Well, after listening to all the advice I was given, I will share my Christmas miracle.
To give some context, before my transition I was terrified that I would lose the people I loved if I came out, and of course that did not happen.
Despite that, there two people with deep concerns about what I was doing and why, my brother and sister-in-law.
Honestly I was just glad they were not actively trying to stop me.
Which brings us to Christmas.
My brother and sister-in-law gave me a book, but not just any book, they gave me a book about a trans superheroine.
So instead of the rejection I was afraid of, I have received grace in abundance.
I only wish all my friends could experience the same.
That is so AWESOME!
And the title and author of the book is...
(I'm happy for you Dorothy and really glad you shared this.)
Its called Dreadnaught by April Daniels
That's the sequel, just as good as Dreadnaught. I enjoyed both books.
The author has been working on part three for some time but I haven't seen anything for over three years. Both books in the set are superb!
Love, Andrea Lena
Deadweight and Sovereign are both great books. I read them some time ago and have recently 're read them. Which I almost never do
Sorry I meant dreadnaught
Giggling now.