Important Santa Information!!!

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It is that time of year when all good boys and girls are looking forward to a certain nocturnal visit.

You can track the VIP's movements here:

Don't forget to put out a mince pie and some sherry!


What about the carrot for Rudolph? :)

What about the carrot for Rudolph? :)

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As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

Darn it, I am old enough to

Darn it, I am old enough to remember when NORAD used to be brought onto TV weather shows by the weather people to show where Santa was. Being a 25th NORAD Region (McChord AFB, WA state) "old timer"; I was disappointed when everything went to computers, as many kids did not have them at the time, so they lost out seeing Santa's flight schedule and where he was at the moment.
Actually it was kinda fun being in a NORAD facility and seeing them broadcasting Santa news to the childern and their families. Merry Christmas to you and yours, I'll have to pass on the mince pie tho. Jan