I am posting this, because I am curious on how you came up with your name. I will start by telling you how I came up with mine. Lesley is from one of my favorite female rock stars. I liked the sound of the name, liked its meaning and it sort of fit my personality. Renee was a suggestion of a person I was chatting with at the time. It was one of his favorite names. I liked it, plus it was the name of one of the girls I grew up with and liked and it to some how fit me. Charles is my male middle name. I kept as a link to my past. Which is funny because growing up I hated that name, but I think it sounds great as a last name. I also like that Renee means reborn and Charles means man. So to play with that we get Lesley reborn from a man. lol.
My name
Andrea Lena DiMaggio. Andrea - from Andrew...Andreas...warrior. Greek. Lena, from Magdalena...Italian...as in Mary Magdalene; the woman who was redeemed by the love of Christ in the Gospels. DiMaggio...Of May...from my distant cousins, the DiMaqggio's of Baseball...no fooling...Siciliy.
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
It Was A Total Fluke!!!
[email protected] Not one of the parasitic varieties!LOL
When I had to register for this site, it just came to me. Where it came from, I have no clue. I know it's a bit of a bastardization of my given name. Throw in some of my heritage, and out it came!
After I checked the meaning, I was more than pleased!!!;)
'God's Grace' suits me just fine.
Love And Hugs,
[email protected]
I was born with it :)
Joyce, that is. But Erin Halfelven was my character in a D&D game, a red-headed human paladin who had been raised by elves. Morgan Preece, another penname of mine was named after Erin's sword, Rhys ap Morgan, The Light on the Shore.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Enemy of Fun
Its actually taken from the movie Assassins. Its a line that Julianne Moore's character speaks to Sylvester Stallone's character, calling him the "enemy of fun" when he refuses to allow her to do something.
I love it because when I was a teenage my friend always forced me to go to parties and things like that. But I'd never do anything and when people asked me why, I'd always tell them because "I'm the Enemy of Fun". I've been using it for years...all the way back to my AOL days :)
It's dead easy!
My homme name is Bevan.
My femme name is Beverly.
Every body just says Hi Bev. No confusion and little room for blunders.
Growing old disgracefully.
I was born with it.
My birth name was Gwinn, but everyone spelled it Gwen unless I corrected them. Eventually, even before I was outed, I just gave up and stopped correcting them. It seemed to be my fate. Later I adopted Khadijah, because I was a brand new Muslimah, and I wanted to piss my family off. LOL
In retrospect, I once used Credence Browne and that is the one I wish I had stayed with. Too late now.
Much peace
My Name
I chose my name wanting to match my RL initials. Thus Lauren Patricia Dunegan.
Just worked down my list
Just worked down my list till I got three names left. Then let my mom and eldest sister chose 1 of them
Lynne: according to the namebook I had, had something to do with water and beautiful
in ja
My nick is romanji japanese and literallly means something like 'shadow whereof dog/hound'(japanese there is no difference between dog or hound. Can also be writen as 'ken' )so would translate something like shadowdog/hound. Always liked Hernes dog's and as i'm sometimes ghosting/lurking around, voila shadow. O yes most importanly I love anything to do with' the land of the rising sun'.
How I picked Dorothy Colleen
I started by inverting my male name Todd to make Dot. From there it was only a slight jump to Dorothy. When I started writing and needed to distinguish myself from any other "Dorothy", I added the Colleen - it was the female name my mother had ready for me when I was born had I looked like a girl. I got lucky in the meanings - Dorothy means gift from God and Colleen means girl, what could be better?
I was named for my maternal
I was named for my maternal grandmother (who died suddenly 4 years before my birth) and my mother's best friend in Highschool. That is the first time I was named. I was born intersexed, and our doctor told my parents that I could be a girl or boy, with a bit of surgery. WWII was a year old, and my dad was slated to go for training, and he wanted to leave a son behind if he didn't survive the war. So I got sliced and diced, and then renamed, and the final birth certificate that was submitted bore a male name (I found the unfiled one in my Aunts papers after her death in 1995). Sociologically and legally I was male, but a major mistake was made. It took me years to get it straightened out, and I had to pretend to be a TS so that I could have surgery (Oklahoma is a backward state full of stupid religious bigots in postions of power) just so I could change all my docs, and it took awhile. But now I am me, finally.
I am so glad you shared that. My personal philosophy regarding children born intersexed is that they should determine what sex they are. I knew when I was three that I was all girl even though my physical body said something different. Till then, I think children should be dressed gender neutral. lol.
If only...
It seems increasingly that the pressure to conform to one gender or the other even starts before birth, with many mothers requesting preliminary gender identification during ultrasounds. Then of course, they can ensure that the nursery, first set of clothes, toys etc. are all representative of the expected gender. Dress a baby in neutral colours, without any other identifiers, and chances are if they're taken out and about, one of the first questions to be asked by passers by is "Is it a girl or a boy?" Surprisingly enough, answers to the effect of "None of your business!" are considered rude, or at best impolite.
Wouldn't it be nice if there was a community, somewhere, where babies, children, teens and adults could freely wear clothing and adopt mannerisms / presentation associated with either gender - regardless of their official gender - without anyone batting the proverbial eyelid.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I can relate, because I was supposed to have been a girl. I was my mother's second child after 21 years and since she had a boy, she wanted a girl. She never said this but I read between the lines growing up. She wanted a daughter, 1 to take care of her in old age and 2 she would have had one of each and would not worry about it. Then 3 and a half years later, my younger brother came along and then she stopped. I think if there was a way then to engineer I think she would have. Of course, with my birth she did have a daughter, but not in body. Sometimes I think God has a strange sense of humor. lol.
I see we all decided on a name in many different ways. I appreciate the feedback, it has all been interesting. As to Lesley, it means small meadow. I just think that felt like a calming thing.
I've been Susan since I was 12 years of age
nearly all my friends call me Susie.
When it came to the legal thingy, Susan was an obvious choice. My brother asked why I didn't go with the female version of my male name; I told him the truth - I hated it.
I tell everyone that Heywood is my maiden name although I never considered myself married. My real surname is the same as it always was; it can sometimes be easier legally.
My middle name is Alison.
Mine is simple
My name came from my parents (even though they don't know they have a daughter)(I'm still firmly in the closet).
In 91 I was in a relationship with a pregnant woman (the baby wasn't mine mores the pity),
When the baby was born my GF called her Samantha Jayne XXXXXXXXXX,
When I told my mum she says to me "Goodlord (or something like that) that's what we was going to call you if you'd been a girl"
.... And thus I got my real name (although I don't use the 'y' in Jayne).
I've thought of myself as Sammi ever since.
Zoe was...
I've been told on consecutive occasions, and even threatened with tickling if I try to change it, that "Zoe" suits me, but really I chose it mostly as a necessity at the time. I wasn't ready to "admit" to being TG let alone TS, so the name didn't matter much.
I had been playing Left4Dead, and really become attached to the token female of the group, a college student horror movie expert named Zoey... :-)
Are you sitting comfortably?
Then I'll begin. (Sorry, lame UK joke)
Way back in 1995 when I started university, I discovered what was then the greatest waste of time on the 'net - IRC. I needed a nickname for it, so, as I was a fan of the BOFH articles (yes, I do have a weird sense of humour), adapted it to mbfh (Mad Biologist From Hell). Skip forward five years, and the university are daft enough to let me back in to study computer science. I swapped the b for itt (IT trainee) and so mittfh was born. And although I've since been an IT Technician, an IT Teacher, and back to something vaguely technical involving IT, the acronym has stuck with me since.
So when I signed up here, I used the same nickname. Although it's slightly more unconventional than the other sites I visit, I'm not exactly doing anything untoward here, so if they did find out I've got nothing to hide. Although I know from experience it wouldn't occur to most people to Google my nickname and find out all the weird, random stuff I do on the 'net...
Besides which, Crystal Hall appears at the bottom of Page 1, and here appears near the bottom of Page 2 of search results. Heck, there are even a handful of sites I haven't visited in years that appear higher up in the search results!
