This story was in my Internet History when I started my computer this afternoon. I have no recollection of reading it recently, so when I checked, I read 4 chapters of it a decade ago, even commenting. Then suddenly the author just stopped and there are no further entries in this story or blog. It was a good story. I would have enjoyed more.
I Wish
I wish I could say this never happened to me, but it seems to be a risk you take. Unless you only read completed stories. Then you can miss out on a lot of good stuff too. Oh well if the world was perfect think of how boring it would be.
Time is the longest distance to your destination.
Grown Wings on Humans
The idea of humans with grown wings is pretty frequent... "Jupiter Ascending", "Carnival Row", The BCTS (Twice Removed.) and others. All this ignores the aeronautical, and physiological aspects that prevent it. Birds have much lighter bones to lighten the load. Still it is nice to fantasize about.
Someone Pick Up The Torch
There are some very good writers on BCTS who could carry this on.''