I wish I didn't find it easier to make a character for an RPG I'll never play than to write a chapter for any of my stories.
I think my muse has gone missing.
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
I wish I didn't find it easier to make a character for an RPG I'll never play than to write a chapter for any of my stories.
I think my muse has gone missing.
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Create the PC
Then write what they do...
Peace tmf
Fickle muses
I know the feeling. After "One Dozen Roses" went live in December of 2020, my muse complained that I worked her too hard and took a vacation. I tried, I really tried to grind out something, anything. I write TG fiction and one other genre and neither worked well. I could force myself to write maybe 1000 words in a day off, but it was like pulling teeth... wisdom teeth, you know the ones in the back with roots that curl into the bone.
Then last week I read the beginning of a piece that I started in the other genre and something clicked and in two days, I whipped out just over 10,000 word. Heartened, I started looking at my TG stuff; low and behold, I was able to crank our nearly 3000 words in one sitting. I wasn't going to enter the current romance contest, but with this latest spurt of creativity and the fact that the TG piece I'm working on is a romance... if my muse hangs in, I just might get it done in time... No promises.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Classic setup. Author has missing muse, writer's block ...
... So the author goes 'sideways' (*), to opening day of a nearby Ren Faire (**).
Of course there is The Mysterious Stranger (TMS) at the "D&D/Fantasy Role Playing" vendor booth. The Author is called in, by name. (Author: "how know..?/TMS: I'm a 12th level Wizard. My job").
TMS says "You need this (shoves Big Book into Authors bag), and this (gift certificate for Ye Olde Creatures Boothe #42), and stop here (business card) on your way home. No charge. Come back and see me on Closing Weekend."
Our totally bewildered Author turns to look for Boothe 42, which is right where the D&D vendor is not anymore. Turns out Boothe 42 makes on-site custom teddy bears (plushies), where Author has a ??? made. On the way home, that address is an animal shelter, and Author adopts ???.
Of course, that book is Cursed, and every New, Quarter Moons and Full), the Author, the Plushie and the Companion animal are sucked into a new challenge in a D&D-like world ...
Plushie and Companion are anthropomorphized in the 'Dungeon World', and all three gain various abilities and get changes not available in the Mundane world. And of course the Challenge has to be met and overcome with Wits, Luck, Pluck, and Teamwork, and ???
Sometimes The Muse visits me. So take my starter, and run with it. Have Fun!
(*) "And now for something completely different." The Monty Python people, and others, know this 'trick' can let a solution 'come forward'.
(**) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renaissance_fair
Sorry Dorothy, I have only
Sorry Dorothy, I have only been writing for 2 years, my muse is still a baby.
If I can help in anyway just let me know. I promise it won't be to suggest to make it a story
where women take over the country (;