or maybe i'm just being a lazy b#@%$!
Anyhow, i'm here posting now as i wind down from the days exertions! But lets slide back a few days and catch up on things.
Whilst other parts of the country were still receiving the white bounty of the Norse Gods (back home in GOC they had temps south of -11c with drifts of the bounty in excess of a metre deep), here in the wild and windy west country it had all bút gone by Thursday evening but it had cancelled the day's ride. Which is how i ended up doing a chilly but otherwise pleasant loop up onto the Cotswolds on Friday before looping down to Bath in a sort of condensed version of Tuesday's ride. It was only 60ish kilometres but it felt enough for the day.
Saturday was forecast quite mixed, cold, showers, windy, just as well i had put the usual ride back a day. Instead it was a short walk and a bit of writing, not enough but a start.
Today was supposed to be in double figures with a stiff south westerly and so it turned out to be. I set off towards the coast unsure of my destination but i just wasn't feeling it, when i stopped at Yatton station i could quite happily have finished the ride there. It was my first time stopping at the cafe on platform 2 and i wasn't impressed, there was nothing wrong per se but the tea cup was only half full and considering you can get at least two dozen eggs for what i paid, the amount of scrambled egg on the dry toast was pitiful. I won't ne making it a regular on my cafe list thats for sure,
Anyhoo, i set off with an idea of a return route, might as well make some use of the tailwind right? Well i was clearly not with it as i bypassed the road i wanted to use and ended up taking a slightly longer way around. Back across to the Avon at Saltford to pick up the bike path and back with under 600m of up in the 81km ride. Maybe i'll feel a bit more like it for Tuesdays ride.
And on the subject of cycling, a big thank you to everyone who has already 'sponsored' my 100 mile effort for the PROPS charity, i've nearly reached my pledge target already! If you fancy contributing you can read more about the charity and the good works they do as well as make a donation to support my hundred miler here. Thank you, every little helps.
Its Sunday and i've not forgotten, there is a bew Gaby chapter, Guests up now. Its a bit longer than the last couple with a corresponding increase in Gabyisms!
Thats it for today, back midweek,
Madeline Anafrid