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I thought I was the only Platinum Blonde fan
I have that album...
Tychonaut is an English corruption of the chinese Taikonaut ('space sailor'). Yeah, I'm a big space nerdgirl really. At the time of joining I did think of taking something a bit less gender neutral such as the female name I would have been given at birth (Jemima) but after going through the whole choose a new name thing for transition I couldn't be bothered to have to keep track of another girls name. :-)
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
There's me thinking
you were a fan of Tycho Brahe the great Danish astronomer.
Hah! ^__^
I'd thought of that too! That, or possibly some sort of personal import to the moon crater named for him (or even the one on mars), or possibly for Tycho of Penny-Arcade. Or, more remotely, for the LEGO®-clone Tyco Blocks.
Successor to the LToC
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
I do believe
That Tycho's last name in Penny Arcade is Brahe, isn't it?
Melanie E.
You're right! ^^; That was certainly a "Derp!"-worthy moment. >.<
Successor to the LToC
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
As outrageously moustached, drunken moose owning, metal nosed geo-heliocentrics go, Tycho Brahe rocked. :-)
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
Dat's easy!
My Dad is Warren, and my (male) name is Ron. I put them together, and I got Wren, which I thought was pretty. My friend Bailey named me Erendae in the story "Snakes and Ladders", and I love it! Finally, I designed the logo for a trucking company (Rising Fenix-no, I didn't spell it) and I felt that the Phoenix was symbolic of my new life!
Names, names...
Being of subtle disposition from time to time, and my mom both (thankfully) not having much of a clue, and also loving to re-hash old decisions ad nauseum, I asked her, not too long after I committed to moving forward with life, what she would have named me and my brothers "had we been born girls", something she has gone on about many times before.
Both of the names (she switched once on learning that one name was partially taken by an aunt when she adopted a girl) she had chosen for me shared the middle name Elizabeth. This struck my fancy, and it was consistent, so I let it stick. I didn't much care for the second of the first names (and the first had, as I said, been given to my cousin), so instead I chose the first name of my maternal Grandmother, whom I dearly loved, and who passed away a couple of decades ago from cancer. So, Margaret.
My forum username here was one used by a dear friend some years ago, which she thought a wonderful joke on her own name (which I'll leave for you to guess), and so when I signed up was something of a tribute to her. I've thought several times about changing it, but keep being, well, lazy. ^^;
Edit: Oh, yes, the username I typically use some variant of elsewhere, now! "e-Liz-A" is fairly easy, too. The "e" being a deliberate poke at that obnoxious "e-" suffixing of a third of the behavior and functions on the net "email, e-Commerce, e-etc", "Liz" from the above "Elizabeth", and "A" from A****n, my chosen surname (not being particularly... pleasantly disposed to most of my dad's family, or to my maternal grandfather (may he rot), it was the last direction to go and still retain some positive connection to family...). Also, the fact that it comes together to form yet another derivative of "Elizabeth", and coincidentally the name of the chatterbot ELIZA was just cake on my frosting. ^__^
Successor to the LToC
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
Had I been born in the correct gender
my name would have been Judith, but by the time I found that out I'd been using the name I adopted legally for years, which is Angela, and which appears on my birth certificate.
Angharad, I adopted for writing, because it was more unusual and gave a Welsh identity to me, which having been born in Wales, seemed appropriate although my mother had great pleasure in reminding me I was half Scots from her side.
Bonzi was originally called Bonus because he was the runt of the litter and the owners of his mother didn't even realise he'd been born until the next day, hence his name. I changed it because I thought it was inappropriate, and it transformed via Bonny to Bonzi because he is a bonny laddie, but he's also a total psycho, so Bonzi it is. Bonz also answers to Bonzilbub, Beezer and B-boy and anything else if you're shaking a box of munchies.
Izzy was named by a previous fosterer and she answers to it or the variation of Izz-wozz.
My user name is based on the initials of the name my parents gave me and is actually the third on-line user-name I have used. This is a keeper though. It is my constant reminder to myself, especially at times when I am - less-than-happy - that optimism JUST needs a SEED to begin turning that downward spiral around.
There have been many times when friends have been my crutch and my user-name has been a glimmer of inspiration to myself to keep on going. I'm feeling better now but there is no way in HELL !!!!!!! I'm letting go of this name!
with love and many thanks to my many lovely friends here at BC,
Hope Eternal Reigns
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
How did you decide on your name?
Me, my nickname is Stanman. And I was born in 1963. So I combined both.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Ummm, it's my middle name. I
Ummm, it's my middle name. I was born a few months after my grandfather died, while my family was discussing my name someone suggested reversing his name and Americanizing it from the original Polish. So when I went online I started using it, and it keeps me from being confused with all the Tom, Dick and Harrys, or Tammy, Sue and Marys.
Mine had "evolved"
I started out with the name my mother would have named me had she realized I was female at birth, Linda. I used that for a few years. My wife and I went out frequently, sometimes to theme parks. I remember one weekend at Disneyland. She called me Linda and Lin. I realized that I just didn't FEEL like a Linda (which means Beautiful or Pretty). I'd always liked the name Elizabeth (means Consecrated to God). It allows for a myriad of nicknames: Beth, Bethy, Liz, Lizzie, Bettina (Italian for Beth - well sort of), and many more.
So, I wound up Linda Elizabeth, Beth for my friends.
For those interested, these are the nicknames/variant names for Elizabeth that I found...
Abbie, Abby, Abet, Alisa, Allie, Alex, Alzbeta, Babbette, Babeth, Babette, Babs, Babbsy, Batty, Becky, Bea, Bee, Bell, Bella, Belle, Bess, Bessie, Bessy, Bet, Beth, Betha, Bethanne, Bethey, Bethia, Bethy, Bette, Beti, Betsan, Betsey, Betsi, Betsy, Betta, Bette, Bettey, Bettie, Bettina, Betty, Bezzy, Bi, Billie, Bitsy, Bitty, Biz, Bizzy, Blair, Blaire, Blake, Bobby, Buffy, Dicey, E, Ealasaid, Ealasid, EB, Ebbeth, Ebby, Effy, Eissa, Elesabet, Elesabeth, Elesbed, Eliisabet, Elikapeka, Elisabet, Elisabeta, Elisabete, Elisabetta, Elisa, Elise, Elise, Elish, Elisheba, Elisheva, Elsinue, Elixabeta, Elixabete, Eliz, Eliza, Elizabeth, Elizaveta, Ella, Elle, Ellen, Ellie, Ellieb, Ellis, Ellish, Ela, Ella, Eli, Eliamma, Eliisa, Elis, Elisa, Elise, Elisete, Elishka, Eliso, Elka, Ellee, Elii, Elly, Els, Elsa, Elsabeth, Elsbeth, Elschen, Elspeth, Elsie, Elspeth, Elts, Ely, Elsye, Elyzabeth, Elzira, Elzieta, Elzbute, Erizabesu, Erzsebet, Erzi, Helsa, Ib, Ibby, Isa, Isabel, Isabella, Ibby, Isabel, Issy, Iz, Izabel, Izabeth, Izzie, Izzy, Jelisavete, Lee, Leeza, Lezith, Lia, Lib, Libbete, Libbie, Libby, Lidia, Liddy, Lies, Liesel, Lil, Lilibet, Lillah, Lilli, Lillibet, Lillibeth, Lillie, Lilly, Lils, Lily, Lilybet, Lilybeth, Lisa, Lise, Lisbet, Lisbeth, Lise, Lisette, Lisle, Lissy, Litia, Liz, Liza, Lizabet, Lizabeth, Lizbee, Lizbet, Lizbeth, Lizena, Lizie, Lizzie, Lizine, Lizzy, Lulu, Lyz, Nib, Nibby, Oleisa, Orzibet, Sissi, Tess, Tibbie, Tibby, Yelisabeta, Ysabel, Zabi, ZaZa, Zeebz, Zibet, Zizi, Zoe, Zoey, ZsaZsa,
...missed a few. ;-P ^__^
One of my favorites is Ilse.
