A Rare Statistic (Hits and Kudos)

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One relatively recent story of mine has over 100 kudos and under 1000 hits: How BttF Might Have Ended with 840 hits and 103 kudos -- the same number of digits for both.

Also, a fifth story hit 200 kudos: The Family Council.



I think that better than 10% kudos is truly remarkable, so well done.
I generally get around 6-8% which is pleasing enough for me.
I have just scanned through looking for 200+ kudos and I need to go back a long way to find one! Some of my older ones are over 200.
Then I have outliers like "Working for Aunt Sophie" with a crazy 16,315 reads (for 193 kudos). Can that be right? Much more than any other story.

Thank You

Daphne Xu's picture

Thank you, both of you! My story "John's Living Nightmare" is a similar outlier, with well over 15000 hits and a notch over 200 kudos -- fourth of five. It was also my first TG story, written for ASSM long before I posted it on BCTS. Then my top-kudo story, by now well ahead of the others, has by far the fewest hits of the top five.

I like interesting statistics.

-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)

I try

gillian1968's picture

To give a kudos to almost every story I read. But there are some I open 2 or 3 times before I finish it. And a few favorites I’ve opened multiple times.

Gillian Cairns

Congratulations, Daphne!

Emma Anne Tate's picture

Yay!!! Nothing like a little recognition to keep you going when writer’s block hits!


These Numbers

Daphne Xu's picture

These numbers here put me to shame! Over 60000 hits, 400+ and 500+ kudos!

The statistic that motivated this post was the story with hits and kudos having the same number of digits.

Does any story have at least 1000 kudos, but fewer than 10000 hits? The same number of digits, but this time four?

Some people here have noticed that I'm a bit of a math geek.

-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)

Maybe not what you think

Penny Lane's picture

If a particular chapter or story provokes comments, then your hit rate will go up. It will go up more as people who have already read it come back to read the comments... which could cause more comments, which get read, snowball-like. One of my chapters caused over 130 comments and the hit rate went insane. That might induce other readers to see what all the fuss is about but may not increase your kudos pro rata with the comments!



Penny Lane's picture

SEE Epilogue 1 has 136 comments.

The last chapter of the actual story, SEE #138, got 123 comments.

I think those two garnered most comments because they came at the end of the epic. The Epilogue just sort of grew and got better and better as I wrote it and, after SEE, it just blew everyone's minds, including mine. I will (modestly) add that many of the other chapters have more than 40 comments.

Epilogue 1 has (so far) 9,054 hits/481 kudos, if you're interested, and #138 has 8,262 hits/463 kudos.


You've got a following on that story

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

You've obviously attracted an appreciative audience for that story. That's a phenomenal percentage. I struggle to get over 10%.

I feel bad about anything I write that doesn't reach 100 kudos, but it usually takes 2 to 3K hits to achieve that. My runaway best received story with nearly 65K hits comes in at 0.0078%


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Runaway Story

Daphne Xu's picture

65000 hits is truly enormous. I suspect (and hope) that your kudoage was 0.78% rather than 0.0078%. The latter works out to about five kudos.

-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)