Dealing with our inner critic

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An article from the Guardian which may be thought-provoking or even helpful to some. It suggests we are often too harsh on ourselves and that in order to be more kind to others we need to show ourselves a little more compassion. With the current situation of lockdowns, economic problems and risk of illness, it may be an interesting read.


I read that at breakfast ...

... yesterday morning.

I certainly see a lot of that in myself. I can do a lot of things but none of them well (at least in my inner self's mind). I've enjoyed a few sports (motorcycling, sailing and cycling) with few successes and very little talent. I can write a bit but lack the imagination to create anything worthwhile. I'll be 81 next week so I can't see anything changing anytime soon :)

My one big success is staying happily married for well over 50 years. Just as well, really, because we've been stuck together in various levels of lockdown for 10 months and it looks like at least another 2 to look forward to. Fortunately both my spouse and I enjoy good health with just a few mechanical problems (wearing hip joints in my case) so we're probably good for another few years yet - Covid19 permitting. We should be getting vaccinated soon so there's hope yet.

Not having a spiritual bone in my body I find all the techniques suggested verge on 'woo' science. Being a former engineer I have inate suspicion of anything that can't measured objectively. I have no idea what 'living in the moment' even means.

I would recommend reading the article, however


Extremely Important

This is one of the best self-help articles I've ever read.

Treat yourself as a paid professional would.

So simple!


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)