The longest time for a page request I've seen in the new software, other than during a file upload, was 6 seconds, normally it is 2 or less. Compared to an average of 12 to 18 seconds and as high as 30+ for OTS. And I don't even have caching or the other speed enhancements turned on. :)
- Erin
February the whath?
I know this isn't the right place for this message, but faut de mieux...
... delete after reading.
When you updated the Hatboxbox, you left the "4" from the previous version standing in the shade of its elder brother "15".
I always do that. :) The 4 has a line through it but in some browser-font combos, that doesn't show up so well on a 4. See a line or so above where I have the old total with lines through it. I keep doing that until things reset as I meet one of the goals.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.