Successor to the LToC
PS. It looks like my first emoticon is licking the eye of my second one. For some reason, that strikes me as incredibly funny right now. ^^;
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
My Names
Hi, Lesley. Good topic!
Before and when I started going out to TG have fun dressed/support group meetings, I was using the name of Cynthia Green. All I had in that name was a credit card so I could buy things (especially clothes, shoes....) comfortably.
I guess I was ungrateful or something; I hated all three of my guy names. When I started talking to Motorola about transitioning, they told me that in their records I was R.M.Gxxxxx. They said it would be much faster and more convenient if I picked names with the same initials. They also said they would not change the names on my badge until I was legal/post-op. For 15 months I tried to get my badge changed to R. M. Gxxxx. It was Rxxx (first name-nick name) Gxxxx. They said they wouldn't do it; I said other people had their initials and last name on their badge. I appealed all over the place and finally got some assurance that they'd change it, but they were slow as road tar in the Phoenix summer sun. I actually don't remember if they gave me a new badge just before I left for surgery or not, just that they certainly didn't do it quickly.
I liked the sound of Renee for an R name better than the others at the time; I also liked that it means reborn. I chose Maria for an M middle name because it sounded good with Renee. I also knew of the idea that to sound better, the first and middle names should have a different number of syllables. Me and ex had already named 2 daughters.
I returned after surgery and they gave me a Renee Gxxxx badge. I married Kim 6 months later. She sort of hated her last name, but I hated mine worse. We probably could have gotten a new last name at the time, but we didn't think of that. I took my marriage license to work and asked for a new badge with my new name on it. I had it in about one week! Big surprise after waiting so long for the badge with my initials. I suppose they were used to wimyn getting married and changing their last names.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Ready for work, 1992.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
I didn't so much choose mine...
As it was the result of a happy accident while at college.
*sigh* dunno about revealing this here...
My male name is Nolan Ezell. While at college, while eating with some of my friends, a teacher came up to our table and sat down to eat and talk with us. This wasn't all that uncommon on campus, as most of the staff and students got on quite well, but it highly amused my friends because the teacher automatically assumed I was female when she sat down. They all knew I was TG, but they also knew I was in male emulation mode, so...
When she asked all our names, and got around to me, I introduced myself as I normally do, "Hi, my name is (insert name here)!" First and last. She assumed I had said Melanie Ezell, and commented on it being a pretty name, and I dunno. It just kinda stuck.
Melanie E.
My name was a computer glitch
My given name was James. One day about ten years ago, I received a professional magazine addressed to 'Janet'. Evidently, the third and fifth letters of my old name were incremented by one letter.
Somehow, it stuck. At the time I was using the handle Tracy Hide. This comes from music that I heard in an anime, 'Crest of the Stars'. The song is called 'Tracy Hide' and was done by a group called the Wondermints. Their technical director was Brian Wilson and the song has a definite Beach Boy flavor. I was also taken by the lyrics, which kind of describe girls like me (us).
Once I transitioned and actually became Janet, I felt a new handle was appropriate. Still a great fan of anime (especially shoujo), I wanted to see what my name would be like in Japanese. I found a kanji that means 'sparrow' and is pronounced, 'jan'. The 'ko' for child gave me Janko. There seem to be a lot of Jankos out there, so I Anglicized it to Sparrowchild.
I wonder, sometimes, if this makes any sense to anyone but me. My wife, Denise, likes the name Janko. We use it with game names. Her Chippewa name is Little Trout, so I call her Ayako.
Confused yet?
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
I don't know that song!! O.O The Seikai novels, and the animation of them, are some of my faves! I thought I knew those soundtracks. T_T I hate it when I forget things like that. Now I have to figure out where they got buried, and go through them again.
Successor to the LToC
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
My Name
Well, from a TV show I guess
As formally I am Kimberly but everybody calls me Kim or Kimmie (duh). I got it from some character in a 70s TV show and just liked it. As it turns out, Kimmie makes a great nickname for a Chinese girl and is pretty popular.
