Apparently there have been misunderstandings lately about me or my blogs.
First of all, for those of you who were concerned about me or my blogs, my account has NOT been hacked and the entries were, indeed, made by me.
I believed that I had finally found something that could help a lot of you and was met by what I thought was derision, only to find that it was more concern for me than anything else. I reacted, then, from a place of betrayal and in the face of new information,was shown that I was wrong.
I apologise. I have a quick temper and it sometimes gets me into places I should never go...saying things that should never be said, let alone even be thought.
As regards the information I is right and true. You only need make a few phone calls to verify it, as I did. I have always felt that part and parcel of being at Top Shelf was a state of mind that didn't discount information simply because one was put off by the manner or personality of the person imparting said info. This person, LA Late, is admittedly irritating and his personality is rushed and sometimes borders on incoherancy...but it is, nonetheless, correct if one listens to ALL he has to say.
Thanks to Angela who chimed in with her own experience and verifying that at least the info was correct, if not imparted by the most confidentially personality imparting it.
Anyway, my sincere apologies to anyone I offended or worried. I am still mostly sane and of more or less sound body and am not touting a con man.
Catherine Linda Michel
As Anyone Who Is Truly Trans Knows. . .
. . .you are who you allow other people to force you to be.
Life is filled with choices. If you felt that other people were impugning your integrity you have every right to be upset and to take steps to correct them. To do anything less is to allow them to force you into their impression of you.
I love your passion and I'm sure many, many other people also do.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)