A nice night with a local TS group

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Well, I just got back from a very nice meeting with the local TS group. Not only was everybody nice, I ended up being given a makeup case (full), a wig holder (to help the wig dry), and a blond wig to go with my dark one. Pretty cool, no?


Go for it girl.

>Meeting with like minded TS/TG people is one of the best things to happen to us ts/tg people.
I'm thoroughly pleased for you and sincerly wish you happiness and 'much peace' (As Khadijah likes to say.)as you travell your journey.

Good luck girl. The longest journey starts with one small step but with every step the journey gets shorter.

Now I'll totally agree with you that is was 'pretty cool' but what's with the 'no' and the question mark at the end?

Hope everything was okay. This is me at my local T/G meeting. We have a good time and we support each iother.

I'm the one in blue.


Growing old disgracefully.
