Blog About:
This is for those who can appreciate my devious nature.
So for a long time I have been juggling two theological balls and none of you have realized what my intentions were. I practice as a Muslim and a Mormon and am fairly sincere in my beliefs in both faiths. If you don't understand this, don't worry about it.
One of my motives has been to pacify groups that cause us a lot of pain, not to fight with them. I feel that the best activism for me is to live my life meekly and faithfully out before them, thus confounding the prejudicial feelings that many of them have toward us. It is difficult to credibly reject someone who lives their beliefs better than they do. It has been a tough struggle, at times leading me to tears, but mostly gradually winning people over.
I've been less successful with Muslims and mostly still do not attend Masjid for prayer but I have good relations with many local Muslim women. There is one radical Mosque near me that drives me bats but they have a poor reputation in the community.
The Mormons in my area have been absolutely sweet to me and I sometimes smile enigmatically because those who might object do not seem to know what they are looking at. Along the way, I have not managed to be a duplicitous as I intended and they have quietly stolen into my heart so this whole business has become quite comfortable. It is hard for me to be mean to people who accept and love me.
Many key people there know that I am trans (I state intersex) and seem to have been slowly won over. I actually do know the theological documents in question rather well, so much to my own confusion, some see me as a scriptorian. As if. :)
Into this idyllic atmosphere recently walked in a very radical GBLT activist, though she is none of these. So, Sunday she just decided to OUT me in front of the gathering of women. As soon as she mentioned my name in reference to the subject, I left, fearing that 20 or so women in that group would now hate me. I have to say that what she did made me feel like I was stark naked. The woman is a nutter.
Much to my astonishment, they have been completely supportive of me and a bit pissed at her.
Some people march in pride parades. Others cajole legislators into making laws that protect us. People like Caitlyn Jenner get in people's faces in a very obvious manner. I do what I do in a quiet second column way.
But how nice to find the support from the women you were worried would turn against you. I've always been weary about making contact with a GBLT group thinking some believe the cause is more important than the person. This person has done nothing to change that view apart from me wanting her to feel the back of my hand.
I am worried how they may react to your running two faiths at the same time though if they find out.
Best wishes
Oh, they know!
That is the strange part. They know that I am of two faiths. Oddly I have not been as cynical and snotty as I intended. It has penetrated me in a strange way and changed me.
Good for you.
Hello Gwen.
I am glad you were able to smooth things over, with those you know, in a difficult situation. Being nice and polite, over a course of time, helps a lot in such situations.
I have talked to many people, from many walks of life. And I have found one common theme from them which may surprise some people here.
Most people don't care about GLBT politics, one way, or the other. What does upset them is the, in your face attitude, that some people have.
As the old saying goes. It is not just what one does. It is how one does it.
I did not smooth things over.
The odd part is I was not part of the ensuing discussion. In fact I was hiding, out of commision in an empty office. The whole situation worked out very sweetly.
And yes, the GBLT folk that I have encountered have been pretty hard core.
Walking away is doing something.
Walking away from that situation was the best thing you could have done. If you had confronted her, it would have been a no win situation for you. By doing so, those present, saw you act in a civil manner towards someone that had just severely hurt you, along with you giving them time to think. That is one of the reasons when you talked to them next, they supported you.
It Is Up To You
It was not this "radical's" right to "out" you. It is only up to you to out yourself as much as you feel comfortable to out yourself. This person had the right to suggest to you in private what you do, but it is (was?) still your decision.
As far as I'm concern this person owes you an apology. Until then you might forgive in your heart, but don't tell that person you do until that person asks for forgiveness. Otherwise the "radical" won't learn the lesson that this person did you harm by, at least, invading your privacy and causing you potential problems. Forgiveness should only come when the harmer knows he or she did wrong.
It was a great shock.
I had no idea that the women in my ward would be so supportive of me. Sometimes your friends are your best advocate. I think that the main stream people in America are very sick of dising people just because ...
a thought
I'd get with the group that person is active with and inform them what happened. That person is not supportive, they are an antagonist. What they did was the LGBT equivalent of a kamikaze strike. Outing you without asking permission and your input to feel out the crowd. That's a fool's actions. Gwen I hope things stay calm for you, many hugs; as many as you want or need.*hugs*
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
GBLT activists
For me, they are too over the top for me. I believe the best activism is to blend into the general culture and live out your life that way. I won't criticise those who are otherwise.
Drama Queenie !
Thank you to those who responded to this blog both in heart and in reality. I was about to go all bratty and petulant and you saved me from showing the snotty bitch side of myself.