I've heard of cat in the hat but cat in the tree?

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Season's Greetings, everybody!

Leon Redbone "Kitty Cats' Christmas"


Oh yes

0.25tspgirl's picture

All our ornaments are non-breakable because of our cats. We’ve had to pick the tree up a few times too. Babies, puppies, and cats just LOVE Christmas trees.

BAK 0.25tspgirl

One year

erin's picture

One year I had an argument with one of our cats about taking down the tree. Fudge was convinced that the tree had been put up just as a cat toy. :) She didn't want it to come down and was adamant about it. Mowling and complaining, she even tried to climb into the box where we stored the tree out of season. :P

She was a tiny tortoise shell with a meow like a shredder. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Bobbi's ornaments

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

We have a number ornaments around the bottom of the tree that we designate "Bobbi's Ornaments" (Bobbie is our 5 year old California Spangled). So placed so that the cat can reach them and play with them. She really seems to favor the crocheted snowman.

Princess Bobbi.jpg
Princess Bobbi


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

I Always Heard...

(In the olden days, at least) That if some cat was stuck in a tree and you couldn't get it out....

You called the Fire Department... Because firemen and wimin are so buff with great muscles... and they have such long hoses. And know how to use them.

Hugs and Bright Blessings,


Daphne Xu's picture

A sister and brother find themselves in a fifties black-and-white sitcom.

A (tree? house?) is on fire and the boy runs to the fire department, and shouts, "Fire!" The firemen don't understand, and the boy can't get through to them until he shouts, "cat!" Then they're up and running.

In an unrelated scene, the girl does something to distract a basketball player so that he misses his shot. I was expecting the coach to chew her out for distracting the player, but instead he shouts, "Nobody touch it!" as they all watch the ball in horror. The ball casually rolls to the door and out.

-- Daphne Xu

Not a cat, but a duck

Iolanthe Portmanteaux's picture

Your comment reminded me of the old mob joke about restaurants in New York where you couldn't order duck, because everyone would dive to the floor.

- io

I gave up on Christmas trees

Angharad's picture

after the cats kept knocking them down and a spaniel I had ate all the chocolate ornaments. It wasn't worth the hassle. They also fused the tree lights - this was in the days before LEDs and it could take you all evening to discover which one had fused. Ah, the good old days - yeah, right.
