Or I'm going loopy because Undine and Artemis have put a hex on me just because I said "I don't believe in fairies'" when I was asked the question upon joining the army in 1955.
"Okay," the army said, "You can go into the Parachute Regiment, that will force you to change your mind."
It did too. I was pretty light, about 129lbs, the minimum weight the army insisted on for that regiment. Whenever I jumped I always went down towards the ground with varied amounts of lateral movement but as far as I know, I never went upwards towards heaven. But, having said that, there were a few occasions when I think I did actually go upwards because I would be amongst the early numbers in the stick and when I went out and the chute had deployed, I would see blokes from the back of the stick passing me and I definately think it had nothing to do with my weight. I wish I had tried going in a forward direction all the time and be the first parachutist to circle the globe. On the other hand, being me, I would probably forget where the DZ, (dropping Zone,) was when I got back to England, that's assuming I managed to find England!
Now back to the hex I mentioned earlier. I posted Volcano, the fifth volum of Footsteps at about midday British Summer Time and put a blog on here saying it would be availabe on Monday, (today). I returned to my blog about four hours later and discovered that Dawn from Dawns' Girly Site https://dawngs.blogspot.com/ one of our Commentators informing me it was already available on the Amazon site and when I checked, it was. Thank you Dawn.
Then, this morning when I switched my machine on, the Internet had gone down, so had the telephone. It was fixed quickly but not in time to stop me chewing chunks out of my desk. So Undine please note I do believe in fairies, dragons, Father Christmas and please let Artemis know I am a fan of Ancient Greek Gods as well and kindly remove the hex.
I'll do my usual thing and post a chapter or two on here soon but I do need to be careful that I don't give the plots away. Now where have I left my parachute, I haven't the nerve to try it in a poodle skirt and heels.
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