I just finished reading "Brian to Briana" and it really highlighted an issue that I continue to to address, my own sexuality.
The place that really made me turn and run was when Briana got in bed with the guy. I just could not bear the idea of Anal Sex. I am not planning to EVER do anal sex. I just paid thousands of dollars to have a suitable recepticle surgically implanted and I am not going to waste it. LOL
I can say that I am already beginning to feel like a bitch in heat and I am not even fully healed. What's a girl to do.
Does this mean I am going to be celibate all my life? (Insert piteous moan)
no butts about it
For your sake I hope you didn't get a sigmoid vaginoplasty, because then it would be anal even when it's not.
sigmoid baggie?
Nope. I had enough without.
For me it was a tough bridge to cross
A big part of what makes a transexual a transexual is the fact we are born in the wrong body.To me wether I have srs or not I'm still female and have been all my life.As somebody who identifys as female to me its only natural to be in relationships with men.That means accepting pleasing your partner and hopefully that is mutual.Great sexual relationships aren't built on the misionary position only but on a willingness to explore each others bodys and that can include oral and anal as well as vaginal.A little spice in your life goes along way in helping relationships last.It took me a while to get to this point because anal was taboo to me but I needed to get past that and I did by accepting the fact that it's not homosexual if I'm a women doing it with her man.Some people would say it's dirty but so are yeast infections and periods.Amy
Periods Dirty?
I get involved in religious discussions a lot since I frequent about/Islam and about/General Christianity. For some reason, one day the discussion got fixed on menses and all the guys assumed the women were excluded from some activities was because the woman was unclean. It seems the religious types are fast to jump on the "woman as inferiour" bus.
Well, maybe it is not because we are unclean at all. Maybe it is because we are vulnerable from the filth of the male at that time. So there !!!