Midweek Mixer

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Otherwise known as what Maddy Did

So what did Maddy do?

Monday i was determined to finish the chapter of Smell of the Crowd that i'd been chipping away at for a week but first job of the day was putting bed linen through the wash! Then i finally got those words down before heading out to the shops to buy my dinner - frozen pizzas aren't brilliant but my pocket doesn't stretch to a pizzeria very often atm.

The forecast for Tuesday was bright but it was a cool start, down in single digits so i delayed my departure a la velo by about half an hour to let it warm up. With the wind tending from the east i set off across the Cotswolds with no particular destination or route in mind, selecting turns in a very ad hoc fashion but eventually reaching Royal Wootton Bassett. Time to start the return and perhaps benefit from some tail wind so on i went pausing only briefly for my lunch stop - well a banana doesn't take much eating does it? Through Chippenham and the 100km mark before dropping down to Bath and the last leg back to base.

A little over 140km banked for the day and even without any major climbs, 1000m of ascent which hints at the rolling nature of much of the route. Once again it was fairly quick, averaging just shy of 26kph which i know doesn't sound much but to put it in context, that means spending a lot of the five hours plus riding at over 30kph, climbing and town riding can drop your speed dramatically. And of course, riding solo is pretty much always slower than riding with even just one other person, get in just a small group and for the same effort you can find yourself going at least a third faster.

The day was finished off with Sundays leftover casserole served in a a big Yorkshire pud with a mound of veg and mash - all the better to replace some of the 5500Kcal i used on the ride!

Today is altogether cooler and windier although the grey clouds aren't due to deliver any content, guess i'll head out for a short walk, my daily exercise. My last day without any exercise was Christmas Day 2020, okay its not always been very much but i've been out, rain or shine and done something. Sometimes its been quite a motivational effort but i've never once regretted making that effort, maybe all this outdoor activity has been keeping me Covid free, i've not had more than a slight sniffle in all that time - other health issues yes but they've been physical like the twisted knee at Xmas - even that didn't stop me exercising albeit much slower and with a stick!

I've put my castle visit on hold until next week so tomorrow i'll head down to the coast and i might go to the Swedish shop on Friday for some lunch before rounding out the week with Saturdays ride to parts as yet unknown.

For now
Madeline Anafrid

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