Good Intentions

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Good Afternoon dear friends,

I stopped working on my story, Camouflage, back in November. I have no excuse to offer. Things weren't working out for me and I realized I needed to stop. I don't like leaving things unfinished. I'm working again.

I've amended the story to make it flow better. My plan is to share that effort soon.



Life happens!

WillowD's picture

You don't owe us more stories. As eager as we are to see them, living your life is your first priority. But I still look forward to reading your future stories. Just letting us know that you are alive and well and that you still plan to write is highly appreciated.

I was reading Cassandra yesterday and realized that we haven't heard from Persephone in a year. I sent her a message asking if life is treating her well. I have done the same for Karen Bishop, Tanya Allan and many others in the past. Sooner or later they reply to let us know that they are still alive and OK. Except for Elsbeth. She disappeared abruptly 21 months ago and there are a number of us that worry about her.

So, yes, I and probably many MANY others appreciate that you are giving us an update. And if I haven't mentioned it lately (spoiler alert: I haven't in months) I'll just remind you that I think you and your writing are awesome. I suspect it's a common opinion around here.

Thank you so much again for your stories.

thank you

Hi WillowD!

While I was writing this story I got sick, not Covid, fortunately. I'm vaccinated every which way. My whole job really requires it for my safety and others around me. (It's not about me) But after what I thought was a recovery, I had this brain fog thing where I was a bit disoriented. As I wrote, in my haste to get something going, I really messed up my posted work.

So, I've gone back and completely edited and rewritten portions of the story. I've completed well over 36,000 words, which is ten thousand more words than before. And, I've got a firm handle on the story this time.

I really appreciate you writing back. And thanks for the compliments, too