Erin Amelia Fletcher
Well my mum was gonna name me crystal Ann, however due to having a cousin krysty i figured that would be a little too confusing. So i took my fav femal character role model, Erin Walton from the waltons and Amelia because 1 i figured it sounded good with my last name and 2 because i thought i had an aunt amelia even though she was like a great great aunt twice removed rofl...hope that helps afterall i think its really cute sounds good and professional and most deffinitely easy to remember :)
With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!
Erin Amelia Fletcher
With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!
Erin Amelia Fletcher
Hi everyone Like being a sexy Crossdressing Male to Female & love all of ur Crossdressing stories
I got my name,which is Kagome,from my fravoret anime called Inuyasha.
It's from a Thorne Smith novel
After reading a lot of web fiction, I thought I'd try my hand at it. I needed a pen name.
I chose "Mr. Ram" from Thorne Smith's novel, Turnabout. He was the minor Egyptian god who switched a husband and wife when he heard them arguing about "who had it better".
As a writer, I am "god" to the characters in my stories, so I thought the name was apt.
Mr. Ram
I first used Saless in a D&D
I first used Saless in a D&D computer game called 'Eye of the Beholder', I think. She was a half-elven (I would have made her a full elf but then she couldn't be resurrected ;) thief with red hair and green eyes and the image has stuck through all the other iterations of her (The image was one of the portraits that could be selected for the character). I've used her in lots of other D&D games and other games since then and she's the central character in a very long story I'm working on putting together (hopefully to publish someday). When I setup my account here I wanted a name that meant something to me, but was leery of using my RL name, so Saless was the obvious choice.
As for my RL name, I created it by mixing short names together, since most of the names I come up with are long and flowery and would undoubtedly be shortened in RL, as it is. The name was initially attached to an image in my mind I labeled my 'ideal woman', but I soon realized I wasn't thinking of a romantic interest type of ideal woman, but who I wanted to be. Not that I admitted that very often back then. My middle name is simply the feminized version of my old middle name, but is ironically the name my mother had chosen for me if I'd been born a girl (Which I was, really, it just took me a while to let everyone else know that. ;). I was originally told that my old, yucky male name, was the only name my parents had chosen for me so I didn't worry about it, but it turns out my parents hadn't chosen a female name, but my mother had. Great minds, I guess, eh?
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Long time.
Sometimes mother's know best. It took me 35 years to tell my mother even though she always knew I was special. She occasionally got me a girl toy or two which my older brother would throw out. My older brother was the main one to try and make a man out of me, and no it did not work. Times were different then, I remember the reactions people had to Christine Jorgensen and Renee Richards. Shame was I never made the connections, also it didn't help how it was described then. Man becomes woman, not a great description should have been woman born male becomes a woman. lol
Will we be getting a sample of this story of yours?
*Closes eyelids, prepares the Big Sad Puppy Dog Eyes of Doom just in case*
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
'fraid not
But if it's any consolation, one of my other characters has powers that are a scaled down version of Saless' powers in that story.
*Prepares adorable big-eyed kitten face to counter*
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
I can only do this in response:
*Faraway unleashes Big Sad Puppy Dog Eyes of Doom!*
*Special: BSPDEoD are amplified by randomly appearing Puppy Dog Pout!*
*It's super effective!*
Awwwww, why not? I'd really really like it!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
late to the game, but,,,,,,,,,,,
My name is Pamela Ann Reed, my initials are PAR. My dad passed away when I was
12. I missed him so I started talking to him and asking him questions. He heard
all about my gender confusion. When I was in high school my mom gave me my dad's
high school class ring. It had his initials carved inside PAR. So when I was
thinking about which name to choose I asked him. Then it came to me I wanted to
have his initials. So Pamela Ann Reed!!!
That is a wonderful tribute
That is a wonderful tribute to your father. I too finally admitted my gender issues in my thirties after taking an online quiz about being a transsexual. I finally accepted that I was always a girl even though I tried to hide it. I always played a female part and imagined in my mind that I was female. I think it is great to finally be who we are at whatever age. That is a lovely photo of yourself.