No April Fool

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When things are going well, someone decides to get sarcastic in a comment and it all goes to hell. What is this, seven times since the beginning of the year? Do I have to moderate ALL comments?

I cooled off, and I've turned commenting back on in fairness to authors who have stories on the front page.

But JEEZ! Think before you hit send, okay? I've got a toothache this weekend and I'm not in the mood for this.





Sorry things got out of hand, again. Full moon, maybe?

Hope you're feeling better soon.


Mistress of the Guild of Evil Blonde Proofreaders


Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.


Oh well. Erin.

As they -- the mysterious *they* again -- say, 's*** happens'. Over at the TG_group today several of the regulars were acting foolish too, so it's not just BC that attracts the speak-before-brain-is-enguaged gang. Depending on when it happened and being the weekend, I'd be suspicious of too much *spiritious beverages* being a contributing factor.

Have fun at the dentist, Erin, I usually do.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

I wonder if we might benefit ...

... from a virtual "Museum of Posting Stupidity?" When something like this happens, all traces are removed, which is good in one way since the offending content is purged. However, in order to offend in the first place, someone crossed a line, and those of us who didn't witness this line being crossed have NO idea what exact stupidity caused Erin to have to step in in the first place.

Incidents could be captured and set aside, then posted in a sort of "Hall of Shame." Names could be stripped from the offending content, and we could all see just what it takes to turn a community into a firestorm. The virtual museum would provide a public service, in that folks could see what NOT to do when it comes to posting comments.

Just a thought, but wondering what you think. Erin? Anyone?


I can hear the narrator now ...

"... only the names have been changed to protect the innocent."

Dum dum dum dum !

I LOVE it Randalynn.

I miss Joe Friday.

Miss Joe Friday, hum .. gotta , go. I have another Strangefellow's Day idea ...

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

It was me - I made the offending comment

Hope Eternal Reigns's picture

I didn't know myself that I had crossed the line until Erin pointed out my faux pas. I always thought fauxes were red and would be easy to notice. Seems they are at least as sly as their four-footed brethern, they sneak up and bite you on the ass when you least expect it.

I have already apologized to Erin for creating this whole fiasco. I would like to now apologize to the offended party, and say that there was no harm intended.

Thanks to Erin for accepting my apology.

with love,


with love,


Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.

For shame and thanks for owning up


we all have our bad moments. No, that sounds like 'Hope we all have our bad moments'. I don't hope that at all. I ... Hope, your name is confusing me. Not that I hope that it ...

Oh well. Just be careful, HER, and I will be too.

John in Wauwatosa

P.S. I still like Randalynn's idea.

John in Wauwatosa