I love the writer's challenges and contests here. Even when I can't come up with an entry, (which is most of the time), I love reading what others create within each contest or challenge. So I decided to create a personal challenge, just for me. I wanted to create a story with a title that began with the letter "z", and keep it under 500 words. You guys have read the result - "Zombie-Killer Girlfriend". And judging from the comments, it turned out pretty good.
A Good Challenge
I have an interesting challenge. It was something that the teacher had us do in one of my college creative writing classes. She clipped out headlines from newspapers and had us write stories based around them. The more obscure the better. Its kinda fun actually. I can't really remember what mine was but I remember it was one of the more enjoyable stories I'd ever written. :)
a writer's challenge
Having fun with the challenges, myself
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
It did! = )
In the (hopefully near) future, I'm going to have to strike a balance between shattering that stereotype, and NOT failing my Real Life Test...
Now you've got me thinking about TG Zombies. Would they shuffle around moaning (instead of "Brrraaaiiinnnsss") "Eeesssttrrrooggeeennn" (or "Tessstosssterrroonnnee" in the case of the FtMs)? :'D