Doppler has just published an revised version of Peaches.
This was one of my earlier novels. It is the only one I co-wrote with anyone.
It was quite a learning experience to see how much my writing style has changed in two decades. My thanks to Gaby for her help with editing.
From time to time people complain about having to purchase stories. Others simply are not able to find the money to buy all the stories they would like. If you want to read something of mine and want to read it for free . . . for whatever reason, let me know at [email protected] -- and I will send you a free manuscript.
All the proceeds from the sale of my books go to support this site. This book has generated a considerable amount of money for BC.
I miss Amelia R.
Out of all of your books that I've read, and I've read many of them, Peaches is my favorite.
I got Peaches a few weeks ago
I got Peaches a few weeks ago, and I've been enjoying it very much.
would you please leave a link
Where we could buy this story?
BC yes, Amazon no
My understanding is that Doppler Press publications are via Amazon. Which means Amazon is getting a cut, and I'm guessing it's the lion's share, too. (Because that's how Amazon operates.)
I'm more than happy to support BC.
I am unwilling to support Amazon.
If there's a way to buy stories in support of BC without enriching Amazon, please let me know.
Amazon's cut
Amazon's cut is 30%. We're working on other ways to offer ebooks to our readers, but 30% is not unreasonable.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I've read the version from Amazon before, is the version up on the Amazon link the updated? I'd read again
Not yet
New version will have new cover and if you've bought it before, you can download the new one for free.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I remember being shocked when
I remember being shocked when I went to reread Peaches a few years ago and it wasn't available here any more.
Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.
It's been yonks.
More than a decade since I first read it and it charmed me then. Reading it again, it is thrilling.
Lovely, just lovely.