
TG Resources

Not going through the other states for TG resources, here is Oklahoma. If the discrimination laws get signed into law by Stitt do diligent research. My sincere sympathy to all my brothers and sisters who are caught up in this illegal action by my own state legislature and governor who have absolutely no concept of transgender. Some of these sites want donations. That's up to each individual.

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Gave Birth to a Freak of Nature

This was a TV series. I only saw a couple episodes but was fascinated. A doctor who is head of a medical team solves unsolvable patient problems by being unorthodox himself. In this particular episode his patient is sick and no one can figure out why as he gets sicker each day. For a spoiler, the patient is innersex. The final sentence is when Dr. House is being his usual obnoxious self. "Just because your son is a freak of nature doesn't mean you have to treat him like one."


Missing Elsbeth again……

I was wondering what to read this afternoon when one of my sons happened to show me a miniature figure he had just finished painting. He purchased a new game just after Christmas, and he has been painting the figurines that make up the playing pieces. He is very good; a skill which I am proud to say he inherited from me.

I spent many an hour working with him and one of his brothers painting Warhammer 40K figurines and vehicles, and showing him the modeling skills I developed through my childhood and later in engineering classes.

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Apparent Issue with Cloudflare Not Playing Well With my Android Tablet & @Voice Aloud Reader

To use @Voice Aloud Reader on my Samsung tablet I move a copy of the file I want read to a @Voice Aloud folder. Since last night, rather than a copy of the file moving, I'm getting what appears to be a CloudFlare message appearing in the @Voice Aloud Reader folder. I'm using Chrome to view BCTS. (EDIT) I just installed Firefox on my tablet with the same results as Chrome.

The Title of the message shows up as:

Just a moment...

Text of the message follows:

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Fabulous February is almost here

Free books for everyone!

I agree that the books probably will not suit everyone, but go to the website and check out the descriptions.

So why is it called Fabulous February?

Because R T Green is giving away more than they’ve ever done! And for longer. The two giveaways here will run from the 1st to the 28th February. Yes, you read that right... the whole month!

Giveaway one is for everyone...

A whopping SIX current books, for free.

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Horrible Anniversaries - a personal begging post

9 years ago today, I gave birth to a little girl. 8 years ago today, I signed the papers that made her forever legally not my daughter anymore. It's always such a rough day, week, month every year...

This year it was exponentially compounded by AT&T turning my phone service off, charging me $250 for said turn off, and demanding all past due amount before I can get it turned back on. It's a large chunk of cash they want, almost $900 after all their fees and the 3 months of service.


Has the site been hacked?

Sinemet: Can I Buy

Submitted by stubbornnessflush on Sun, 2023/01/15 - 3:47pm

Has the site been hacked? The "Enter Site" link takes you to is external)
The "want to buy sinemet" link takes you to is external)

Sinemet is a drug used to treat the symptoms of Parkinson's.


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1 week 2 days

What's up?

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Gang stalking and no touch torture

How a psychopath is using the internet and social media to carry out gang stalking and no touch torture against creators, as well as supporting threats, harassment, trespassing and surveillance of creator families with children:

Please share this video while it is available on YouTube with others to raise awareness and [if possible] catch the perpetrator.

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Expiration Date- Or how I Love Being a Radiation Mutant

"The time has come the walrus said" - OK it was the doctor who told me.

Looks like the expiration date on the bottom of my left foot is becoming visible.

I am diagnosed with kidney failure- singular.

The "fun" part of being a mutant is missing parts- and not knowing about it until you are getting in bad shape. I found I was born without a kidney and other internals are not connected where they should have been, or a few internal skeletal structure defects.

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Looking for a story

The story is about a cross-dresser who goes out for an evening drive all dressed up. Stops in a remote place and is abducted by aliens. There is a discussion with the aliens that concludes with them "helping" him by correcting an anomaly in him. They release him and he finds out that he is now a she. The final line in the story is him/her wondering how he/she will explain it to his/her wife...

I think the author may be Valentina Michelle Smith, but I can't be sure.

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Fodder for Fiction

For those who follow space related news, Dmitry Rogozin, the former head of Roscosmos who now is in Donetsk, Ukraine, commanding invading Russian forces.

Anyway, according to this news posting (translated using Google Translate apparently) the man is likely to lose his erm 'family jewels' due to being injured by a Ukrainian artillery attack at his birthday party in a hotel.

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