I had a really bad dream last night:
in the dream I was back in school, got lost and so was late to a class that seemed to be all about taking a pile of objects and making something from them. I had no idea what I was doing, spilled all my stuff on the floor and ended up late leaving the classroom because I was trying to clean up my mess
I keep having dreams like this. Clearly my subconscious is trying to tell me something, and will keep hammering me till I get it, but other than a sense of frustration and failure I'm drawing a blank.
Ending up in school is one of the more common dreams. Ending up naked in school is also common. I end up with both, but nudity doesn't bother me that much. It's more like, "Oops. I should be dressed," but there is no real embarrassment.
It was more common a year or two ago than it is now, but I kept dreaming that I am in school, but I haven't been studying or even attending class enough. While that bothers me, it isn't devastating because I also remember that I already graduated high school and, in fact, have a Bachelor's degree in electrical engineering. So what am I doing taking high school over again?
eh. I guess I can use it for a story. Not that I don't have a bunch of unfinished stories as it is.
One of Several Motifs
That is one of several motifs for my dreams. In my case, it's probably more my subconscious being mean to me, or having a death wish -- not trying to tell me something. They are anxiety dreams. Usually, I'm back in school, maybe a cross between elementary school and high school, perhaps middle school or a combo. Sometimes I'm a child, sometimes an adult returning posing or disguised as a child, sometimes something scrambled. Guaranteed, anything I try to understand becomes scrambled. Often, I've completely blown off at least one class by the end of the semester.
Often, reality shifts in my dreams. The shift is one of very few things I remember upon awakening. Once, reality blatantly shifted in my dream -- I actually noticed it during the dream. I was prepared for a particular test, so reality shifted right there and then.
Once in elementary school (dream, of course) I was supposed to remember a "Cauchy Angle" -- something I had absolutely no concept of. When I finally awoke, I wondered if such a concept existed. "Cauchy", I knew, was a famous mathematician. But was the "Cauchy Angle" real, or a fabrication of my brain? A quick Internet search (upon awakening) -- it was real and conceptually simple. Probably something I'd seen many years ago, it was an abstraction of the dot product, based on the Cauchy-Schwartz Inequality.
A few nights ago, I found myself back in some kind of school, probably elementary, possibly an adult. This time, it combined with a volcano having erupted, and with a secondary very near eruption occuring during the dream. When I woke up, I realized I'd forgotten my anti-anxiety medicine just before going to sleep.
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
How did you feel when you woke up?
Were you upset? Frustrated?
I want to point out, though, that you were in a classroom, which I think means that your learning something.
Were there other people around? Or were you all alone with your "objects"?
And most importantly, what were you wearing? I hope it was something cute.
(So curious about those objects!)
Keep dreaming! Go back for more!
- io
Learning Something?
"... you were in a classroom, which I think means that your learning something."
Not necessarily. I can't speak for Ms. Colleen, but when I'm in that position in my dreams, things are advancing enough so that I can never catch up with what I'm trying to know. Also, I've already blown off the entire term of that class. (The one situation where I hadn't, reality blatantly shifted on me.) Sometimes, i can't even find where my class is supposed to be.
"Keep dreaming! Go back for more!" Heavens! Sometimes, I'm scared when I go to bed.
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)