I've felt bad all night and all day. Sick at my stomach and with no energy at all. I think I may have picked up a stomach bug besides the cold I got on the plane. I didn't sleep well last night and I've done nothing much but sleep today and yet I'm tired.
I'm supposed to go to some friends' for the day tomorrow but I'm beginning to feel like I won't be able to do that. Fooey. I don't think it's anything serious but I feel like serious crap.
Spare a thought for your old auntie as she tries to sleep this off.
Sounds like . . .
The stomach "flu". You know the drill, I'm sure. Bed rest, fluids, and of course, chicken soup.
Curl up with your puppy, and take care of yourself.
Karen J.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Hon, the only thing that matters to me is you and your health.
The site will continue while you take care of yourself. You've worked yourself to a frazzle between the site, dating and writing music. Take some time off, rest, relax a bit and let things float along for a while. Speaking for myself, I promise to behave, and to work and play well with others.
We do need you here, Erin, but we need you healthy. Please, please PLEASE, rest and get well.
I love you hon.
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Get well soon Auntie Erin!
I never have to "spare" a good thought for you, I have plenty; 'cause you're very special to me! And if you wake up feeling good in the morning you may need to rest some more anyway, these bugs can be sneeky...
~~~huge hugs, LAIKA
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
We love youuu!
AND, we need you to get better so you can play with us again!
Big disinfected hugs,
Melanie E.
get well soon erin.
Lots of rest and fluids. sleep it off. I care for you alot too erin. Sence i first came here i have come to care for you alot.
So, you're...
sick and tired of being sick and tired huh... Been there. It's not a fun place. Best wishes on a speedy recovery.
White soda and soda crackers if your tummy is real bad
Soft boiled eggs, boulion, boulion with an egg swriled and coooked in it, -- IE sort of extra mind egg drop soup - and the like and lots of rest.
I'd go for one or more bed warming cats but a dog may do nicely.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S/ That's 'extra mild' not 'extra mind'. Acccck!
John in Wauwatosa
I feel absolutely awful too.
Does the internet spread contagion? This is just awful.
I am much too busy to be sick right now. It is absolutely unacceptable; simply won't do! I was up until 2:00 am dancing and was supposed to do the same thing tonight, darn! I am sure I have a fever but the silly thing won't show anything over 92 degrees. Do you think it is a rectal thermometer? It's electronic! Those stupid things never ever work for me. They can't be that hard to operate! I'll bet that Marcie could help me. Could she come over and spend the night, please?
I am stiff and achy.
I almost lost what I ate but that would be just too terrible to contemplate.
Gosh, I need an Aunty to tuck me in and give me a hottie!
I was so excited! I was going to wear my red and black leggings and my butt mini, with a sequined top! Waaaaaa!
A very unhappy Khadija Gwen
Get well soon
I know I'm new here, but that's only as far as having to courage to log in and not just be a "passenger" on this fine site.
I know what you do for this place and wish you well.
I hope this malady does not linger and I hope that you will be back very soon
Hugs and well wishes
Lady E
Do you need
a better anti-virus prog, if you're catching all these bugs?
I hope you're feeling better soon.
You may wish to see the doctor
There is supposed to be an especially bad case of the stomach flu going around.Please rest and get well.Amy
Take care of yourself
And feel better soon!
Planes and Colds
Hiya Erin! Sorry to here you're feelin' sick. I wonder if there's somethin' 'bout airplanes that makes people more likely to get sick. Somethin' similar happened to me recently on a plane ride back home recently. Whatever it is, I hope ya feel better soon. {{{warm get well huggs}}} Heather Rose :)
You are right
Close quarters and some jets were permitted to recycle a lot of air, the 757 is terrible -- to the point of being unhealthy. Also you have a pressure drop. I think they presurize for 5000 feet. The air is extra dry and thus irritating and flying can be stresful, what with all the check-ins, the cramped seating, waiting for your bags, getting a cab, rental car or waiting for a friend to come and so on.
Look at the surge in illness aprox three weeks afte school starts in the fall.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa