Two Dayzed

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So, here I am, back in Brunel and Middlemarch country after my oh so brief sojourne to visit family and friends up in GOC.

As I mentioned briefly on Monday, it was quite emotional, the GC was as upset as me when I had to depart on Monday morning but I know he enjoyed our time together. Well anyway, Monday evening I did my short presentation on Southern Swedish archaeology, bad health cut the numbers somewhat but it seemed to go down pretty well. After a reasonable night's sleep, yesterday was mostly about travelling again, no major holdups so we arrived almost on time but five hours of being sat on a coach is nevertheless quite wearying.

It's been a full week since I've been on a bike - not that I've been idle, I've walked best part of 40km instead but i'll be glad to get awheel again tomorrow. Of course I deserve a rest from riding, what with having completed over 10k miles so far this year, the equivalent of almost 30 miles each and every day! Mayhap I should put some effort into my riding, lose a couple of kilos and I might just get into a size 12 (UK that is), its either that or wear a corset!

I've been busy off the bike too, most of my Weihnachts gifts are bought, the rest are planned, just need to sort cards now.

It has been mentioned that that the first two parts of Angharad's 'Gaby Heads South trilogy are not available on Kindle, I will be working on that this week with the aim of getting at least one of them up for this weekend. I'm also hoping to get the next re-edited Gaby volume posted, that's book 3, Visitors, so dust off your cards and look out for the links being posted. And on that subject, a huge thank you to everyone who continue to support and follow the trial and tribulations of Gaby Bond, it really, really is very much appreciated and I promise that there will be some completely new scribbles out soon..

So that was then, this is now! I hope you are ready for it, a whole new Gaby chapter for you, Two Dayzed finds our girl having a couple of slightly heated exchanges with one of her fellow competitors, sparks will fly!

I'll leave you with this thought, ....................................
until next time, may your Gods be with you,
Maddy">Lulu Digital
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