sie fliegen vorbei
Kein Mensch kann sie wissen / kein Jäger sie schiessen
Mit Kugeln und Blei / Die Gedanken sind frei"
"Die Gedanken sind frei / Sie fliegen vorbei
Kein Mensch kann sie wissen / Kein Jäger sie schießen
Mit Kugeln und Blei / Die Gedanken sind frei"
We play by your rules.
The golden rule... "He who has the gold gets to make the rules."
In our case, it should read, "She who owns the hardware, pays the bills, and directs the administration through her minions and personal effort gets to make and enforce the rules." Erin has proven to be a most benevelent monarch. So, fellow children of the corn, let's all play nice and try not to upset any apple carts.
Thanks Erin for providing this site, which, for me, is a great source of entertainment; and for putting up with a few of us dunderheads, and putting us in our place when needs be.
Linda Jeffries

Too soon old, too late smart.
Linda Jeffries

Too soon old, too late smart.
Come on the Ref
This is a site full of many different personalities and maybe a lot of us have mixed up emotions.
It's open 24/7 all around the world and it looks like it gets more popular everyday.
i read a lot of constructive comments and opinions in response here but on the site not everybody will have the same interpretation of each message or story that is posted.
We shouldn't get too exited about things to cause problems but it's inevitable because we might have encountered a problem that irritated us or maybe we just had a bad day.
Even refs can have a bad day and they might feel their tolerance has reached the limit so out comes the red card or they even sometimes have to take all the players off the pitch to cool down.
I don't think you really intended to abandon the match but sometimes the threat is needed to allow the supporters to enjoy the game as well as the players who were kicking each other.
The game is no good without the ref. It ends up as a mass brawl.
Keep up the good work and keep counting to 10.
It seems to me. again also not knowing what happened...
The way I'm reading post after Erin's people seem ready to cast blames upn persons unknown for reasons unknown. It IS possible the they, original posters had vaild points to male and perhaps they went overboard. I don't know, I didn't see them. Mayhaps they were trying help an author and embarrassed
I SO WISH ERIN WOULD POST THESE words of Goddess WITHOUT comments eneabled.
Thank you.
I was one of the folks that went 'overboard' as you say. I've already communicated my apology to Erin and we're okay. I'm sorry that my actions led to consequences that affected others, and for that I'm very sorry. On the other hand, I'm a little shell shocked and a bit hurt at the moment at all the comments about banning. While I cannot excuse my own actions or the actions of others, coming from the other side, I'm awfully glad that Erin was kind enough to extend mercy to me, and that I'm still here along with the other friends who made such a dreadful error in judgment. After putting a face on it, I do hope that some of you agree that I and my peers are still here. My sincerest apologies to all.
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Some enlightenment?
Well would somebody mind to explain what that whole hassle was about? An author wrote a crap story and some people remarked that and didn'T do that very polite and that pissed Erin of, or what happened?
It happens that people strike the wrong chord but that is no reason to do some permanent bans imho...
Recent blow up explained
Someone wrote a story using parts of someone else's story, with permission and permission noted in the header of the story. Three people made public, mean-spirited, and legally actionable accusations of plagiarism amounting to libel. Because the accused author asked me to take action, I had to do so or be exposed to legal action myself.
The simplest thing to do was take the site down while I figured out what further action to take. In the end, I decided to simply unpublish the offending posts and apologize to the author who was accused. It took me five hours to decide not to send flaming PMs to the offenders and just bring the site back up.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I have in the past done it both ways
This time I wanted to leave room for people to say something in public, thinking that the noise this would cause might be a further deterrent to people making less than well-thought out posts in the future. Because really, that's what happened. Some things were said in public that should have been said only in PM or not at all.
I really do try to live and work by my sig line.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Agreed and that's what I have said in public and private here
I happened to catch much of it, or at least its beginnings, as I was on vacation this week and a few PM'd me about what all the fuss all about as they had missed it.
BTW thank you those who PM'd me. That you chose to share your concerns and ask what I knew about the problems makes me feel pretty darn good.
-- smile --
I tried to be as accurate and honest as I could and I came to a couple conclusions. Most of them reinforce your response to past incidents. Erin.
BC is by your own rules -- and inclination I gather --, Erin, a place for civil debate and for TG fiction and related stuff. Debate, a little controversy is okay but, and this is damned near absolute, it must be civil, respectful and no attacking people or the perception of attack.
The issue raised by several commenters was one worthy of bringing-up. It was not a trival concern on their parts and needed to be clarified and addressed. But it was done publically when it should of, by the guidelines/rules of BC as a site, as PM's. And probably PM's keeping Erin and /or her elves involved to help work out a solution and if anything further was necessary be it a sanction or a public remainder of proper posting etiquette/ethics for comments, stories or whatever.
It was the public nature and the risk that that it would deteriorate into attacks on persons that got Erin's blood up IMHO.
Correct me if I am wrong. Erin.
Those who breached the policy of civil discourse have apologized and the incident that triggered their comments brought to the attention of the person concerned so that he or she can correct and avoid that error in future.
That these incidents are infrequent is a tribute to Erin's policy and to the frequenters of BC.
Not to sound like a stuck record but remember email/blog communication is highly flawed and prone to misunderstandings and unintentional consequences. So think two or three times before you sent off that curt reply. Sit back a few minutes, cool down and think. Your comments will be better for it as will BC. The same goes for posting a story or blog. Don't rush it,... think before posting.
