You try so hard to make proper ladies out of them. So hard. And this is what you find when you wander in from a long day of sweating over a hot laptop.

There are days when it's just not worth the aggravation. It's Netflix, I tell you. Such a bad influence.
Royal prerogative!
The princess shall do as she likes! :) My royal tuxedo kitty certainly adhered to such a belief too. She ruled my schedule with a fluffy adorable paw!
Either that
or their head's shoved up there and you wonder how they breathe. Still, if they love you they will offer you a kiss after their rectal lavage.
Whizz, while asleep, fell off the back of the sofa the other night, I nearly choked on the tea I was drinking. For some reason, she wasn't amused. Bonzi had some funny tummy thing and sounded like a pipe band warming up, thankfully that cleared up after a few hours. Probably somebody he ate.