Sunday Post

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that you get to read on Sunday!

Well its day 7 of a week of hurt, this time last week I was heading into Cardiff for my lunch, this week I'm nursing my various injuries sustained on the way back. The flesh wounds are recovering well, the shoulder is certainly improving, most of the on going pain is from deep bruising, my hip, elbow, hand and of course around my shoulder. I've been out for a couple of short walks - i'll do the same this afternoon, its exercise of a kind and helps prevent me going stir crazy!

I've hinted during the week that the pain meds, whilst working, are not conducive to concentrating on anything so whilst I would like to have filled my days with writing, instead I've been in cloud cuckoo land for much of the time, hopefully the next few days will be better on that score. I have everything to sort the bike out, I just need me to be able to do the jobs - I think that'll be a good indicator as to when I can get riding again, I'd like to think it would be sometime this coming week but I'm not pushing things, more down time now should mean fewer issues later.

What I have managed to do is prepare and upload the next two Gaby 2nd editions to Kindle, Sweet Sixteen and Seasons should be available for update / purchase now. I'll be continuing with this project over the next few days.


Today then, I've posted chapter 31, Is that you Gaby, of Summer Girl, in which the Wunderkind struggles with issues not dissimilar to my own this week. You also get Clutching at Straws, chapter 5 of Avoidance, more mother /daughter time in Luxembourg and plain speaking from Jenny.

Well I think that's all for now, I need to get some outdoorsy clothes on (easier said than done), get some lunch then go for a head clearing meander.

Madeline Anafrid

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Warmer outside

Podracer's picture

At least you shouldn't have to struggle into multiple layers of clothing today.

Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."

i ended up

Maddy Bell's picture

a bit overdressed for the 25c this pm.

tbh, I really struggled on todays walk, the arm was quite painful by the time I got back, guess I shoulda kept the sling on!


Madeline Anafrid Bell

Durable Maddy

erin's picture

Your resilience cheers me. :) Be good to yourself and you will be back to riding and writing soon. We'll wait right here.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.