Well I'm pretty certain I need a lawyer now. Preferably one who is free because I have $60.
My cousin is refusing to get involved with the house at all now. He's officially having it declared insolvent. On advisement from his "solicitor". I'm also being told to vacate the property ASAP.
I told the bastard I have no money and no place to go but I don't think he cares. I want to sue him though because for the last three years, he promised to pay me for taking care of HIS MOTHER.
Lamba Legal
Frequently offers free legal services LGBT clients.
Please look them up.Please remember you are not alone.
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his book on Amazon:
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Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs
I am flat on my back on
my back paralyzed on my left side, Like many people here I have no money.Before the stroke I was a trans advocate in Texas. one of the more LGBT hostile states in the USA
Tell your cousin to sit on it !
Just bought the book.
ASAP my butt. force the cousin to have you served, and removed by the Sheriff. In the mean time, here's ASAP again, get a lawyer ASAP. you could try this up for a while kiddo. Again, the question of being able to stay with mom, now no pet is involved.
maybe you can try using the gofundme site to get some money. I do not know how it is done, but others here do.
I'm used that right now my self. what you do is put down what you need the money for they also ask that you add a picture, it's up to the person how much is needed. also I would like to add depended on your age two things could you do . one go to the office of the aged or check with the local legal aid of New York.
I'm not a lawyer but some
I'm not a lawyer but some questions come to mind. Are there any living witnesses to his promise to pay you? How about people who heard your aunt call you her caretaker? As others have said you can stay in your home until you are legally evicted. An eviction hearing may give you a chance to press your case for what he owes you. It's been a while since I took business law but I recall the principle that a person seeking equity must give equity. Of course that may only leave you owning a disintegrating building but there are programs to help low income homeowners. You would have more time to work them than you have now.
I don't know about your area?? but in LA cali it takes MONTHS to evict a person!!!
Hang on till the last shot! and from what I know they can't turn off water or elect while you wait them out!!!
Proud member of the Whateley Academy Drow clan/collective
Lockport, New York Family Legal Aid & Pro Bono Services
I found these in your area: https://www.justia.com/lawyers/family-law/new-york/lockport/...
Niagara County Legal Aid Society, Inc.
(716) 284-8831
PO Box 844
Niagara Falls, NY 14301
Family, Bankruptcy, Consumer and Divorce
Neighborhood Legal Services
(716) 284-8831
775 3rd Street
Niagara Falls, NY 14302
Family, Civil Rights, Divorce and Domestic Violence
My thoughts
I have not read all of the replies but do have, I hope, some useful information and experience.
1. You are greatly loved, despite not having met most of us, we love you and care for you.
2. I don't care who is right or wrong. That is a useless, wasteful, dead end path to navel gazing. What I care about is helping you. Right or Wrong.
3. I don't know NY State law, but when as Executor, I tried to get my relatives out of my mother's house in Connecticut that they were squatting in for free, (redundant), I was chased off the property by the State Trooper and told essentially that as long as they were in residence that they had rights, in some cases more than mine. I was told not to enter, not to interfere, not to damage and to go through the legal process which takes time. And I believe that time is your advantage. You have nothing they can take from you and yet you control the property just by inhabiting it. You must make it worth something to get rid of you and stop whining about being cheated. Sorry, really I am, but it is a new game. You need to be the aggressor.
4. I just did a minor league version of this with my deceased brothers trailer that they wanted me to fix up for sale and threatened to apply penalties and to call the sheriff's and to enter applications to possess the trailer due to non payment. Instead I said, yes, do it, bring it on, and I won't see you in court. Well maybe in a year or so, and in the meantime the property sits, earns nothing, can't be sold, demolished, you get it, the property owner needs access and you are the key. BTW, they caved and I pocketed $1,800 dollars more than zero on a trailer worth $8,000 net.
You won't bring him to the bargaining table by running. Get a legal aid lawyer. Be a dick, (as hard as that may be for you), (pun intended). Make him work for it. No guts, no sausage, (sorry, sorry, so sorry, I love you).
I don't have any idea if this applies nor if it helps and if I still lived in Geneva, NY I would put you up in a heartbeat.
P.S. Do some crowd funding and see what happens. No more pity, action please.
P.P.S. Never been homeless or humbled, what the hell do I know?
Could not agree more
Do check out the resources other people have quoted..
Everything I just read in all
Everything I just read in all the comments, especially regarding eviction are right on the mark.
As a now retired Law Enforcement Professional; Police will not normally get involved, until an actual crime has been committed, or they personally witness one in progress.
Right now what you have going on is considered a CIVIL matter only, not a criminal matter.
Most definitely find an attorney or an attorney firm who will do "pro bono" work. Many will do it or will steer you to those who do. "Pro Bono" is a legal term basically meaning the attorney or their firm will represent you for free. Many do it to show their "charitable side" and as a tax deduction for their firm. Others because they believe in the particular cause they will be representing.
Everything I just read in all
Everything I just read in all the comments, especially regarding eviction are right on the mark.
As a now retired Law Enforcement Professional; Police will not normally get involved, until an actual crime has been committed, or they personally witness one in progress.
Right now what you have going on is considered a CIVIL matter only, not a criminal matter.
Most definitely find an attorney or an attorney firm who will do "pro bono" work. Many will do it or will steer you to those who do. "Pro Bono" is a legal term basically meaning the attorney or their firm will represent you for free. Many do it to show their "charitable side" and as a tax deduction for their firm. Others because they believe in the particular cause they will be representing.
File A Lien
I'm sorry that your cousin is putting you through this and I wish I could give you some material support instead of only moral support.
I'm not an attorney so Please don't take this as legal advice, but if you were promised compensation for being a caretaker of your aunt, that makes you an unsecured creditor of the estate and/ or your aunt. While I hope you can find an attorney who will represent you, even if you can't you can file a lien against the property and a claime against her estate in probate court. With a lien in place, it clouds title to the property until it is resolved, meaning your cousin and the estate would have a difficult time selling it without addressing your claim.
Good luck.
I'm sorry hun.
I don't know where to tell you to go if your cousin didn't put anything on written your kind of SCREWED unfortunately. I wish I knew a way to help you. as I have no $ ether.
Love Samantha Renée Heart.