I'll just be straightforward about this. I am alive because those at this site gave me a friendly place to come to pour out my heart, to cry and to become sufficiently distracted to stop actively thinking of killing myself. I was invited to come sometime in 2007, but had been lurking on this and other sites for year. My transition was so painful, like it is with most of us due to those here, I am alive.
No fooling here folks, the site has grown so much that I would not even want to think about it.
So much of what this site has become is due mostly to the personal and financial sacrifice of Erin and her hearty band.
I seriously doubt that there are many here who can not afford to give even $5 to keep it up. If you are not willing to support this site, why do you think you have the right to be here?
It is time to fish or cut bait folks.
Fish, Bait, Sushi?
I like fish, especially sushi. Bait, not so much, LOL.
Seriously, however, I do appreciate this site and all the wonderful folk here.
I have ponied up for a subscription and send additional donations as my finances permit.
I am blessed to have a fairly well paying job where my gender is not an issue. Computer don't care about the gender of the person programming them, only their bits! ;=P
Please hang in there, we are all glad that you are still about, hon.
Well said Gwen. Even $2 each
Well said Gwen. Even $2 each month would save this site
I've said it before and I'll say it again.
Gwen, I'm SO glad you've stuck around. We've become friends and it's a friendship I treasure.
This site IS a lifesaver! It gives us all a chance to vent, emote, communicate with like minded others, try our hands at writing and just generally gives us a safe place to be... ourselves.
As for donations... look folks. If _I_ can afford a couple of bucks a month, damn near everyone can. My income is very small... under a thousand bucks a month, but if I give up just one soft drink, or just one candy bar a month, that gives me a dollar or two to send to help keep the site online and functioning.
It also relieves Erin, who has done SO much for all of us, from running herself into the poorhouse and facing bankruptcy. I have it on good authority that many thousands visit this site on a daily basis. If each one of us give just ONE DOLLAR, one time, the site could be funded for months and months on that onetime influx.
Erin, Piper, Frank, Cat and many others have given their time, their money and their hard work to keep Top Shelf online and running smoothly. They've given us a great online home. Don't you think it's about time we started paying the rent?
Nobody is asking anyone to pony up 10 or 20 or 100 dollars a month. Just one damn dollar from each one of us would be a Godsend to the site and all those who keep it up and running.
You can use this link: http://bigclosetr.us/hatbox/node/26 for one time gifts or any of the other links if you can afford a subscription.
Thanks to everyone who contributes regularly and for all of you who help out with even small one time gifts.
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Everyone needs to find a place where they belong. I am glad you found yours.