
Well, I'm back

Well, they fed her up on antibiotics, stuck needles in to drain her twice, and got tired of listening to her and shipped her back. So far she is able to be up moving about 30min a day, which just about covers restroom trips. Glad I learned to cook and do laundry as a kid. I went to pharmacy and picked up a months supply of meds and they counted 14 scripts to ensure they got them all. I'm really glad they don't count things like medicine, doctor bills, and hamburger when they are trying to figure inflation rates for pensions and social security, or I could get a real raise.

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Story idea, HRM Charles III

I came across this. It seems that at least one legal document requires the monarch to be "Her Majesty".

So, like, obviously that's not an acceptable situation. Which leaves a clear solution...

~~ Michelle

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An update...

Just an update! I'm busy with life, however, that doesn't mean I'm done with my writings. I might be sending a few stories soon and yes even spin offs and maybe a spinoff of my prologue story. I'm rewriting Tarja 14 and one of the minor character will be in a new story that I'm writing. (Really two new stories).

Hope I won't forget my password again....


More good news

While sitting with the better half in an isolation room, the duty doctor came to visit. He was nice enough to inform us that along with the covid, or the covid had developed, or whatever it is, she has gone into viral pneumonia. So she will be starting on antibiotics. They had to drop her regular blood pressure med to start her on a new one to fight the atrial fibrillation (I hope I got that right) which they think is brought on due to the breathing treatments which hit her like adrenalin. Oh, goodie. We havin fun now!


Just when you thought it was safe

Well, the better half and I hunkered down and buried ourselves and came through the plague just fine. Then things started to slowly open in stages while we remained the same. School started back again, not sure what precautions in effect, while the kids I raised and their kids got fairly back to normal. I know I never saw them take masks with them, etc. We still took all the precautions and got some strange looks for wearing masks when the govt said we didn't need to. A couple of weeks ago one of the school age kids was diagnosed with covid, then another older kid.


For those who >can<, but have not yet ...

This is only for those who >can<, but have not yet contributed.
Please think about what BCTS is worth to you.

When I sign into BCTS, the back of my mind whispers "checking up on friends".

Happy sniffles from well over half the stories that I/you read? (Me)

Will these ratty old shoes hold out till Social Security Pay Day? (Me)

A lot of us here have been reading for years or decades. (Me, only years.) And some have been writing for years to a decade-plus.

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Let's help our Dorothy Colleen win a contest

Dorothy has entered her story into a contest here:

Let's help her out 'for a win'. The prizes are worth winning.

Please give her story a read. Then click a Like and write a review. Many reviews are only few sentences. Mine was 'really long', at not quite a screen-full.

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The History of Banning High Heels

I just have to share this video titled The History of Banning High Heels by fashion historian Nicole Rudolph about all the different reasons that society tried to ban high heels from the 1850's to the 1920's. The reasons, from our point of view, are so silly that they are hilarious.

Spoiler alert: Back then a high heel was defined as anything higher than about 1.5 inches!

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Love Cocktail Dresses

To me they are a universal fit any situation dress. Whether one is going to that Governor's Ball (I'll never get invited) or going to the Flea Market, there is a cocktail dress that will fit the occasion. For you authors it's easy for your heroine to be the center of attention or eye candy if she is wearing a cocktail dress. There are enough styles and designs one will work no matter where your leading lady is going or what she is doing. Exceptions of course is trekking through the jungle, killing terrorist in their desert camp, horse back riding, kind of situations.



Over the weekend I was horrified to find that Susan Brown's Football Girl 1&2 and Changes are no longer listed on Amazon\Kindle. (UK)

While this isn't an issue for me as I have those books, I was looking for a friend, on both their KINDLE device, smartphone kindle app and Laptop

Is Susan alright?

I ask only as last time this happened to me was when "The Last of the Fey" dropped from Amazon\Kindle lists, while Denise's estate was being taken care of.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Hopefully Class Action Lawsuit

Been dealing with Oklahoma Vital Records for a month now for a correction on my birth certificate. Years back Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled a name change can't be denied if it isn't for nefarious reasons such as to escape debt, lawsuits, etc. It came about because some of the lower courts were denying a name change for various reasons. Thus ask for a name change in court, submit to Oklahoma Vital Records the old and new name and it's amended on the birth certificate. A new one will be mailed out if the proper fees and forms were filled out.


Story Set in RW

Character is Bar tender (MC i think), at a Variety Bar, NightClub or a club like Tanya Allan's "Candy Cane Club"

Older Gentleman regular customer of the Character as he likes the ever expanding range of cocktails can make, and if i remember correctly that character can make for the mood of the customer

Two things get reviled later the Older Gentleman is real owner of venue, and father of its operator, and the character reads a board sheet that has a section on cocktails within the entertainment section in the weekend editions.

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Nice public interest story from the Ottawa area

Nice human interest story I just read. These days, good news is always welcome.

How My Life Unfolded When My Partner And Kid Both Came Out As Trans:

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Female Voice

In many stories on BCTS I read where the author assigns a "female voice" to his or her actress. I have made my own opinion known many times down through the years it's the rise and fall of pitch differentiates between a male and female voice. Several female actresses had a deep voice such as Paula Prentiss, Lauren Bacall, Susan Plushett, to name just a few. I doubt very few who had their back to them, and heard any of these women speak in a crowd, would turn to see who is talking think they are looking at a male.



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