moving is such a stress

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If you ever look at a list of the most stressful things that can happen to you, moving is pretty high on the list.

And I should know, having moved a large number of times.

but stressful or not, I am moving again.

The only good thing is the place we are going to looks pretty darn good.

I would ask for hugs, but then I gotta pack them . . .


Really hoping it has fewer stairs to the exit floor ..

... don' wanna have to again look up "How to Fight a Hotel Fire From Inside Your Room."
If Jasper smoke is still a bother, ==take it easy==.
The Aether has a 'push-back' feature. If you take Huggles surplus to needs, 'pushback' will hold the extras until needed. Sort of like a fridge full of 6-packs of soda. If we take six, but drink only two - we just push the extra 4 back in the fridge.
What do mean, you'd have to pack any Huggles we send?!"

I know your Heart is big enough to just plop them in ...
Henry David Thoreau: "Things are in the saddle, and ride mankind."