Thanks Erin for restoring the site and I am sure the blinding headaches and rage will go away along with the seven foot tall green skinned body. Sorry about the clothes but you look fabulous. REALLLLLY buff.
-- GRIN --
Sorry I couldn't resist. DON'T SMASH ME!
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
I sent a nice discrete letter to the government of Uganda asking them nicely to stop killing fags.
I couldn't believe it, they completely ignored me!!!!!!!!
I sent several more, same deal.
I thought about bringing it up with the UN, but that might be unfriendly...
With some folks it's whatever they think they can get away with.
Then you have to remind yourself that you're not a cop
and that it's not your job to police this site,
that if Erin has a problem with someone's
plagiaristic postings she'll let them know;
but it can be frustrating as hell...
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
I well understand, Laika, but then use this analogy
Beyond thinking of BC as Erin's the private residence and we are but guests, think of BC as a airplane simulator except to train wannbe and maybe some eventual real writers. Mistakes will happen. People will crash and burn. Rules of etiquette, standards for posting of materials/opinions, proper attributions of sources and the ilk may be broken at times but this is a good place to learn how not to make those mistakes and to learn so in safety.
Yeah, it drives me crazy when I see someone do something wrong. I want to scream What the HECK Are you ...! But then I realize maybe they don't know, made an honest mistake and are learning. I never want to be judge and jury.
I am perhaps too forgiving, too slow to anger but that is me.
Diversity will keep BC healthy whether it be for thick skinned folks like me, strange iconoclastic whatever the hecks like you, Laika, and the more fragile souls here struggling with issues involving health, their work and families and TG ... or whatever troubles them.
Don't ever feel you must not speak your mind. Just always do so with respect. Just because someone appears to have done something objectionable does not mean they intended to. Just like sometimes I sound like a blonde bimbo does mean, I mean doesn't mean... I ...huh? like, um, uh what was I, you know. Okay I am sometimes!
IE. Let Erin sort out the rest. It is her right as the site owner. If someone notices something serious has happened in their opinion, they should contact Erin privately and let her investigate.
I agree it's frustrating sometimes but then I like to think of BC as a herd of cats. Try rounding them up someday. Though a can of tuna and a can opener may help.
But please feel free to squash mash and bash spanners.
I hates um!
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. time to put this subject to bed. Okay? Me included. Sorry.
John in Wauwatosa
Letters to Uganda
I do not know if your comments about letters to Uganda are some form
of humor but I will assume they are serious as what you describe taking
place is something of concern whether we bash gays or not. This world
would be a sad place for gay bashers if there were no gays. I have
read that in some third world countries on that part of the continent
that has too much oil offer gays an option of SRS or else. Might be
a solution to both parties involved.
I do not recommend the UN if there is no oil in Uganda, no incentive
for NATO to bomb the government out of existence. While it enforces
a no fly zone.
This message will be deleted in 12 minutes. I don't like the sound
of jets flying over my house.
Good to remember
It's not our job to police this site, because technically, it's not our site at all. It's Erin's. And as she points out time and again when we frustrate and anger her, we're lucky to have it at all.
So if you're frustrated or upset with something that happens here, don't comment. The person who made you frustrated or upset will just get defensive, others will come to YOUR defense and to hers, and before you know it we'll all be staring at a "Site Offline" message that could wind up permanent. Send a PM if it makes you feel better, but remember that the only reason to send the PM is literally to make you feel better. It's just a way to vent, and that will probably be the only thing you get out of it, if you get anything from it at all. Because it's literally a roll of the dice. If you send it to the person who upset you, they might apologize, or they might tell you to go to Hell. And there's not a damn thing you can do about it, either way.
Sending a PM to Erin to complain about something is also nothing more than a way to vent, really. You need to understand before you click "send" that she is not under any obligation to respond to or address your concerns -- and who could blame her? Nobody wants to be a police officer -- even cops on the street who chose it for a career wonder why sometimes. Erin gives us a place where we can write and post and read the works of others. She certainly isn't obligated to be the playground monitor, even if someone is acting childish.
And if someone is harassing you, or stalking you, or even just wanting to be more than a friend, ignore them. You don't even need willpower -- that's what the site's ignore function is for. They will soon find that trying to intimidate or annoy someone who doesn't even read what you write gets very boring eventually. And it's not like they can walk through the Internet and start pounding on your virtual door. *grin*
So even though, as part of a site full of writers, your first impulse is to dash off an angry note as a comment or even a PM, DON'T. You'd get rid of your frustration quicker if you went outside, hung a pillow from a tree, and beat it into a loose collection of feathers. But that could wind up costing you a LOT. You might want to invest in a punching bag, or for the financially challenged, an inflatable clown with a round bottom who keeps getting right back up when you knock him down -- although that eventually gets frustrating in its own way. *smile*
Remember, you can never control what others do. You can only control what you do. And I'm doing my best to keep my opinions and emotions to myself. It's quieter that way. *grin* It does tend to make me feel like less a part of the community, not being able to share what I feel. But there's always a give and take in any decision you make. And at least I still get to post stories, and read others by writers I enjoy and respect.
Really bad advice above
Yes, do send me a PM to let me know if things are going wrong or someone has upset you. It is what I do around here.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.