Zombie, Ninja, Pirate Spiders - Sept. Challenge - LAST DAYS

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Some years ago I was running a tabletop RPG in which my players were exploring an underground ocean. They had their own ship and were attacked by another ship. The crew of the pirate ship seemed to be made up of human-sized spiders carrying cutlasses and firing muskets. Except some of them seemed to come out of nowhere and attack with nunchuks, sais and shurikens. And some of them seemed to be undead and unkillable.

During the course of the battle one of the players said, "Wait, wait! Stop! We're fighting Zombie, Ninja, Pirate Spiders?"

Well, next Monday is International Talk Like a Pirate Day and my mom's birthday. When I told Mom about the holiday she made an epic reply. "shit," she said. :) You have to have known Mom to know how funny that was, she didn't say things like that. :)

Anyway, in memory of my mother, who never understood how someone staring at a blank piece of paper or a computer screen could be working, and in celebration of the holiday on her birthday, and in memory of those who fell battling the P.S. Ariadne, this is the September Story Challenge:

Write a story, poem, or chapter in a longer work that features Zombies, Ninjas, Pirates or Spiders or multiples of those categories and is appropriately TG in some ways. Bonus no-points for including more than one category. Even more no-points for including sailing ships, sealing wax, cabbages or kings.

It's a silly challenge for a Silly September. :)



no-points? Is that related to

no-points? Is that related to a Marvel no-prize? ;)

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

Since I am busy with my other stoires....

Here is a plot for anyone to try :)

A ship manned by crew of feared ninja pirates on a mission to harvest as much ear wax as they could from the giant northern Sealing, a creature much like seals found on Earth but larger than a sperm whale, before it woke from the deep sleep of its annual summer hibernation.
They receive a message by carrier pigeon stating they must return with haste as strange creatures have invaded, with the lower half of a spider and a upper torso of not a man but a dead man. While the strange zombie spider creatures have not openly attacked the population, they have aggressively defended themselves as they pilfered all the vegetables out of the royal garden, including the king’s Cabbage.

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

You asked for it...

laika's picture

Oh God, I'm so ashamed!
I should really use a pseudonym
but I've already wasted enough time
on this piece of pointless idiot drivel I wrote...
~~hugs, Ronni

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)


The folks contributing have a

The folks contributing have a tough act to follow ;)

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime


Back in the 1970(s) there was a science fiction TV series called Starlost and college students played a game called Dungeons and Dragons...

I went to a gamming convention (primarily to play miniatures and board games). Occasionally, I would play D&D. I couldn't find enough players for any of the board games I brought, but there was a pool of "night People" (it was well after midnight) willing to play a game of D&D. I was the only one with a dungeon, so I became the Dungeon Master. Instead of my regular Dungeon, I tried an experimental "Dungeon" (based on the Starlost TV Show).

It was very difficult to avoid "slipping up" or "losing it" (LMAO). After four (4) hours of play (I was very creative in my narrative!) these clueless brain dead zombies (the sun was about to rise!) had no clue they were in a space ship instead of in a medieval world. We finally quit at sunrise (I was exhausted and unable to continue) as I needed to get a few hours sleep, & get a shower before a 10:00 am Civ tournament.

Good scenario

That's a good scenario, all you have to do now is to flesh (!) out the story.


I'm staying out of this one.

For two reasons: first off I'm already working on a contest story for another site(which has TG stuff in it) but it's Halloween based.... Plus the rules for that story says it can't be posted anywhere else until that contest ends(which doesn't end til next month) plus I'm still trying to find time to write broken Phoenix and I got more then I really care to deal with on my plate atm.

Monday, September 19,... Wait for it,.......

Hypatia Littlewings's picture


International Talk Like a Pirate Day!
(In case you missed this else wheres.)

And PixZie Pirates Rule!
*sticks her tongue out at Captain Hook & Tinkerbell*

~Hypatia >i< ..:::

The Pirate Fairy

Disney made several pixie movies. The last one was called "The Pirate Fairy". I watched it twice. It was outstanding! You should watch it the next time it is on one of the Disney channels.

The Pirate Fairy

Google "Disney Fairy Movies"

Click on shopping

Scroll down and look for:

The Pirate Fairy

There is a DVD for $12

Google play for $2.99

Disney's Fairy movies

laika's picture

I really love that series, from Tinkerbell thru The Pirate Fairy. Sad that they claimed they're not making any more, but you never know with Disney. It's a well developed little universe (not having much to do with Peter Pan), sweet enough to put you into a diabetic coma, but with some decent humor and some pretty dazzling animation (very kinetic when they're flying)- perfect fare for me when I'm in LG age-regression mode. My favorite was The Secret of the Wings, where Tinkerbell discovers her long lost twin in the Land of the Snow Fairies. A lot of them are on Netflix streaming and the half hour Pixie Hollow Games (kind of a harry potter quiddich tournament/meets the Olympics story) is watchable in 3 parts on YouTube, until it gets taken down.

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)


There is one after

tmf's picture

The Pirate Fairy. Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast.

Fairy Hugs tmf

Peace, Love, Freedom, Happiness

Zombie, Ninja, Pirate Spiders - help

I have begun to post a serial story for the September challenge. Unlike all of the other submissions, my serial is a horror murder/mystery story instead of the silly humorous (and entertaining) stories posted by others.

I have two (2) small problems regarding my chapters, can anyone help me on this?

First, I don't know how to set the chapters up so that each chapter (at the bottom) links to the prior and the next chapter. Each chapter is being input directly through the create content fiction menu using a cell phone. Each chapter is being manually input (using my cell phone) vice being uploaded.

The first chapter was created under the author "Josette Du Pres New Author". All of the remaining chapters are or will be under the author "Josette Du Pres".

Secondly, the story is set on a fictional steamship in 1917. I called the ship SS ERIN (since she was the inspiration for the story). Should I say nothing about this, try to issue an apology, or try to find a place to hide???

"never mind"

Either someone fixed problem number one (see prior comment) for me or the system automatically fixed it for me??? The links from chapter one to chapter three now appear at the bottom of each chapter. "Curiouser and Curiouser [sic]".

An iZOMBIE fanfic might be the perfect Silly September story

laika's picture

For anybody who's interested in giving it a try it just occurred to me that an iZOMBIE fanfiction story might be the perfect gimmick for this challenge. The show's zombie heroine takes on the memories of those she consumes; she could have a rough night after chowing down on the brains of a pirate, a ninja, and... uh, Spiderman?
Glad we're running out of month or I might feel compelled to rewatch a few episodes
+ knock this story out myself...

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)


Zombie brain eating

Re: Izombie Fanflic

In 1957, Roger Corman made a movie called Attack of the Crab Monsters. In this movie, mutated Giant Crabs would eat the brains of people and gain the ability to telepathically communicate with human beings using the voice of the person whose brain had been consumed.

If I were to write a story where giant zombie insects ate human brains and gain the ability to communicate or mind control humans, I would have gotten the idea from the 1957 Roger Corman movie (I haven't seen Izombie).

iZombie isn't that far off,

iZombie isn't that far off, the heroine is a zombie who eats part of the brain of murder victims to help solve their deaths and get justice...

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime


Well I posted my entry. Alas, I suffered a severe bout of neural flatulence(Caused by a combination of sealing wax and cabbage, not sure how its the dish of kings...).

As a result, there are none of those things in it... although I did throw in a gratuitously Gubru-like giant parrot and a Kzin...

I've never written purely for comedy. Not sure how well it worked but it was certainly great fun to write!




Page of Wands's picture

Sadly, while I started a piece for this one, I haven't had the time, energy, or braaaaaaaaaains to make any further progress on it. It might be completed someday, in some fashion (it's another Star-Crossed Swords tale), but not by this weekend.

The Pirate Fairy is on Disney Channel Today!

I have Direct TV. According to the Direct TV Program Schedule the Disney Channels are showing The Pirate Fairy (channels 290 Disney East and 291 Disney West):

290 DISe 10:00 am-11:20am (Mon)
291 DISw 1:00 pm-2:20pm (Mon)
290 DISe 9:00 pm-10:20pm (Mon)
291 DISw 12:00 am Tue OCT 04-
1:20 am Tue OCT 04