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Tabloids and the Royal Family

have been at war since the 1930's. The royals are easy pickings because in the main, they don't answer back.
The UK Tabloids and especially the Murdoch owned Sun (he owns Pox News) don't like it because the late queen apparently refused to make him 'Sir Rupert' yet gave a CBE to his daughter (for her charitable work).

Personally, my beef is more with Harry who seems to never know when to shut up. That is naturally rich pickings for the Murdoch empire whom I refuse to support in any way.
Please stop reading the Red Tops (Sun, Mirror and Star) and the pseudo fascist Mail and Express. It will reduce your blood pressure.

Tut, tut

So, you're telling us to read the socialist Mirror or the liberal Grauniad instead?

BC really isn't a place to discuss political leanings. News about trans stuff, fine. Observations about mainstream news items, maybe.



Where's the beef?


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

I avoid those politically slanted news sources

laika's picture

For me it's The Daily Worker or nothing. Plus they have those hilarious cartoons of cigar smoking top-hatted millionaires carrying big sacks with "$$$" on them as they walk across the bodies of the exploited working class. They sure tell it like it is! But BCTS really isn't the place for all this tiresome political preaching, so stop it!
~Power to the People, Veronica

"The federal government will only recognize 2 genders,
as assigned at birth-" (The man in his own words:)


Megan is Amazing

I enjoyed her acting in Suits. I also agree with all of the causes she has publicly supported.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Blocking Harry

I've done my best to block Harry. His jealousy knows no bounds.

I usually just see CNN, but I think that BBC is a much better News service. I go to Al Jazeera if I am really digging.

Frankly My Dear

joannebarbarella's picture

I don't give a damn.

I wonder how many people actually give a rodent's rectum about the so called carrying on of the British royal family.

The spare

Maddy Bell's picture

In the Royal family has often historically become wayward, Harry has taken that to new levels!

In the UK the couple are looked on with contempt, no one likes spoiled brats and that is what we see. It was right that they attended the Queens funeral but H is now 5th in line, a lowly position previously held by his brother, to expect the country to pay for the level of protection the pair have demanded is frankly out of order for a’minor’ royal.

Accusations have been made, but as is policy, the RF have neither refuted nor contradicted these.

Just my apolitical tuppence worth


Madeline Anafrid Bell