Meaningless Grand Gesture

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It's nice to see contributions running slightly ahead of projections. Obviously, people appreciate this site and understand that Erin needs financial help to sustain it.

Should any of those who subscribe to Hatbox find the stories I've written to support this site "less than compelling", they should let me know. I will immediately send them triple the money I receive as author.

Jill M I
Angela Rasch



That's better than "Double the Pay Raise" I got LAST year - by far. (We had a 5% pay cut.)

But, I like it. Thanks for the morning laugh.

I appreciate this site

and not just for the hatbox stories. I appreciate all the stories and all the authors here. Even though some stories make me cry. Or maybe I appreciate this site because some stories make me cry...
Anyhow, thank you all.

BTW, it IS possible to use PayPal to donate to this site. Contact Erin to find out how.

Some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue