Originally published on Hatbox

An Eft in Her Bra

     This tale concerns three witches, or weird sisters if you prefer. Although one of them isn't really a witch, nor a sister if it comes to that. You could, I suppose, always include Mildred in their number. She most definitely is a witch and a female too, although as she doesn't actually appear, it's a moot point as to whether she does in all fairness count.

     The title? Well, a bra falls into the category of female apparel. An undergarment, the function of which is to support the .... Oh an eft! Well an eft is a .... a sort of .... Well Adrian is an eft. Not originally of course. Any more than Alaister was originally a cat. Although he's dead now, and sadly missed, poor thing. A blessing in disguise really. He never was the same after that tragic encounter with the Zeppelin. No need to worry your pretty little head about those two though. Old history and only peripheral to the tale at best.

     No, our story really begins when ....

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