took Sam to the airplane museum

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So today I took Sam (and Sharon and Mom) to the local airplane museum.

Sam had an amazing time, she found it so fascinating, especially with my mom providing bits of personal history (my step dad was a pilot, my dad was an air traffic controller, and my grandfather drove a tank in WW II)

All in all, a pretty good day.



Do u live in Dayton,OH,because that is where the Air Force Museum is at.


I've had some pieces of 'good luck''

I'm older than >everything< humans have ever put in orbit. I saw Echo-I, the second orbiter (after Sputnik). Echo-I was a naked-eye object.

I remember Ranger-7 sending back photos "Live From The Moon". (Ranger-7 was not built as a lander, so it's last photo is a partial.)

Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry has the Apollo-8 capsule (first crewed lunar orbiter). The crew took the now-iconic "Earthrise" photo. MSI also has the trainer Lunar Lander.

All the Apollo Lunar landings, of course.

That movie, Apollo-13? For me, it was 'current events'. They had to manually get their re-entry angle correct. Too steep, and they burn up. Too shallow and they 'bounce' off the atmosphere ... no hope of recovery ...

I was at a lecture by a man whose career was collecting 'flying machines' for the Smithsonian Institute . He was born in (I think) >18<98. Before the Wright Brothers disproved "Man is not meant to fly". He certainly has a chance to watch the departure of the Voyager spacecraft. They have >Solar< escape velocity; they are now in Interstellar Space, at a distance of about 22 light-hours. In his lifetime: "Not meant to fly" to Solar Escape Velocity,

Another excursion took me to a museum in Los Angeles to walk around, and under, the Endeavor Space shuttle.
>>We are going back to the Moon.<<

Artemis-I has successfully flown it's Lunar orbit mission.

Artemis-II will be crewed.

Artemis-III will land, and return humans to/from the Moon.

love the history of flight

shadowsblade's picture

love the history of flight

in my story of life
I had an grand uncle that worked as an engineer at Lockheed skunk works...he told my kid self I make models, the put them in a wind tunnel blow them up and figure out why?
I have met many famous flyers including "Pete" Conrad Apollo 12 commander and 3rd on the moon. Met his by accident at of all places a shopping mall in LA. He was there signing free autographs and taking pics with everyone that showed up! I remember waiting in that line and a kid about age 4 or 5 was there to see moon rocks. Or so he thought and his dad was trying to get him to understand the man was more important than a rock!
then all the planes I have seen when I lived in LA from the shuttle to a ton of WW2 planes that that sound and can tell lots of them by engine sound alone. A Merlin engine in a mustang or Typhoon is a crazy good sound when they fly over

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