In Your Face - Texas!

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A Texas state appeals court has overturned a county court ruling that the widow of a fallen firefighter wasn't entitled to to his estate because she is trans, not GG.

Texas Appeals Court


Even in Texas....

you have to play by the rules. Good decision by the appeals court.

Do note that it was a state

Do note that it was a state Appeals Court. It hadn't even gotten to a federal circuit court - and likely wouldn't be heard at that point, as it's an internal state matter.

Also, I live in Texas, and I do resent the constant allegations that every person born in Texas is an ignorant asshole. In this particular case, it's probably simply that a person's estate can go to anyone they please, with no determination based on anything else.

(No, I haven't read the decision. Busy night)

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

broad brushes against states

Federal wouldn't come into play unless the courts refuse to uphold her rights now that the entire reason for the refusal to honor her marriage rights was tossed out by the US Supreme Court's ruling. The judge has no right to refuse it any further unless there is some other technicality in the laws and precedents somewhere that can be used against her, but even so that is stretching things. They already used a sketchy precedent that would likely have held up in the federal courts if the state supreme court upheld the ruling against her, I doubt they can find anything else so she is getting what she rightfully deserves.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime